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  • [新闻] 每日新闻(12.5):日本政府鼓励国民多吃大米

    Japanese told to eat more riceThe Japanese government has urged the nation to eat more rice in a new drive to boost t...

    2008-12-05 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日词汇] 每日词汇(12.5):violate 违犯;侵害;污辱

    violate ['vaiəleit]vt.违犯, 破坏, 违反侵犯; 侵害; 妨碍; 扰乱亵渎(神圣); 玷污, 污辱【常用短语】violate a law 犯法violate sleep 妨碍睡眠vio...

    2008-12-05 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日一诗] 每日一诗(12.5):美善和真

    Let not my love be call'd idolatry,Nor my beloved as an idol show,Since all alike my songs and praises beTo one,...

    2008-12-05 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [习语] 每日习语(12.5):cloudy

    Cloud这个字是名词,意思是云。Cloud后面加一个字母y就成了形容词,意思是:多云。但是,它的含意也可以解释为:暗淡、不乐观。下面是一个电台播音员在发表他对国际贸易前景的看法: "When you look at all...

    2008-12-05 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [笑话] 每日笑话(12.5):classical dialog

    classical dialogue(经典对白)同学们,明天就要考试了!Test paper is locked in my drawer!Review your lessons carefully after going back ...

    2008-12-05 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [口语] 每日口语(12.5):Check your 

    Check your answers with mine.把你的答案跟我的核对一下。  动词check在句子中的意思是“校验,核对”(to verify by consulting a source or authority),特别是...

    2008-12-05 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [新闻] 每日新闻(12.4):赖斯访英 为女王弹奏钢琴

    Condoleezza Rice plays piano for Queen at palaceOutgoing US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice played the piano for ...

    2008-12-04 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日词汇] 每日词汇(12.4):custom 习惯, 

    custom ['kʌstəm]n.习惯, 风俗, 惯例, 光顾Don't be a slave to custom.不要拘泥于习俗。We would like to have ...

    2008-12-04 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日一诗] 每日一诗(12.4):爱情诗

    LOVE POEM     ——Douglas DunnLive in you, you love in me;We are two garden haunted by each other.Sometimes I cannot fi...

    2008-12-04 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [习语] 每日习语(12.4):in the clou

    不管是美国人,还是中国人,我们每个人恐怕都有白日做梦的时候。有的时候,我们一边走路,一边在想心事,或者是一边做什么事,一边在想其他事情,身边发生什么事全然没有注意到。美国人把这叫做:in the clouds。 I

    2008-12-04 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [笑话] 每日笑话(12.4):wake up

    wake upA couple stopped talking to each other after a quarrel. However, the husband was worried about to catch up a m...

    2008-12-04 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [口语] 每日口语(12.4):That might 

    That might be in your favor. 那可能对你有利。  介词词组in favor of有两个主要的含义:“支持、赞成”(In support of; approving);“有利于、对……有好处”(to the ...

    2008-12-04 编辑:echo 标签:

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