c. 通过提示,转入对比
说明文和议论文等从一个段落过渡到另一个段落,表示转入与前段内容所阐述的问题相反,或者形成对比时,常在段首使用过渡句。这种过渡句需在句前用一个表示对比的过渡词或者短语。如Advantages and Disadvantages of Going Abroad for Further studies一文中的一段:
Nevertheless, there will be some disadvantages of going abroad. For example, we have to suffer a lot from loneliness because of leaving family and friends, we must make great efforts to learn a new language, and we will spend a great deal of money.
作者用 “Nevertheless” 连接 “there will be some dis- advantages of going abroad.”这样一个表示明显转折的过渡句,把文章自然地由上述“advantages of going abroad”转到“dis- advantages”上,使文章上下文有机地联系起来。
(3) 用段落过渡
文章内容由一层意思转入另一层意思的交接处,可以安排一个起承上启下作用的过渡段落。如下面“Nuclear Energy”一文的过渡段。
This is an important effect of the coming of nuclear energy; yet, to my mind, it is not the most important. What is most important is that energy will be more evenly distributed in the future.
在这一段落中,“This is an important effect of the coming of nuclear energy”起着承上段的作用;而“What is most important is that energy will be more evenly distributed in the future”起着启下段的作用。显然,下一段将阐述如何合理分配能量问题。