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来源:网络 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

The participants who were distracted by the game felt less full after lunch, according to the study, led by Rose E. Oldham-Cooper, a researcher in experimental psychology at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. Even 30 minutes later, the solitaire-players gobbled down more snacks when they were offered, compared to those who had focused on eating. Worse yet, when researchers asked the participants to remember what they had eaten for lunch, those who had been playing solitaire had a much harder time remembering what they had consumed.

该项研究的主持者、英国布里斯托尔大学(University of Bristol)的实验心理学研究员罗斯•E.奥尔德姆-库珀(Rose E. Oldham-Cooper)称,分心玩游戏的参与者在午餐后的饱腹感较低。即使在30分钟之后,与专心吃饭的人相比,玩纸牌的人吃掉的零食也更多。更糟糕的是,当研究人员要参与者回想他们午餐吃了什么时,玩纸牌的人要花长得多的时间才能想起来。

The findings may 'help to explain the well-documented association between sedentary screen-time activities and overweight,' the study says. In addition to crowding out physical exercise, working or playing games on a computer may also cause us to gobble down larger amounts of food without thinking about it or even remembering that we have eaten.


The findings hold true for me. If I make the mistake of putting a bag of chips or a box of crackers on my desk at deadline time, I often pack in the whole thing without even realizing it. If multitasking makes our minds wander from the tasks we think we are getting done, as we have posted in the past, then why should eating be any exception?


Readers, do you notice your eating habits, or the amount you eat, changing when you eat at your desk? Do you tend to pack on pounds when you lunch while working? Have you found any good ways to avoid the perils of distraction while dining?






