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  • China has reaffirmed its commitment to resolving mutual concerns through equal dialogue and consultation with the United States, emphasizing that Washington's unilateral tariff hikes are disrupting normal economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, according to China's top commerce official.
  • 中国商务部高级官员表示,中方已重申希望与美国通过平等对话磋商解决各自关切,并强调美方单边加征关税的做法正对中美正常经贸合作造成破坏。
  • In a letter sent on Wednesday to Howard Lutnick, the newly appointed US secretary of commerce, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao expressed China's concerns over US tariffs on Chinese exports, the Ministry of Commerce said in an online statement.
  • 据商务部的一份在线声明显示,2月19日,商务部部长王文涛向美国新任商务部长霍华德·卢特尼克致信,就美对中国输美产品加征关税表达中方关切。
  • Wang said that economic and trade relations form a critical pillar of China-US ties.
  • 王文涛表示,经贸关系是中美关系的重要组成部分。
  • Both sides should strive to foster a fair and predictable business environment to support sustainable economic engagement, he added.
  • 双方应努力营造公平、可预期的商业环境,以支持可持续的经济合作。
  • The US government's aggressive tariff policy is bound to fail, as history has proved that wielding the tariff stick only leads to price hikes, exacerbates inflation and disrupts global trade, economists said.
  • 经济学家指出,美国政府激进的关税政策注定失败,因为历史证明,挥舞关税大棒只会导致价格上涨、加剧通胀并扰乱全球贸易。
  • Highlighting that tariffs are duties ultimately imposed on US businesses and consumers, they said that rather than bring manufacturing back to the US, protectionism would isolate Washington in the world economy and politics.
  • 他们强调,关税最终是由美国企业和消费者承担的,保护主义不仅不会让制造业回流美国,反而会使美国在世界经济和政治中陷入孤立。
  • Their comments came after US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he intends to impose auto tariffs "in the neighborhood of 25 percent" and similar duties on semiconductors and pharmaceutical imports.
  • 2月18日,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普表示打算对汽车征收“约25%”的关税,并对半导体和药品进口征收类似关税,随后相关人士发表了上述评论。
  • This is the latest of a series of US measures threatening to upend international trade.
  • 这是美国一系列威胁颠覆国际贸易的最新举措。
  • Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, a professor of economics at Brown University in the US state of Rhode Island, said, "Economists don't typically agree on all things, but if you ask me what is one thing they do agree on,
  • 美国罗得岛州布朗大学经济学教授塞布内姆·卡莱姆利-奥兹坎表示:“经济学家通常不会在所有事情上达成一致,但如果你问我他们会在哪件事上达成共识,”
  • it's that tariffs are costly to the American consumer in the end."
  • “那就是关税最终会让美国消费者付出代价。”
  • Trump imposed a 50 percent tariff on imports of washing machines in 2018.
  • 2018年,特朗普对进口洗衣机征收了50%的关税。
  • As a direct result, the value of washing machines jumped by around 12 percent, and US consumers paid around $1.5 billion extra a year in total for these products, researchers from the University of Chicago estimated in a paper published in 2019.
  • 芝加哥大学的研究人员在2019年发表的一篇论文中估计,这一举措直接导致洗衣机价格上涨约12%,美国消费者每年为此类产品总共额外支付约15亿美元。
  • Kalemli-Ozcan also expressed concern about the inflationary impact of the extra tariffs.
  • 卡莱姆利-奥兹坎还对额外关税的通胀影响表示担忧。
  • The US consumer price index jumped 0.5 percent month-on-month in January, the biggest gain since August 2023.
  • 据路透社报道,美国1月消费者价格指数环比增长0.5%,这是自2023年8月以来的最大涨幅。
  • This was higher than expected, as Americans face higher costs for a range of goods and services, Reuters reported.
