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  • [每日一诗] 每日一诗(1.21):Song of a&n

    April this year, not otherwise Than April of a year ago, Is full of whispers, full of sighs, Of dazzling mud and ding...

    2009-01-21 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [习语] 每日习语(1.21):eye-opener

    今天给大家介绍的一个非常有用的习惯用语是eye-opener。Eye-opener是一个字。Eye-opener有两个意思,一个是表示惊奇,就像下面这个女子所表达的情绪: "Of course, John and I hav...

    2009-01-21 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [笑话] 每日笑话(1.21):证券经济人

    An 84-year-old retired stockbroker was admitted to our hospital's intensive-care unit,suffering from a peptic ul...

    2009-01-21 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [口语] 每日口语(1.21):Sleep tight!

    Sleep tight!睡个好觉!  很简单的两个词,也是很地道一个英语表达。其中,tight并不是指被子盖得严,而是指早期人们睡的稻草床上的鬃绳绷得紧。过去,稻草的垫子就铺在纵横交错的鬃绳上,鬃绳起到弹簧的作用。这

    2009-01-21 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [新闻] 每日新闻(1.20):印尼山寨版“奥巴马”一炮而红

    英语原文Obama look-alike shoots to fame in IndonesiaIndonesian photographer Ilham Anas won't be at US President-elec...

    2009-01-20 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日词汇] 每日词汇(1.20):conclude 结束;断定;达

    conclude[kən'klu:d]vt.(正式)结束; 圆满解决, 使...完毕断定, 得出结论订立, 达成(协议)(经讨论后)决定【常用短语】conclude a speech 结束演说We conc...

    2009-01-20 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日一诗] 每日一诗(1.20):父亲的爱(A father

      Fathers seldom say "I love you"   父亲们很少说"我爱你"   Though the feeling's always there,   虽然那份感觉一直都在那   B...

    2009-01-20 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [习语] 每日习语(1.20):flea market


    2009-01-20 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [笑话] 每日笑话(1.20):两颗头盖骨

    Two SkullsTourist: Whose skull is it? Guide: That is the skull of Julius Caesar.Tourist: Then whose is that small one...

    2009-01-20 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [口语] 每日口语(1.20):May I ask&n

    May I ask for quarter?能不能请你高抬贵手?  名词quarter在这句话中并不是我们所熟悉的“四分之一”的意思,英文对此的解释是“Mercy or clemency, especially when displa...

    2009-01-20 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [新闻] 每日新闻(1.19):张艺谋将执导中国国庆庆典

    英语原文Slump unlikely to mar China festivitiesChina has invited Zhang Yimou, the film director who thrilled a global aud...

    2009-01-19 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日词汇] 每日词汇(1.19):consume 消耗;消费;

    consume [kən'sju:m]v.消费;消耗;His old car consumed much gasoline.他的旧车消耗很多汽油。Each year Americans consume a...

    2009-01-19 编辑:echo 标签:

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