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  • [口语] 每日口语(4.17):He is all&n

    He is all at sea as to what to do next.他惘然若失,不知下一步该怎么办。  all at sea,原意是“在海上”,引申意为“迷茫,不知所措”。例句:There's so much ma...

    2009-04-17 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [新闻] 每日新闻(4.16):朝鲜宣布退出六方会谈

    英语原文S. Korea regrets DPRK quitting six-party talks The South Korean government on Tuesday expressed regret over the ...

    2009-04-16 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日词汇] 每日词汇(4.16):require 提倡;要求;&n

    require [ri'kwaiə]vt.需要要求; 命令【常用短语】We did all that was required of us. 我们做了要求我们所做的一切。The emergency requ...

    2009-04-16 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日一诗] 每日一诗(4.16):散步

    The Walk散步Thomas Hardy托马斯?哈代未知译者You did not walk with meOf late to the hill-top treeBy the gated ways.As in earlier d...

    2009-04-16 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [习语] 每日习语(4.16):keep close 

    今天继续介绍“打牌"时的表情:打牌的时候脸上不露表情的人往往都很谨慎,把牌放在靠胸口的地方,免得给别人偷看。这在英文里就是 close to the vest。(keep) close to the vest用在一般情况下就...

    2009-04-16 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [笑话] 每日笑话(4.16):我自己过去

    I'll Go There MyselfThere was once a landlord who always pretended he was knowledgeable though he was completely...

    2009-04-16 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [口语] 每日口语(4.16):Drinking yoghour

    Drinking yoghourt before lunch was all the go.午餐前喝酸奶曾经一度流行。  all the go在这里是“流行”的意思。 例句:For a while rock'n'r...

    2009-04-16 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [新闻] 每日新闻(4.15):奥巴马主持白宫滚彩蛋活动 庆复活

    英语原文Obama meets Easter 'egg-spectations'President Barack Obama turned the White House into a huge playgroun...

    2009-04-15 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日词汇] 每日词汇(4.15):mean 意指,意欲,意图,打算

    mean [mi:n, min]vt./adj.mean是一个常用词汇,可作动词、形容词和名词,含义较多,下面对其主要含义略作介绍1、mean作vt.时有“表示…的意思,意指,意欲,意图,打算,意谓着”含义,例如:What he sa...

    2009-04-15 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日一诗] 每日一诗(4.15):深红的花瓣睡着了

    Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal by Lord Alfred Tennyson阿尔弗雷得·丁尼生爵士Now sleeps the crimson petal, now the white;Nor waves ...

    2009-04-15 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [习语] 每日习语(4.15):the shoe on

    美国的成语或俗语和其他语言一样同生活中的各个方面有关。有一些和食品有关,有的来自扑克牌游戏,还有的和穿着有联系。今天介绍的是“The shoe is on the other foot”。 The shoe is on the oth...

    2009-04-15 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [笑话] 每日笑话(4.15):第一次

    THE FIRST TIME Patient: I'm so frightened, this is my first operation. Surgeon: I know just how you feel. This i...

    2009-04-15 编辑:echo 标签:

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