For four hours they were trapped in the rubble, wondering what was happening around them and how long they would be trapped. D'Agostino found a can of Sunkist orange soda, which seemed a drink of the gods to the thirsty team. Josephine was “a trooper D'Agostino said of her. He offered her a drink and she declined, being brave and stoic. When, after a while, she said she was cold, Falco gave her his coat and even held her hand when she said she was scared. They had no idea what was happening around them; they could only hope that there were efforts being made to find survivors. Little did they know how ecstatic firefighterswould be to discover that anyone had survived this disaster. Little did they know that the search for them was frantic and urgent for all concerned — those lost and those desperate to find them.
While they waited, some of them methodically repacked the rope in case they would need it later, a routine that now gave them something to do. A cell phone played a part in the outcome, as it had in the tragedy of Flight 93. This time it was when Butler, who couldn'treach the firehouse through all the chaos of the phone system, called his wife. She called the firehouse and let them know of the plight of the missing men.
Finally, they were found. Rescued.
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