1. Abdominal law: Inspiratory when loosen abdominal muscle, expiratory when contractive abdominal muscle, such thresh 3 minutes. ��ʽ������������ʱ���ɸ���������ʱ������������˷�����3���ӡ�
2. Abdominal law: Inspiratory when loosen abdominal muscle, expiratory when contractive abdominal muscle, such thresh 3 minutes. ��ʽ������������ʱ���ɸ���������ʱ������������˷�����3���ӡ�
3. If a strong stimulus, Anrou abdominal ribs abdominal rectus abdominis and oblique abdominal muscles, but also can lose weight and slim waist. ����ǿ�ҵĴ̼������ู���ĸ�ֱ�����߸������еĸ�б����Ҳ��ʹ�������ʲ���ϸ��
4. Objective To evaluate inferior oblique muscle myectomy in the management of superior oblique muscle palsy. Ŀ��̽����б�������г���������������б����Ե�Ч����
5. Objective To evaluate inferior oblique muscle myectomy in the management of superior oblique muscle palsy. Ŀ��̽����б�������г���������������б����Ե�Ч����
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abdominal belt abdominal binder binder cummerbund kummerbund ����;
abdominal belt abdominal binder binder cummerbund kummerbund ����;
abdominal belt abdominal binder binder cummerbund kummerbund ����;