今天要给大家介绍的一个俗语和"燕麦"这个字有关:to sow one's wild oats。
To sow就是播种的意思,wild oats就是野生的燕麦。美国人常用燕麦来喂牲口,野生的燕麦那就更不值一钱了。可是,to sow wild oats 并不是播种野生的燕麦,它的意思是沉醉于放荡的生活中,下面是一个哥哥在说他的弟弟。他说:
"Joe just had his 24th birthday. So I told him he ought to stop sowing his wild oats, wasting his time and money drinking with his buddies and chasing after girls. It's time for him to settle down, marry a nice girl and start raising a family."
这个人说:“乔伊刚过了他二十四岁的生日。所以我告诉他,不要再浪费时间和钱 孩,结婚成家安顿下来的时候了。”
认为生活放荡是浪费时间和金钱, 这只是当今人们的观点。可是,一个世纪以前,人们并不那末看。那时候,生活放荡还曾经是美国很时髦的一种生活方式。下面这个例子就很能说明这种情况:
" In the old days it was the thing to do for wealthy families to sent their young sons off to Europe for a year to have a good time and sow their wild oats before they came back, got a job, and got married."
vt.举行(仪式); 庆祝(胜利等); 祝贺;赞美, 颂扬
The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets.