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时间:2011-11-11 09:16:12 来源:考试吧 编辑:Daisy  每天三分钟英语轻松学


  1. remittance 汇款(额)

  2. wash out 洗掉,取消、告吹、冲掉、筋疲力尽

  3. drachma 古希腊银币 德拉克马(现代希腊货币单位)

  4. lot 份额

  5. incompatible 水火不相容的,不能共存的

  6. coalesce (政党)联合,愈合,接合

  7. highlight 光线最强处,最重要部分,最精彩场面

  8. margin (成本和售价的)差额,空白,边缘

  9. bog down 陷于困境,使停顿

  10. red tape 官样文章,烦琐和拖拉的公务程序

  11. shrewdness 清明,机灵

  12. deadlock 僵局,僵持;使陷于僵局


  1. Greece, economically is in the black.


  2. With very little export other than such farm products as tobacco, cotton and fruit, the country earns enough from invisible earnings to pay its needed, growing imports.


  3. This washes out almost $400 million by which imports exceed exports.


  4. So far most American and other foreign attempts have bogged down in the Greek government's red tape and shrewdness about small points.


  5. They were hopelessly deadlocked in almost total differences of opinion and outlook.


  6. And the advent of jets has made Athens as accessible as Paris and Rome – without the sky-high prices of traffic chocked streets of either.



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