每日口语(5.23):He noted down everything
He noted down everything I said.他把我说的都记下了。 note down: write sthv.down 记录;记下 再如: He noted down her address and tele...2008-05-23 编辑:echo 标签: 每日
每日口语(5.22):Our club membership is&n
Our club membership is restricted to twenty.我们俱乐部成员限制在20人以内。 restrict to: limit; keep within certain limits 限制;约束;使在... -
每日口语(5.21):The domestic leg of 
The domestic leg of torch relay is scaled back.国内(奥运)火炬传递(行程)被缩减。 名词leg,我们所熟悉的意思就是“腿”,但在这个句子里,指的是一段过程。英文对这个词的解释是,a s... -
每日口语(5.20):America offered an initi
America offered an initial $500,000 in relief aid.美国提供首批50万美元赈灾援助。 涉及到社会福利性质的救济或救济品,常用到这个词relief,英文的解释是,aid for the ... -
每日口语(5.19):Death toll climbs in&nbs
Death toll climbs in quake aftermath.地震死亡人数随后攀升。 《纽约时报》一篇报道的标题。年初雪灾的时候,学过“toll”这个词的用法,它的原意是高速路费用或过桥费之类的花销,引申而表达损耗的量,这是英 -
每日口语(5.18):Shakespeare made his mar
Shakespeare made his mark as a playwright.莎士比亚作为一个剧作家享有盛名。make one's mark: make a reputation 出名再如:Norman quickly...2008-05-18 编辑:echo 标签: 奥运
每日口语(5.17):Beggars can't be cho
Beggars can't be choosers.乞丐没有选择的余地。人穷志短。有实力才有自由。 这个短短的句子在英语和汉语的语境中都常常听到,汉语中类似的说法还有,“要来的饭别嫌馊”,“乞丐没的挑”。英文的解释是,begg -
每日口语(5.16):Sean, it's fine. You
Sean, it's fine. You should check this out.肖恩,这个不错。你应该过来看看。 固定表达check it out,意思就相当于Take a look。比方你看到一幅画蛮不错的,你就可... -
每日口语(5.15):Too many cooks spoil&nbs
Too many cooks spoil the broth.厨子太多煮坏汤。 还有一句表达类似意思的句子,the more cooks the worse potage(厨子越多,汤越难喝)。最原始的意思是,每个厨师都在汤里加些调... -
每日口语(5.14):Luke has a very exc
Luke has a very excitable nature.卢克生性易激动。----------------------------------------------------------------------Excita...2008-05-14 编辑:echo 标签:
每日口语(5.13):What's another word
What's another word for 'megapolis'?“大都市”这个词的同义词是什么? 一个字一个翻译成英文,这个句子应该说成,what's the synonym of t... -
每日口语(5.12):He bought a pig in&
He bought a pig in a poke again.他买东西又当了一次冤大头。 习惯用语buy a pig in a poke源自14世纪,多指轻率和盲目地购买商品,而买来的东西却不值那么多钱。据说,它来自一个滑头的商人...