Years later, her inspiration, urging, anger, and persuasion and passion for learning finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped me a note saying, "I’m so proud to read your column in the Nashville Tennessean.”
Miss Bessie was 80 when I went back to McMinnville and visited her in a senior citizens' apartment building. Pointing out proudly that her building was racially integrated, she reached for two glasses and a pint of bourbon. I was momentarily shocked, because it would have been scandalous in the 1930s and ’40s for word to get out that a teacher drank, and nobody had ever raised a rumor that Miss Bessie did.
I felt a new sense of equality as she lifted her glass to mine. Then she revealed a softness and compassion that I had never known as student.
"I've never forgotten that examination day," she said, "when Buster Martin held up seven fingers, obviously asking you for help with question number seven. 'Name a common carrier.’ I can still picture you looking at your exam paper and humming a few bars of "Chattanooga Choo Choo." I was so amused, I couldn't punish either of you."
Miss Bessie was telling me that I had never fooled her for a moment.