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abatement [ə'beitmənt]



    n. ���٣�����������



    1. Practical ways of smoke abatement and dedusting and consumption Lawering in medium mini furnace at present are provided.
    2. Under the CDM mechanism, rich countries can invest in carbon-abatement projects in poor countries and get carbon credits that can be traded.
    3. Abatement notices are usually issued to anyone causing air pollution from a process or machinery and they will be asked to reduce or stop their emissions, or face prosecution.


      1. an interruption in the intensity or amount of something
      2. the act of abating


    �ۼ�; ��������; �ۿ�; ����;
    abatement claim
    ����Ҫ��; ����ü�; Ҫ�����;
    pollsution abatement
    abatement smoke
    involuntary abatement


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