  • 这一涨幅高于预期,因为美国人面临一系列商品和服务成本的上涨。
  • Computer manufacturer Acer said that the price of its laptops would increase by 10 percent next month due to US tariffs.
  • 计算机制造商宏碁表示,由于美国关税,其笔记本电脑的价格下个月将上涨10%。
  • "Tariffs (could) also lead to appreciation of the dollar, meaning it will be hard for US exporters to sell their goods to other countries, even in the absence of any retaliation from any country that it imposes tariffs on," Kalemli-Ozcan added.
  • 卡莱姆利-奥兹坎补充说:“关税还可能导致美元升值,这意味着即使受加征关税影响的国家不实施反击,美国出口商也很难将商品销售到其他国家。”
  • Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, said a multifaceted rationale exists behind the aggressive US trade policy,
  • 哥伦比亚大学可持续发展中心主任杰弗里·萨克斯表示,美国激进贸易政策背后的动机是多方面的,
  • citing reasons such as attempting to weaken China, pushing for compliance with US foreign policy demands and boosting US exports.
  • 包括试图削弱中国、迫使他国屈服于美国外交政策要求、增加美国出口等。
  • "But Trump's strategy is bound to fail," Sachs said. "China will diversify its trade to the rest of the world, while the US will increasingly lose competitiveness of its own exports in third markets."
  • 萨克斯说:“但特朗普的战略注定失败。中国将在全球实行贸易多元化,而美国将在第三市场逐渐失去其出口竞争力。”
  • Li Zhi, assistant dean of the China Institute for Development Planning at Tsinghua University, said, "Eight years ago, the US government tried to use the tariff weapon to make the US great again,
  • 清华大学中国发展规划研究院院长助理李治表示:“八年前,美国政府试图利用关税武器让美国再次伟大,”
  • but the result was soaring prices domestically, blocked manufacturing investment and disrupted global supply chains."
  • “但结果是国内价格飙升,制造业投资受阻,全球供应链中断。”
  • "The trade war launched by Washington has proved to be of little use to help it reduce the deficit," Li said.
  • 李治说:“美国发起的贸易战已被证明对其减少赤字几乎没有帮助。”
  • "We need to learn how to compete and cooperate more gracefully."
  • “我们需要学会如何更优雅地进行竞争与合作。”
  • Wang Changlin, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Trump is triggering widespread trade frictions with his tariff plans.
  • 中国社会科学院副院长王昌林表示,特朗普的关税计划正在引发广泛的贸易摩擦。
  • "Such an approach will drive up inflation in the US, disrupt global supply chains, and accelerate the restructuring of global industrial, technological and energy resource landscapes.
  • “这种做法将推高美国通胀,扰乱全球供应链,并加速全球工业、技术和能源资源格局的重组。”
  • As a result, global economic growth is expected to slow further," Wang said.
  • “因此,全球经济增长预计将进一步放缓,”王昌林说。
  • Shi Hongxiu, a professor of economics at the National Academy of Governance, said: "The tariff policy reflects a decline in US influence in global trade, as it increasingly resorts to protectionism to shore up domestic industry.
  • 国家行政学院经济学教授时红秀表示:“关税政策反映出美国在全球贸易中的影响力下降,因为它越来越诉诸保护主义来支撑国内产业。”
  • Such moves will trigger countermeasures from its trading partners and deal a blow to global supply chains."
  • “此类举措将引发其贸易伙伴的反制措施,并对全球供应链造成打击。”
  • Cheng Dawei, a professor at the School of Economics at Renmin University of China, said Trump called for "reciprocal tariffs".
  • 中国人民大学经济学院教授程大为表示,特朗普呼吁“互惠关税”。
  • "But such remarks are unfair and contradict the laws of the World Trade Organizations," Cheng said.
  • 程大为说:“但这种言论是不公平的,并且与世贸组织的规则相矛盾。”
  • "Under WTO rules, special and differential treatment should be applied to developing countries. Trump's planned 25 percent tariff on all imported automobiles violates such rules."
  • “根据世贸组织规则,发展中国家应享有特殊和差别待遇。特朗普计划对所有进口汽车征收25%的关税违反了这些规则。”


