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101个儿童英语故事(MP3+中英字幕) 第110期:会唱歌的白骨(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "Thank you. You have truly a kind heart. Take this net. When the boar appears, throw it at him right away."
  • “谢谢你。你真是个心地善良的人。带上这个网吧。野猪出现时,立刻扔在它身上,”
  • The younger brother thanked the dwarf. He carried the net and walked into the forest looking for the boar.
  • 弟弟再三感谢。之后便带着网进森林里寻找野猪了。
  • "Roar!" When the boar saw the younger brother, it ran to him with great power.
  • “吼!”当野猪看见弟弟的时候,立刻朝他冲过来。
  • The younger brother threw the net that was on his shoulder, at the boar.
  • 弟弟把肩膀上的网扔向野猪。
  • The boar that was running forward, got cut from the sharp net and his head split into two.
  • 正在奋力狂奔的野猪,冲进网内,脑袋被锐利的网缝割成了两半。
  • The younger brother tied the boar onto his shoulders and headed for the castle.
  • 弟弟把野猪紧紧地捆绑好扛在肩上朝城堡走去。
  • Meanwhile, the older brother that went in the opposite direction found a drinking house in the forest.
  • 同时,反方向的哥哥发现了森林里有间小房子。
  • "Alright, I will have a drink here and work up my courage."
  • “好吧,我在这里喝点酒,壮壮胆。”
  • Just then, across from him, he saw his younger brother coming out carrying the boar.
  • 就在这时,他看到弟弟从对面走了出来肩上还扛着野猪。
  • "My goodness, how did he." The greedy brother was boiling with rage.
  • “我的天哪,他是怎么做到的,”贪婪的哥哥顿时气不过了。
  • "Little brother, come on in over here. Since you have caught the boar, have a drink of wine and rest."
  • “弟弟啊,快过来这里。既然你抓到了野猪,那就喝点酒休息一下吧。”
  • Without suspecting anything, the little brother drank the wine.
  • 弟弟毫无戒心开始喝酒。
  • "Big brother! Let's go to the castle and share this happiness."
  • “哥哥!我们一起回城堡告诉大家这个好消息吧,”
  • The little brother, being so tired, fell asleep after drinking the wine.
  • 说着说着弟弟因为太累又喝了点酒便睡着了。

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"Thank you. You have truly a kind heart. Take this net. When the boar appears, throw it at him right away." The younger brother thanked the dwarf. He carried the net and walked into the forest looking for the boar.

"Roar!" When the boar saw the younger brother, it ran to him with great power. The younger brother threw the net that was on his shoulder, at the boar.
The boar that was running forward, got cut from the sharp net and his head split into two. The younger brother tied the boar onto his shoulders and headed for the castle.
Meanwhile, the older brother that went in the opposite direction found a drinking house in the forest. "Alright, I will have a drink here and work up my courage." Just then, across from him, he saw his younger brother coming out carrying the boar. "My goodness, how did he." The greedy brother was boiling with rage.
"Little brother, come on in over here. Since you have caught the boar, have a drink of wine and rest." Without suspecting anything, the little brother drank the wine.
"Big brother! Let's go to the castle and share this happiness." The little brother, being so tired, fell asleep after drinking the wine.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

dwarf [dwɔ:f]


n. 矮子,侏儒
vt. 使矮小

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒





