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101个儿童英语故事(MP3+中英字幕) 第106期:莴苣姑娘(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ivy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Rapunzel
  • [by:可可英语]
  • Once upon a time, there lived an old couple in a village.
  • 莴苣姑娘
  • The old couple prayed every day that they might have a baby.
  • 很久以前,一个村庄里住着一对老夫妻。
  • One day, an old woman moved into the house next door.
  • 这对老夫妇每天都祈祷他们能有一个孩子。
  • The Old woman raised lettuce that looked very tasty and delicious.
  • 一天,一位老妇人搬进了隔壁的房子。
  • The old wife wanted to eat the lettuce from next door, and she constantly pestered her husband to let her eat that mouth-watering lettuce.
  • 那位老妇人种的莴苣看上去水灵灵的,很可口。
  • "Dear, I want to have that lettuce." Without knowing what else to do, the husband crept next door and stole the old woman's lettuce.
  • 老太太想吃隔壁的莴苣,她一直缠着丈夫想吃水灵灵的莴苣。
  • However, the woman next door was a witch, and she noticed that the husband of her neighbor had stolen the lettuce.
  • “亲爱的,我想吃那边的莴苣。”没有办法,丈夫只好爬到隔壁,偷走了老妇人的莴苣。
  • The witch said, "You dare to steal another's lettuce. You deserve to be punished."
  • 然而,隔壁的老妇人是一个女巫,她知道是邻居的丈夫偷了莴苣。
  • The husband said, "I am sorry, but my wife wants to have the lettuce very much."
  • 女巫说:“你居然偷别人的莴苣。你应该受到惩罚,”
  • The witch said, "Is that so? Then you can take as much as you want. But there is a condition."
  • 丈夫回答道,“很抱歉,因为我的妻子非常想吃你种的莴苣。
  • The husband asked, "What is it?" The witch said, "If a baby is born, you have to give me the child."
  • 女巫说:“真的是那样吗?那你以后想吃多少就吃多少。但我有一个条件。”

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Once upon a time, there lived an old couple in a village. The old couple prayed every day that they might have a baby. One day, an old woman moved into the house next door. The Old woman raised lettuce that looked very tasty and delicious.
The old wife wanted to eat the lettuce from next door, and she constantly pestered her husband to let her eat that mouth-watering lettuce. "Dear, I want to have that lettuce." Without knowing what else to do, the husband crept next door and stole the old woman's lettuce.
However, the woman next door was a witch, and she noticed that the husband of her neighbor had stolen the lettuce. The witch said, "You dare to steal another's lettuce. You deserve to be punished." The husband said, "I am sorry, but my wife wants to have the lettuce very much."
The witch said, "Is that so? Then you can take as much as you want. But there is a condition." The husband asked, "What is it?" The witch said, "If a baby is born, you have to give me the child."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
lettuce ['letis]


n. 莴苣,生菜,纸币

deserve [di'zə:v]


vi. 应该得到
vt. 应受,值得

constantly ['kɔnstəntli]


adv. 不断地,经常地

tasty ['teisti]


adj. 好吃的





