[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:宗教礼节不仅仅体现在祷告上
宗教及其影响充斥着小说家内森·英格兰德的每部作品。英格兰德在一切循规蹈矩的犹太家庭长大,放弃了原本的宗教,决定做一个无宗教信仰者。但各种宗教礼节依然与他如影随形。这种礼节并不体现在祷告本身上,而是体现在他日常的生活方式上。 -
[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:艺术家为精神病患者提供帮助
We continue our Canvas series now with tonight's Brief But Spectacular and New York-based artist Miguel Colon. He is a member of an Fountain House. It's an organization dedicated to support... -
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:让我们避免青少年犯罪
Once he heard the Mothers With a Message story, he knew he could use it to help offenders entering back into society. -
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:民主党人转战爱荷华州
Inside the dinner, the long line of candidates was limited to five minutes each. Some, like California Senator Kamala Harris, came with a broad campaign message. -
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:拉动罪犯和受害者之间的关系
Their goal is to break down the walls between victim and offender. The inmates, so moved by their stories, respond in a surprising way. -
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:加州成为共和党主战场
It was another busy weekend for the crowd of 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, with many of them flocking to a new and unexpected battleground state. -
[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:挥之不去的负面评论
为了检验这一点,我的一位同学决定把一张纸贴在自己的桌子上。她会在这张纸上记录我在课堂上所犯的每一个错误。她每次都会开心地喊出声来,让大家都知道我做错了什么事情。于是,我开始变得敏感,不愿再犯错误。而她桌上的那张纸好像在说我一事无成。 -
[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:2019年毕业季他们都说了什么
and sometimes humor, on the latest crop of young adults eager to take on the world. Here are some highlights. -
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:关注纳瓦霍人遭遇的性侵
Earlier this month, our Brief But Spectacular team highlighted the need to raise awareness of sexual assault cases on the Navajo Nation. Tonight, Meskee Yanabah Yatsayte tells us about another sile... -
[PBS访谈环境系列] PBS高端访谈:极为拥挤的珠穆朗玛峰
Mount Everest remains the ultimate achievement for many mountain climbers. And the number of people who try it just keeps growing, far above the levels of even two decades ago. -
[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:探究胡德艺术博物馆
Well, spring classes at Dartmouth College are about to end. And, this term, students have had the opportunity to explore a revitalized museum right on campus. -
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:美参议院通过赈灾拨款法案
The vote was 85-8. The House is expected to quickly follow suit, and the president said today that he will sign it. The NewsHour's White House correspondent, Yamiche Alcindor, has been tracking... -
[PBS访谈环境系列] PBS高端访谈:激发人们对海洋的热爱
We cooked up this idea of going on the nose of the submarine, like the ornament on the hood of a car, together down to the bottom of the ocean -
[PBS访谈社会系列] PBS高端访谈:特朗普的反堕胎法案遭到斥责
Make no mistake about it. These laws are dangerous, they are regressive, and they are blatantly unconstitutional. -
[PBS访谈教育系列] PBS高端访谈:拿起你的笔, 放下你的手机
Texting and e-mailing technology have revolutionized the way we communicate. It has permitted us to be more efficient, to stay in touch easier, and has likely changed the dynamics of some of our mo...
高中生物老师凯莉·查维斯知道智能手机是她班上的一个问题。但是,直到查维斯 -
当人们从生病或者受伤状态恢复时,他们可能不会考虑在康复期间吃适合的食物。 - 3
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