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101个儿童英语故事(MP3+中英字幕) 第112期:小精灵(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The Little Elves
  • [by:可可英语]
  • Long time ago, there lived a very poor shoemaker.
  • 小精灵
  • Because the old man was so poor, he had enough leather to make only one pair of shoes.
  • 很久以前,有一个非常贫穷的鞋匠。
  • Still, the very understanding old man never complained.
  • 因为他太穷了,他手中的皮革只够做一双鞋子。
  • "Tomorrow morning, let's make one pair of shoes with a cheerful heart."
  • 但是,善良的老人从不抱怨。
  • After the old man cleaned and prepared the leather that he was going to work on the next day, he placed it on the worktable and went to sleep.
  • “明天早上,咱们开开心心地做一双鞋子。”
  • The next day, it was morning.
  • 老人把第二天需要用的皮革准备好,并擦干净,把皮革放到工作台上,然后就去睡觉了。
  • The old man was very surprised.
  • 醒来的时候已经是早上了。
  • "Oh, where did this beautiful shoes come from?"
  • 老人很惊讶:
  • On top of the worktable, the leather was gone, instead a pair of shoes that had been made with a lot of effort was there.
  • “哦?这漂亮的鞋子是从哪来的呢?”
  • A little later, a customer came into the store.
  • 昨晚工作台上的皮革已经消失不见了,取而代之的是一双精致的鞋子。
  • "I saw from the outside window the very beautiful shoes. Please, sell the shoes to me."
  • 不一会,一位顾客走进店里。
  • The customer showed such a great desire to buy the shoes that he bought it for much more than the normal price.
  • “我从窗外看到了这双漂亮的鞋子。请把鞋子卖给我吧。”
  • With that money, the old man bought enough leather to make four pairs of shoes.
  • 顾客很想要这双鞋子,因此用高价买下了。

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The Little Elves

Long time ago, there lived a very poor shoemaker. Because the old man was so poor, he had enough leather to make only one pair of shoes. Still, the very understanding old man never complained. "Tomorrow morning, let's make one pair of shoes with a cheerful heart."
After the old man cleaned and prepared the leather that he was going to work on the next day, he placed it on the worktable and went to sleep. The next day, it was morning. The old man was very surprised. "Oh, where did this beautiful shoes come from?" On top of the worktable, the leather was gone, instead a pair of shoes that had been made with a lot of effort was there.
A little later, a customer came into the store. "I saw from the outside window the very beautiful shoes. Please, sell the shoes to me." The customer showed such a great desire to buy the shoes that he bought it for much more than the normal price. With that money, the old man bought enough leather to make four pairs of shoes.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
leather ['leðə]


n. 皮革,皮制品
adj. 皮革制的

cheerful ['tʃiəfəl]


adj. 高兴的,快乐的





