1. Tornado attacks abruptly and fiercely, bringing in the strongest wind on the ground. ������Ϯ��ͻȻ�����ң������ķ��ǵ�������ǿ�ġ�
2. When the star exhausts its usable fuel, it abruptly loses the constant struggle to hold up its own weight. �����Ǻľ��˿�ʹ�õ�ȼ��ʱ������ͻȻʧȥ����֧�������������Ĺ���������
3. Even so we, once born, abruptly came to nought and held no sign of virtue to display, but were consumed in our wickedness. ����Ҳ����������һ�������������ڣ�û�б���һ�㹦�µĺۼ���ֻ��а�������������ǵ�һ����