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Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation
you have just heard.
23: What does the recent report say about Brazil?
24: What problem does Alberto say Brazil faces now?
25: What does Alberto say
about economically successful countries?
Section B
In this section,
you will hear 3 short passages.
At the end of each passage,
you will hear some questions.
Both the passage and the questions
will be spoken only once.
After you hear a question,
you must choose the best answer
from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).
Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2
with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Wilma Subra had no intention of becoming a public speaker.
After graduating from college with degrees
in chemistry and microbiology,
she went to work at Gulf South Research Institute in Louisiana.
As part of her job, she conducted field research
on toxic substances in the environment—
often in minority communities
located near large industrial polluters.
She found many families were being exposed to high,
sometimes deadly levels of chemicals and other toxic substances.
But she was not allowed to make information public.
Frustrated by the restrictions,
Subra left her job in 1981, created her own company,
and has devoted the past two decades to helping people
fight back against giant industrial polluters.
She works with families and community groups
to conduct environmental tests, interpret test results,
and organize for change. Because of her efforts,
dozens of toxic sites across the country have been cleaned up.
And one chemical industry spokesperson calls her
a top gun for the environmental movement.
How has Subra achieved all this?
Partly through her scientific training,
partly through her commitment to environmental justice.
But just as important is her ability
to communicate with people through public speaking.
"Public speaking," she says,
"is the primary vehicle I use for reaching people. ''
If you had asked Subra before 1981,
"Do you see yourself as a major public speaker?"
She would have laughed at the idea.
Yet today, she gives more than 100 presentations a year.
Along the way she’s lectured at Harvard,
testified before the Congress
and addressed the audiences in 40 states,
as well as in Mexico, Canada and Japan.
Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage
you have just heard.
26: What did Wilma Subra do as part of her job
while working at Gulf South Research Institute?
27: Why did Wilma Subra leave her job in 1981?
28: What results have Wilma Subra’s efforts had
in the past two decades?
29: What does the speaker say has
contributed to Wilma Subra’s success?
Passage 2
One of the biggest challenges
facing employers and educators today
is the rapid advance of globalization.
The marketplace is no longer national or regional,
but extends to all corners of the world,
and this requires a global-ready workforce.
Universities have a large part to play in preparing students
for the twenty-first century labor market
by promoting international educational experiences.
The most obvious way universities can help
develop a global workforce is
by encouraging students to study abroad
as part of their course.
Students who have experienced another culture first-hand
are more likely to be global-ready when they graduate.
Global workforce development doesn’t always
have to involve travel abroad, however.
If students learn another language, and study other cultures,
they will be more global-ready when they graduate.
It is important to point out that
students also need to have a deep understanding
of their own culture before they can begin to observe,
analyze and evaluate other cultures.
In multicultural societies,
people can study each other’s cultures
to develop intercultural competencies
such as critical and reflective thinking, and intellectual flexibility.
This can be done both through the curriculum,
and through activities on campus outside of the classroom
such as art exhibitions and lectures from international experts.
Many universities are already embracing this challenge
and providing opportunities for students to become global citizens.
Students themselves, however, may not realize that
when they graduate they will be competing
in a global labor market,
and universities need to raise awareness
of these issues amongst undergraduates.
Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage
30: What is one of the biggest challenges
facing employers and educators today?
31: What should students do first
before they can really understand other cultures?
32: What should college students realize
according to the speaker?
Passage 3
To see if hair color affects a person’s chances
of getting a job, researchers at California State University asked
136 college students to review the resume and photograph
of a female applicant for a job as an accountant.
Each student was given the same resume.
But the applicant’s picture was altered,
so that in some photos her hair was golden,
in some red and in some brown. The result?
With brown hair, the woman was rated more capable,
and she was offered a higher salary
than when she had golden or red hair.
Other studies have found similar results.
Many respondents rate women with golden hair
as less intelligent than other people,
and red heads as more temperamental.
Women with red or golden hair are victims of
the common practice of stereotyping.
A stereotype is a simplistic or exaggerated image
that humans carrying in their minds about groups of people.
For example, lawyers are shrewd and dishonest
is a popular stereotype.
Stereotyping can occur in public speaking classes.
When trying to choose a speech topic,
some males think that women are uninterested in
how to repair cars,
while some females think that men are uninterested in
creative hobbies, such as knitting and needle point.
We should reject stereotypes, because they force all people
in a group into the same simple pattern.
They fail to account for individual differences,
and the wide range of characteristics among members of any group.
Some lawyers are dishonest, yes! But many are not.
Some women are uninterested in repairing cars, yes!
But some are enthusiastic mechanics.
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage
you have just heard.
33: What did researchers at California State University find?
34: What is the popular stereotype of lawyers?
35: Why does the speaker say we should reject stereotypes?
重点单词   查看全部解释    
survey [sə:'vei]


v. 调查,检查,测量,勘定,纵览,环视

creative [kri'eitiv]


adj. 创造性的

flexibility [.fleksə'biliti]


n. 灵活性,柔韧性,适应性

awareness [ə'wɛənis]


n. 认识,意识,了解

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

temperamental [.tempərə'mentl]


adj. 性情的,喜怒无常的

interpret [in'tə:prit]


v. 解释,翻译,口译,诠释

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

designer [di'zainə]


n. 设计者

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<


关键字: 真题听力 英语六级




