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  • [新闻] 每日新闻(12.1):中国首富“出事了” 全为一个“贪

    媒体报道中国首富国美老板黄光裕先生被警方拘查国美电器控股有限公司股票停牌,商业活动暂停警方的调查涉及股票操纵传闻过去五年黄光裕三次高踞中国财富榜首位Trading in a Chinese electrical appliances ...

    2008-12-01 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日词汇] 每日词汇(12.1):flourish 繁荣;炫耀;盛

    flourish ['flʌriʃ] v.繁荣;炫耀;盛行As a result, your relationship will grow and flourish.你们的关系将会因此成...

    2008-12-01 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日一诗] 每日一诗(12.1):Power of th

    My love is like to ice, and I to fire; How comes it then that this her cold so great Is not dissolved through my so h...

    2008-12-01 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [习语] 每日习语(12.1):basket case

    今天讲的常用语是:basket case。 Basket的意思就是“篮子”。比如说,要是一个人在一次事故中失去了四肢,他就变得毫无能力来料理自己的生活,只能让人们把他放在一只篮子里抬来抬去。这种毫无能力和希望的情景就是

    2008-12-01 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [笑话] 每日笑话(12.1):A Careless 

    A Careless Barber   Barber: Were you wearing a red scarf when you came in?  Customer: No.   Barber: Oh, then I must h...

    2008-12-01 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [口语] 每日口语(12.1):Flags flew 

    Flags flew at half-mast upon the death of premier.总理逝世的时候降了半旗。  “降半旗”,固定的表达方式就是“(旗子)fly at half-mast”。中文的说法是人作主语;英文的表...

    2008-12-01 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [新闻] 每日新闻(11.30):泰国总理颂猜拒绝辞职

    泰国军方昨晚介入政府与控制曼谷国际机场的抗议者之间的冲突,呼吁政府下台,同时抗议者离开占据的建筑物。 Thailand's military last night stepped into the battle betwee...

    2008-11-30 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日词汇] 每日词汇(11.30):cavil挑毛病,吹毛求疵

    cavil ['kævil] v. 挑毛病,吹毛求疵例句与用法:He cavilled at being asked to cook his own breakfast. 他嗔怪让他自己做早饭.词形变化:...

    2008-11-30 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [每日一诗] 每日一诗(11.30):爱像小船,徜徉汪洋

    Love likes as a ship,that through the ocean wideLike as a ship,that through the ocean wide, By conduct of some star d...

    2008-11-30 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [习语] 每日习语(11.30):all washed 

    今天我们要讲的习惯用语是:all washed up。大家都知道,wash就是洗东西的“洗”。但是,all washed up的意思是彻底完蛋,和乾净不乾净毫无关系。下面这位女士在和她妹妹说另一个他们都认识的朋友: "Did...

    2008-11-30 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [笑话] 每日笑话(11.30):Big Surprise

    Big SurpriseVisitor: Is this a healthy place to live in? Local yokel:Yes, sir. When I arrived here, I couldn't w...

    2008-11-30 编辑:echo 标签:

  • [口语] 每日口语(11.30):You're a&nb

    You're a one-girl guy.你是个用情专一的人。  “用情专一”的表达方式之一。套用一下,如果形容一个女孩用情专一,应该就要写成“one-man girl”。

    2008-11-30 编辑:echo 标签:

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