1. What is used as a live-in babysitter in America?
2. What does children's programming mainly turn kids into?
3. In today's cartoon David Horsey fun of the claims of "children's TV", the programming that supposedly uses entertainment to help youngsters to to read and take their first steps in the big, world outside their family.
4. The toddler in the , still at the age of pacifiers and animals, is held spellbound by the figure on the . What is the stimulating message of this creature specifically to fascinate small children?
5. At the very least, mom's for peace and quiet sets the stage for her child's into an American consumer -- and, of course, up time that could be used for other, perhaps more , transformations.
Background Information 背景信息
1906年,苏格兰青年贝尔德建立了一个简陋的实验室,立志要制造一台电视机。经过十多年的艰苦努力,1925年他终于利用旧无线电器材、旧糖盒、自行车灯透镜和旧电线等废旧材料,造出了世界上最原始的电视摄影机和接收机。在实验中,荧光屏上面显示的图像。1926年1月 27日,贝尔德在英国伦敦皇家学会向40名科学家表演了他的发明。他在一间屋内放电视,科学家们在另一间屋内观看,荧光屏上出现一个人在抽烟和说话的画面。这次表演后来被国际公认为是第一次公开播放电视。
Words & Phrases
jumpy 神经质的,跳跃的
pacifier 奶嘴
periodically 周期性地
spellbound 着迷的,出神的
toddler 初学走路的孩子
youngster 年轻人,少年
boob tube 电视机
soak up 消耗,吸收
hook on… 对……着迷
make fun of 取笑
the sooner, the more… 越早,越……
turn into 转化为