China has reaffirmed its commitment to resolving mutual concerns through equal dialogue and consultation with the United States, emphasizing that Washington's unilateral tariff hikes are disrupting normal economic and trade cooperation between the two countries, according to China's top commerce official.


In a letter sent on Wednesday to Howard Lutnick, the newly appointed US secretary of commerce, Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao expressed China's concerns over US tariffs on Chinese exports, the Ministry of Commerce said in an online statement.


Wang said that economic and trade relations form a critical pillar of China-US ties.


Both sides should strive to foster a fair and predictable business environment to support sustainable economic engagement, he added.


The US government's aggressive tariff policy is bound to fail, as history has proved that wielding the tariff stick only leads to price hikes, exacerbates inflation and disrupts global trade, economists said.


Highlighting that tariffs are duties ultimately imposed on US businesses and consumers, they said that rather than bring manufacturing back to the US, protectionism would isolate Washington in the world economy and politics.


Their comments came after US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that he intends to impose auto tariffs "in the neighborhood of 25 percent" and similar duties on semiconductors and pharmaceutical imports.


This is the latest of a series of US measures threatening to upend international trade.


Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, a professor of economics at Brown University in the US state of Rhode Island, said, "Economists don't typically agree on all things, but if you ask me what is one thing they do agree on,


it's that tariffs are costly to the American consumer in the end."


Trump imposed a 50 percent tariff on imports of washing machines in 2018.


As a direct result, the value of washing machines jumped by around 12 percent, and US consumers paid around $1.5 billion extra a year in total for these products, researchers from the University of Chicago estimated in a paper published in 2019.


Kalemli-Ozcan also expressed concern about the inflationary impact of the extra tariffs.


The US consumer price index jumped 0.5 percent month-on-month in January, the biggest gain since August 2023.


This was higher than expected, as Americans face higher costs for a range of goods and services, Reuters reported.


Computer manufacturer Acer said that the price of its laptops would increase by 10 percent next month due to US tariffs.


"Tariffs (could) also lead to appreciation of the dollar, meaning it will be hard for US exporters to sell their goods to other countries, even in the absence of any retaliation from any country that it imposes tariffs on," Kalemli-Ozcan added.


Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University, said a multifaceted rationale exists behind the aggressive US trade policy,


citing reasons such as attempting to weaken China, pushing for compliance with US foreign policy demands and boosting US exports.


"But Trump's strategy is bound to fail," Sachs said. "China will diversify its trade to the rest of the world, while the US will increasingly lose competitiveness of its own exports in third markets."


Li Zhi, assistant dean of the China Institute for Development Planning at Tsinghua University, said, "Eight years ago, the US government tried to use the tariff weapon to make the US great again,


but the result was soaring prices domestically, blocked manufacturing investment and disrupted global supply chains."


"The trade war launched by Washington has proved to be of little use to help it reduce the deficit," Li said.


"We need to learn how to compete and cooperate more gracefully."


Wang Changlin, vice-president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Trump is triggering widespread trade frictions with his tariff plans.


"Such an approach will drive up inflation in the US, disrupt global supply chains, and accelerate the restructuring of global industrial, technological and energy resource landscapes.


As a result, global economic growth is expected to slow further," Wang said.


Shi Hongxiu, a professor of economics at the National Academy of Governance, said: "The tariff policy reflects a decline in US influence in global trade, as it increasingly resorts to protectionism to shore up domestic industry.


Such moves will trigger countermeasures from its trading partners and deal a blow to global supply chains."


Cheng Dawei, a professor at the School of Economics at Renmin University of China, said Trump called for "reciprocal tariffs".


"But such remarks are unfair and contradict the laws of the World Trade Organizations," Cheng said.


"Under WTO rules, special and differential treatment should be applied to developing countries. Trump's planned 25 percent tariff on all imported automobiles violates such rules."


重点单词   查看全部解释    
impose [im'pəuz]


v. 加上,课征,强迫,征收(税款)

institute ['institju:t]


n. 学会,学院,协会
vt. 创立,开始,制

strategy ['strætidʒi]


n. 战略,策略

academy [ə'kædəmi]


n. 学院,学术,学会

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

isolate ['aisəleit]


vt. 隔离,使孤立
adj. 孤立的,单独的

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

compete [kəm'pi:t]


vi. 竞争,对抗,比赛

weaken ['wi:kən]


v. 使 ... 弱,变弱,弄淡

costly ['kɔstli]


adj. 昂贵的,代价高的





