“I'd never had any mail of my own, so that made me feel better. When I told my mother, she shook her head, saying, ‘Don't feel too bad, Viola, if she forgets; she'll have so many folks to write to.'
“Two months later, I got a postcard with a picture of the Yangtze River, postmarked Chungking, China. ‘Are you still making me proud of you, my little brave one?' it asked. If anyone had given me a million dollars, it couldn't have made me more proud.
Right after that, my parents broke up and we moved away from Morgantown. I raised my five brothers and sisters, married, and raised four children of my own.
“Goodness, we are almost there! I've talked too much. I do hope I haven't bored you.”
Then, for the first time, she turned to me and saw the tears in my eyes.
“Would you like to see Lucy Wood's granddaughter?” I asked. My baby was waking from her nap. My heart was singing. The burning question of my childhood had been richly answered. At long last, I knew exactly what my mother had been like.