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  • This is VOA News. I'm Alexis Strope.
  • 这里是美国之音新闻。我是亚历克西斯·斯特罗普(Alexis Strope)。
  • U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as President Putin before correcting himself at the NATO summit in Washington.
  • 美国总统乔·拜登周四在华盛顿举行的北约峰会上误将乌克兰总统泽连斯基称为普京总统,随后他改正了自己的错误。
  • "And now I wanna hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has, determination. Ladies and gentlemen - President Putin. President Putin.
  • “现在,我邀请乌克兰总统讲话,让我们欢迎既有勇气又有决心的普京总统。
  • He's gonna beat President Putin, President Zelenskyy. I'm so focused on beating Putin, we got to worry about it."
  • 他会击败普京总统的,泽连斯基总统。我太专注于击败普京了,我们必须为此担心。”
  • Biden has been under intense scrutiny in recent days and has faced doubts, including from members of his own Democratic Party, about his reelection chances after a week in faltering performance in a debate.
  • 拜登最近几天一直受到密切关注,在一周的辩论中表现不佳后,他面临着包括民主党成员在内的质疑,质疑他连任的可能性。
  • Israel is ordering all Palestinians to leave Gaza's largest city. AP correspondent Charles De Ledesma reports.
  • 以色列命令所有巴勒斯坦人离开加沙最大的城市。美联社记者查尔斯·德莱德斯马(Charles De Ledesma)报道。
  • Israel is ordering all Palestinians to leave Gaza City in the north as bombardments escalate throughout the besieged territory.
  • 随着整个被围困地区的轰炸不断升级,以色列命令所有巴勒斯坦人离开北部的加沙城。
  • Israel says it's pursuing Hamas fighters who regrouping in parts of Gaza that had been targeted earlier in the war.
  • 以色列称,他们正在追捕哈马斯武装分子,这些武装分子在战争初期曾被袭击的加沙部分地区重新集结。
  • Israel's heavy strikes throughout Gaza in recent days, which have killed dozens of people, could be aimed at increasing pressure on Hamas during negotiations for a cease-fire.
  • 最近几天,以色列对加沙地带发动了大规模袭击,造成数十人死亡,这可能是为了在停火谈判期间向哈马斯施压。
  • U.S., Egyptian and Qatari mediators are meeting with Israeli officials in Qatar for talks trying to push through a deal. I'm Charles De Ledesma.
  • 美国、埃及和卡塔尔调解员正在卡塔尔与以色列官员会面,试图推动达成协议。我是查尔斯·德莱德斯马。
  • Officials say the U.S. is now considering abandoning efforts to reinstall the pier that has been used to get badly needed humanitarian aid to starving Palestinians.
  • 官员们说,美国现在正考虑放弃重新安装码头,该码头曾被用来向饥饿的巴勒斯坦人提供急需的人道主义援助。
  • The White House and the Defense Department say the pier will cease operations, quote, "soon," but will not specify timing.
  • 白宫和国防部表示,码头将“很快”停止运营,但未告知具体时间。
  • The initial plan earlier this week had been to reinstall the pier for a few days to move the final pallets of aid onto the shore and then permanently remove it.
  • 本周早些时候的初步计划是重新安装码头并使用几天,将最后的援助托盘运到岸上,然后永久拆除。
  • But rough seas have prevented the reinstallation. For pictures, videos, stories and more, follow the Voice of America on X, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. This is VOA News.
  • 但波涛汹涌的大海阻碍了重新安装。如需图片、视频、新闻等,请关注美国之音X、Facebook、Instagram和YouTube官方账号。这里是美国之音新闻。


This is VOA News. I'm Alexis Strope.

这里是美国之音新闻。我是亚历克西斯·斯特罗普(Alexis Strope)。

U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as President Putin before correcting himself at the NATO summit in Washington.


"And now I wanna hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has, determination. Ladies and gentlemen - President Putin. President Putin.


He's gonna beat President Putin, President Zelenskyy. I'm so focused on beating Putin, we got to worry about it."


Biden has been under intense scrutiny in recent days and has faced doubts, including from members of his own Democratic Party, about his reelection chances after a week in faltering performance in a debate.


Israel is ordering all Palestinians to leave Gaza's largest city. AP correspondent Charles De Ledesma reports.

以色列命令所有巴勒斯坦人离开加沙最大的城市。美联社记者查尔斯·德莱德斯马(Charles De Ledesma)报道。

Israel is ordering all Palestinians to leave Gaza City in the north as bombardments escalate throughout the besieged territory.


Israel says it's pursuing Hamas fighters who regrouping in parts of Gaza that had been targeted earlier in the war.


Israel's heavy strikes throughout Gaza in recent days, which have killed dozens of people, could be aimed at increasing pressure on Hamas during negotiations for a cease-fire.


U.S., Egyptian and Qatari mediators are meeting with Israeli officials in Qatar for talks trying to push through a deal. I'm Charles De Ledesma.


Officials say the U.S. is now considering abandoning efforts to reinstall the pier that has been used to get badly needed humanitarian aid to starving Palestinians.


The White House and the Defense Department say the pier will cease operations, quote, "soon," but will not specify timing.


The initial plan earlier this week had been to reinstall the pier for a few days to move the final pallets of aid onto the shore and then permanently remove it.


But rough seas have prevented the reinstallation. For pictures, videos, stories and more, follow the Voice of America on X, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. This is VOA News.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

permanently ['pə:mənəntli]


adv. 永久地

determination [di.tə:mi'neiʃən]


n. (正式)决定,规定,决心,测定,定位

cease [si:s]


v. 停止,终止
n. 停止

specify ['spesifai]


v. 指定,阐述,详细说明

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考

rough [rʌf]


adj. 粗糙的,粗略的,粗暴的,艰难的,讨厌的,不适的

defense [di'fens]


n. 防卫,防卫物,辩护
vt. 防守

scrutiny ['skru:tini]


n. 周密的调查,细看,监视

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价





