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来源:可可英语 编辑:Aimee   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

  Now that final exams has passed, thousands of college students and fresh graduates will head off for their first internships or full-time jobs. If you're one of them, you're lucky. Recent statistics indicate that one in two new college graduates are unemployed or underemployed.

  But it's also a struggle. For some of you, it may be your first experience in a business environment. I remember feeling lost in my first few experiences after college. Surrounded by so much new information, I constantly felt like I was falling behind my more experienced colleagues. I didn't know who to look to for advice, and I never felt like I was doing my job well enough.
  So as you prepare for your new roleand the challenges you'll face in that positionI'd offer five pointers I've seen work for people along the way.
  1. Don't "fake it until you make it." Many new workers try to appear moreknowledgeable than they really are. They don't ask questions. They think they need to have answers to be valuable to their organizations. Theycompensate for their lack of confidence with overconfidence. But here's the secret: They're not fooling anyone! No one expects you to know everything in your first job, and you learn and grow faster when you seek real understanding, ask questions, and petition for help. Rather than faking it, make it by acknowledging the skills and experience of your colleagues at work and using your first job or internship as a learning experience.
  1. 成功之前别装样。很多职场新人总要显得很有学问,似乎无所不知。这些人认为自己就是公司里的一块“宝”。不过,这招“用自负来掩饰自卑”可骗不了人。其实,没人指望你在第一份工作中就能成为“百科全书”。虚心求教,认真钻研,你会学习成长的更快。与其不懂装懂,还不如多向前辈学习,你的第一份工作和实习会让你受益匪浅。
  2. Never eat lunch alone.One of the best things about a new job is theincredible learning experience it provides. Every single person you'll work with in your new positionfrom the receptionist to the CEOcan teach you something valuable, and each of them can be a friend and mentor in your career. Many of the happiest and most successful people I know constantly ask questions and seek guidance from everyone around them, and research even shows that people with stronger social networks live longer. Your office is full of intelligent, thoughtful, and experienced people. Get to know them. Treat them with respect. Ask them questions. And have fun in the process.
  2. 不要一个人吃饭。第一份工作的可贵之处就在于它是一次难得的学习经历。每一个你在工作中接触到的人,前台接待也好,公司大老板也罢,每个人都会教你一些东西,每个人也都可能成为你的朋友甚至职业生涯中的导师。我所认识的很多幸福的成功人士都有一个共同点,他们总会不停地问问题,向周围的人寻求帮助指导。甚至有研究显示,人际关系更好的人寿命也会更长。你的同事都是一些聪明、深刻、有经验的人,了解他们,尊重他们,虚心向他们请教。这将其乐无穷。
  3. Set boundaries to prevent burnout. Most jobs are never fully done. In school, your tests, homework assignments, and group projects have defined due dates. Parents and teachers will help you balance your life, and you have frequent, built-in breaks to help you recharge. But a job is different. It will be hard to do perfectly (or even well!). You'll be anxious to over-perform, and many bosses are all too happy to have their new employees work long hours if they want to. But you also need to learn, early on, to set personal boundaries that allow you to maintain balance and avoid burnout. Burnout can make you less productive at work, and certainly makes you less happy. Map out your lifestyle goals ahead of time. Build short breaks from work into your schedule, and learn early to seek balance in your work and life.
  3. 生活工作两不误。大多数工作都无法做到完美。在学校的时候,考试、作业、团队的项目都规定了期限。家长和老师会帮你平衡好你的生活。你总是有大把的时间来让你充电。工作了,一切都变了。做事做到完美很难,甚至做好都是奢侈的说法。你急于表现自己,很多老板也很乐意让新进员工自愿加班熬夜。但是,你也要尽早学会另外一件事,在工作与生活间设立一条防线,彼此主权不可侵犯。生活主权遭侵犯工作效率会减低,幸福指数也会下降。提前规划生活目标,工作日志上列出休息的时间,早点学会平衡生活与工作的节奏。
  4. Serve your colleagues and customers.A common view of Millennials is that they are entitled and narcissistic. And a common mistake young people make is to competitively climb their career ladders rather than humbly seeking to serve their colleagues and customers. But if you want to earn the respect of those around you, the best thing you can do is bring an attitude of service to your job. Proactively seek out ways to help your colleagues. Think ahead for new ways to please customers.
  4. 对客户和同事都要有服务意识。大多数人认为,千禧一代的人(小编注:指美国82年以后出生的人,相当于中国的80后)比较自我。而大多数年轻人也有一个通病,一门心思在职场竞争,缺少了服务他人的意识。但是如果你想获得他人的尊重,你最应该拥有的就是服务意识。主动帮助同事,急客户之所急。
  5. Work hard and show up on time.Hard work can be at least as important as talent to professional success. The 10,000 hour rule, for example, maintains that to truly master a skill, a person must put in 10,000 hours of deliberate practice. And nothing signals seriousness to your employer like promptness, perseverance, and dedication. Over the long run,diligence will earn you the respect of your colleagues, and hard work will give you the mastery and self-discipline to succeed in the future. The basics are simple, but easy to forget: Work hard and show up on time.
  5. 按时上班,努力工作。职场成功,努力工作和天赋同样重要,例如,1万小时定律。这个定律指出,如果你想成为某方面真正的高手,必须要有1万小时的练习。雇主关心的是员工的机敏程度,奉献和坚持不懈的精神。从长远来讲,勤奋会为你赢得同事的尊重。道理总是那么简单,但也容易被人束之高阁:按时上班,努力工作。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intelligent [in'telidʒənt]


adj. 聪明的,智能的

guidance ['gaidəns]


n. 引导,指导

productive [prə'dʌktiv]


adj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

deliberate [di'libərit]


adj. 故意的,深思熟虑的,从容不迫的

valuable ['væljuəbl]


adj. 贵重的,有价值的
n. (pl.)贵

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人

petition [pi'tiʃən]


n. 祈求,请愿书,诉状
vi. 请愿,祈求<

thoughtful ['θɔ:tful]


adj. 深思的,体贴的

mastery ['mæstəri]


n. 精通,掌握,熟练





