Furthermore, there is reason to believe that the rate is still rising sharply.Today, for example, the number of scientific journals and articles is doubling,like industrial production in the advanced countries, about every fifteen years,and according to biochemist Philip Siekevitz.“what has been learned in the last three decades about the nature of living beings dwarfs in extent of knowledge any comparable period of scientific discovery in the history of mankind.”Today the United States government alone generates 100,000 reporters each year, plus 450,000 articles, books and papers.On a worldwide basis, scientific and technical literature mounts at a rate of some 60,000 000 pages a year.
The computer bust upon the scene around 1950.With its unprecedented power for analysis and dissemination of extremely varied kinds of data in unbelievable quantities and at mind-staggering speeds,it has become a major force behind the latest acceleration in knowledge-acquisition.Combined with other increasingly powerful analytical tools for observing the invisible universe around us,it has raised the rate of knowledge-acquisition to dumb founding speeds.
Francis Bacon told us that “Knowledge… is power.” This can now be translated into contemporary terms.In our social setting, “Knowledge… is change”-and accelerating knowledge-acquisition, fueling the great engine of technology, means accelerating change.