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101个儿童英语故事(MP3+中英字幕) 第111期:会唱歌的白骨(3)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The older brother was jealous of his little brother for catching the boar.
  • 哥哥很嫉妒弟弟能抓住野猪。
  • The older brother dragged the sleeping younger brother and threw him below the bridge, where he died.
  • 哥哥把睡着的弟弟拖出去,将他扔到桥下摔死了。
  • And pretending that he had caught the boar, he tied it onto his shoulders and went to the king.
  • 他假装是自己抓住的野猪,把它扛在肩上,回去面见国王。
  • "You are truly a great young man. As I promised I will make you my son-in-law."
  • “你真是个了不起的年轻人。我答应过会将公主嫁给你。”
  • The older brother became the king's son-in-law.
  • 就这样坏心眼的哥哥成了国王的女婿。
  • After a few years a shepherd was walking below the bridge when he saw a bone that was white as snow.
  • 几年后,一个牧羊人路过桥下,他看到一块雪白的骨头。
  • "I will make a flute with that bone."
  • “我可以用那根骨头吹奏一曲,”
  • The shepherd took the bone and made a magnificent flute.
  • 牧羊人就用那根骨头,准备吹奏一曲。
  • However, before the shepherd had a chance to play it, the flute started to play on its own.
  • 但是,牧羊人还没吹奏之前,骨头便开始唱了起来。
  • "Listen people, listen people. Listen to my song. Long time ago, my older brother killed me and threw me under the bridge.
  • “听我说,听我说。听听我的遭遇吧。很久以前,我哥哥杀了我,把我扔到桥下。
  • Then he took the boar that I had caught and married the princess." The song caused pain to the hearts of the people.
  • 然后,他带着我抓到的野猪回去娶了公主。”歌声如此悲伤,闻者伤心听者流泪。
  • "This is a very strange flute." The shepherd took the strange flute to the king.
  • “好奇怪的骨头,”牧羊人带着骨头去见国王。
  • In front of the king, the flute sang again.
  • 在国王面前,骨头又唱了起来。
  • After hearing the words of the song, the king went under that bridge and dug up the ground. Inside, the bones of the younger brother was there.
  • 听完这首歌,国王派人到那座桥下不停地挖。果然发现了弟弟的骨头。

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The older brother was jealous of his little brother for catching the boar. The older brother dragged the sleeping younger brother and threw him below the bridge, where he died.

And pretending that he had caught the boar, he tied it onto his shoulders and went to the king.
"You are truly a great young man. As I promised I will make you my son-in-law." The older brother became the king's son-in-law.
After a few years a shepherd was walking below the bridge when he saw a bone that was white as snow. "I will make a flute with that bone." The shepherd took the bone and made a magnificent flute. However, before the shepherd had a chance to play it, the flute started to play on its own.
"Listen people, listen people. Listen to my song. Long time ago, my older brother killed me and threw me under the bridge. Then he took the boar that I had caught and married the princess." The song caused pain to the hearts of the people.
"This is a very strange flute." The shepherd took the strange flute to the king. In front of the king, the flute sang again. After hearing the words of the song, the king went under that bridge and dug up the ground. Inside, the bones of the younger brother was there.
"Go and capture that man." The king ordered the capture of the older brother. "A brave young man has died for no good reason!" The king mourned the death of the younger brother and buried his bones in a sunny place.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
flute [flu:t]


n. 长笛 vi. 吹长笛,发出笛声 vt. 制或刻垂直

capture ['kæptʃə]


vt. 捕获,俘获,夺取,占领,迷住,(用照片等)留存<





