Hari Sreenivasan: Sutherland's Springs is in Wilson County Texas and Wilson County Commissioner, Ernest 'Sick' Hajek now joins me on the phone.2017-11-06 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
What role did social media play in Russian efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election?2017-11-02 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
PBS高端访谈:纽约爆发一起独狼式卡车袭击 嫌犯被捕
At least eight people are dead and 11 or more injured in Lower Manhattan today after a rented pickup truck plowed into a busy bicycle path.2017-11-01 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
Hari Sreenivasan: Today Spain saw its biggest public display of opposition to secession by the Catalonia region.2017-10-30 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
Hundreds of majority Buddhists today protested in Myanmar over suggestions by the government that it might take back the nearly 600,000 minority Muslims who fled the country.2017-10-23 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
The desire of the Kurds along Iraq's northern border to govern themselves is receiving more resistance from Iraq's central government.2017-10-17 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
Civil war is emptying huge swaths of South Sudan. The violence has uprooted four million people, including two million who've fled to neighboring countries.2017-10-16 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
PBS高端访谈:加州火灾死亡人数上升 搜救队返回废墟
JUDY WOODRUFF: The toll in the California wildfires is rising tonight, as search teams go through the charred ruins.2017-10-13 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
Last month at the United Nations General Assembly, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau promised to do more to help his country's 1.4 million indigenous people.2017-10-10 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
Hurricane Maria destroyed Puerto Rico's power grid, but it turns out Puerto Rico's power company was in deep trouble before the storm struck two weeks ago.2017-10-09 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
JUDY WOODRUFF: We remember now some of the victims of the tragedy in Las Vegas.2017-10-08 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
There is new information today about Russia obtaining highly classified information about how the U.S. military protects its computer networks and how it conducts electronic spying. Hari Sreenivasa...2017-10-07 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
PBS高端访谈:雇包机惹众怒 美卫生部长普赖斯辞职
JUDY WOODRUFF: But now let's return to the resignation of Tom Price, and similar questions being raised about other members of the Trump Cabinet.2017-09-30 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
JUDY WOODRUFF: Puerto Rico is not alone in coping with the aftermath of two hurricanes. The U.S. Virgin Islands were also left in ruin.2017-09-29 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
PBS高端访谈:在墨西哥中部 地震幸存者面临巨大的损失
It's early Saturday morning in Ocuilan, Mexico and Faustino Jimenez hopes he won't be delivering more bad news.2017-09-25 编辑:max 标签: 我来听写
在以色列,数千名抗议者星期日和星期一举行示威,反对总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡 -
为了提高中国的出生率,中国政府已经为公民制定了具体的指导方针。 - 3
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