Knowledge as Fuel
The rate at which man has been storing up useful knowledge about himself and the universe has been spiraling upward for 10,000 years.The rate took a sharp upward leap with the invention of writing, but even so it remained painfully slow over centuries of time.The next great leap forward in knowledge-acquisitions did not occur until the invention of movable type in the fifteenth century by Gutenberg and others.Prior to 1500,by the most optimistic estimates, Europe was producing books at a rate of 1,000 titles per year.This means, give or takea bit, that it would take a full century to produce a library of 100,000 titles.By 1950,four and a half centuries later, the rate had accelerated so sharply that Europe was producing 120,000 titles a year.What once took a century now took only ten months.By 1960,a single decade later, the rate had made another significant jump, so that a century's work could becompleted in seven and a half months.And, by the mid-sixties, the output of books on a world scale, Europe included, approached the prodigious figure of 1,000 titles per day.