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  \[范文1\] Advertising Needs a Real CheckAdvertisement is shown everywhere, in big shops, in narrow streets, in city centers as well as in the countryside, on radios as well as on TV screens. All the words used in advertising are charming and fascinating. They are attractive, but not all of them are based on facts. In order to sell their products more quickly, many businessmen use exaggeration, or, sometimes, cheating languages.Thus, many problems can be caused by the disagreement between reality and advertising. People buy washing machines, but they don’t wash. People buy radios, but they don’t sing. A person with insomnia, it is said, bought and took some sleeping pills, but he was not drowsy at all.Of course, the consumers would become very angry and they would go to law against the above merchants. Sometimes, things would become even worse. Some lives would be lost in the disputes.To avoid these tragedies, we must take some measures. For example, the government should make some laws against the overstatement of some advertisements. If some producers boast too much we should also be on the alert against some false advertisements. Things will become better if we all do our best to correct this phenomenon in our society.

  \[范文2\] My Ideal JobWhen people ask us about what we want to be in the future, we usually have different answers. We might want to be teachers, doctors, scientists, sportsmen and so on. To tell you the truth, my ideal job is on business. This idea came into being when I was a child.Now, I am majoring in Industry and Foreign Trade. I’m sure what I am learning now will give me a lot of help and preparation for my future job. So from now on, I must study hard, because my future job requires rich knowledge and skills. On the one hand, I should master some special knowledge; on the other hand, I should have a good command of other knowledge and skills. Besides, I must spend time improving my English because English is very essential in doing business with foreigners. Where there is a will, there is a way. I have confidence in myself that I can be a good businessman.

  \[范文3\] Job InterviewYou may have a job interview first if you want to get a good job before graduation. For an interview, he may have a lot of interviewees to choose, and for an interviewee, he may also have many jobs to choose. Therefore, both the interviewee and interviewer should be careful about their decision.Through the face?to?face talk, either the interviewer or the interviewee can know a little about each other. On the one hand, the interviewer will make the interviewee know something about the job such as the property, the working conditions, salary, welfare, etc. He may also ask him the reasons of applying for the job in order to know what he is. All these will help the interviewer to decide whether he is fit for the job or not.On the other hand, the interviewee will try to introduce himself in order to give the interviewer a good impression. He will make the interviewer get some idea of his educational background, ability, character, interest and viewpoint of the job. Remember you should have confidence in yourself. All these will help the interviewer to decide whether you are fit for the job or not.In short, the job interview has great advantages for both the interviewer and interviewee.

  \[范文4\] About People Who Are Laid?off WorkersWith the readjustment of our economic structure, it is unavoidable that some people will be laid?off workers, in the past, we had the so?called planned economy. Many of our enterprises were overstuffed. Now we have market economy. We pay more attention to the efficiency. So, the surplus workers will be dismissed. That is quite natural. Being a laid?off worker is not terrible. The only thing that is terrible is you don’t know what to do and lose your confidence. In fact, there are many ways leading to success. Here, I want to provide some suggestions for the people who are laid?off workers.First, if they have some money, they can use it to do some business. For example, they can open a small shop, selling food, drinks, ice creams, or even flowers. Second, if they don’t have much money, they can learn a skill. For example, they can learn how to sew clothes, how to cook, how to type, etc.Please always remember: “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

  \[范文5\] On Housing ReformThe old house?allotting policy had at least two disadvantages. First, the government spent a lot of money building some houses, but these houses were allotted to people free of charge. Thus, the government would have no money to build more houses for people who badly needed them. Second, the persons who were in power could get more houses than those who were powerless. This was quite unfair.On the contrary, the new system of house allotment may bring about many new things. For example, the government will have more buildings,which can be sold to people. The chances for them will be equal. When I enter the society, I would get a loan from the bank to buy my own house. Then, I would try to pay back the loan as soon as possible. After that, I would proudly claim, “Now, I am the master of that house.”

重点单词   查看全部解释    
independence [.indi'pendəns]


n. 独立,自主,自立

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

impression [im'preʃən]


n. 印象,效果

loan [ləun]


n. 贷款,借出,债权人
v. 借,供应货款,

vital ['vaitl]


adj. 至关重要的,生死攸关的,有活力的,致命的

phenomenon [fi'nɔminən]


n. 现象,迹象,(稀有)事件

insomnia [in'sɔmniə]


n. 失眠(症)

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

luxurious [lʌg'ʒu:riəs]


adj. 奢侈的,豪华的





