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  • President Biden did not want to end his bid for reelection, but he said the stakes were just too high to risk it.
  • 拜登总统并不想结束他的连任竞选,但他表示风险太大,不能冒险。
  • I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America's future all merited a second term.
  • 我相信我作为总统的记录、我在世界上的领导地位、我对美国未来的愿景都值得连任。
  • But nothing, nothing, can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.
  • 但是,没有什么,没有什么可以阻挡我们拯救我们的民主,包括个人野心。
  • So I've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation.
  • 所以,我已经决定,最好的前进方式是将火炬传递给新一代。
  • The president spoke of his decision to step aside and also asserted that he still has work to do in his final six months behind the Oval Office desk from which he addressed the nation.
  • 总统谈到了他决定下台的决定,并坚称在椭圆形办公室的最后六个月里,他仍有工作要做。他就是在这个办公室向全国发表讲话的。
  • Joining us now to talk more about this is NPR senior White House correspondent Tamara Keith. Up again early after a long night, Tam? Yeah. Good morning. Thanks for doing that.
  • 现在加入我们来进一步讨论这个问题的是美国国家公共电台白宫高级记者塔玛拉·基思。在熬了漫长的一夜之后又早起了是吗,塔姆。早上好。感谢你这么做。
  • So what was Biden trying to accomplish with this address?
  • 那么,拜登试图通过这次演讲干什么呢?
  • Well, this was a monumental moment for Biden, marking the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of a very long career in public life.
  • 嗯,这对拜登来说是一个具有里程碑意义的时刻,标志着他漫长的公共生活生涯的结束,或者至少是结束的开始。
  • And his family sat lining the walls of the Oval Office as he spoke, the first lady, his grandkids, his kids.
  • 他讲话时,他的家人坐在椭圆形办公室的墙边,第一夫人、他的孙子孙女、他的孩子们。
  • He spoke, as Steve said, from behind the Resolute desk, this place of very serious presidential addresses.
  • 正如史蒂夫所说,他是在 “坚定之桌 ”后面发表讲话的,在这里,总统发表了非常严肃的讲话
  • And this was about explaining the very difficult decision he made to step aside and putting it in a noble light.
  • 他解释了他做出的非常艰难的决定,即退居二线,并将其置于高尚的光环之下。
  • He was also making an appeal to the American people to think about what kind of country they want.
  • 他还呼吁美国人民思考他们想要什么样的国家。
  • At the very end, Biden delivered this emotional expression of gratitude, saying that he had given his heart and soul to the nation over 50 years in public life and has been blessed with the love and support of the American people.
  • 最后,拜登发表了这篇充满感情的致谢词,他说,在超过50年的公共生活中,他已将自己的全部身心奉献给了这个国家,并有幸得到了美国人民的爱戴和支持。
  • I hope you have some idea how grateful I am to all of you.
  • 我希望你们知道,我对你们所有人是多么感激。
  • The great thing about America is, here, kings and dictators do not rule, the people do.
  • 美国之所以伟大,是因为在这里,国王和独裁者无法统治,而是由人民来统治。
  • This wasn't the place for the overtly political language you would hear at a campaign rally.
  • 这不是你在竞选集会上听到的那种公开的政治语言的地方。
  • So he never said former President Trump's name, but the subtext was quite clear.
  • 所以他从未提及前总统特朗普的名字,但其潜台词相当清楚。
  • It was clear, but, you know, this speech had the feeling of a farewell address, Tam, but he still has six months left in office.
  • 很明显,但是,你知道,这次演讲有告别演说的感觉,塔姆,但是他还有六个月的任期。
  • What did he say he wants to do with the time he has left?
  • 他说他想用他剩下的时间做什么?
  • You know, it really felt like the oxygen drained out of his presidency when he announced he was dropping out of the race for reelection.
  • 你知道,当他宣布退出连任竞选时,真的感觉他的总统任期内的氧气都被抽干了。
  • But practically speaking, this term was already in a lame duck phase.
  • 但实际上,这个术语已经处于一个跛脚鸭阶段。
  • His biggest achievements happened before Democrats lost control of the House in 2023.
  • 他最大的成就是在2023年民主党失去对众议院的控制之前。
  • So a lot of what he can do in these final months is implementation, distributing funds for infrastructure and climate projects, cementing regulations.
  • 所以,他在这些最后几个月里能做的很多事情是实施,为基础设施和气候项目分配资金,巩固法规。
  • He said he is going to keep fighting for reproductive rights and civil rights.
  • 他说他将继续为生殖权利和公民权利而战。
  • He's going to keep working on the economy and trying to lower costs, and he'll speak out against extremism and political violence.
  • 他将继续致力于经济工作,努力降低成本,他将公开反对极端主义和政治暴力。
  • And, of course, he is still trying very hard to get a cease-fire for hostages deal in Gaza.
  • 当然,他仍在非常努力地争取在加沙达成一项人质停火协议。
  • Tam, we don't have a lot of time to talk about this, but at the end of the day, how do you think his legacy will be defined?
  • 塔姆,我们没有太多时间来讨论这个问题,但最终,你认为他的遗产将如何被定义?
  • Well, you know, there's been a lot of praise from Democrats about Biden's selflessness since his announcement on Sunday. But the real judgment comes in November.
  • 嗯,你知道,自从拜登周日宣布(不寻求连任)以来,民主党人对他的无私给予了很多赞扬。但真正的评判将在11月到来。
  • By realizing he needed to step aside at this very late date, he foreclosed any possibility of a real primary.
  • 他意识到自己需要在这么晚的时候退出,这就排除了进行真正初选的任何可能性。
  • Right now, Democrats are very excited about Vice President Harris as the likely nominee, but this race is still very close.
  • 现在,民主党人对副总统哈里斯作为可能的提名人感到非常兴奋,但这场竞选仍然非常接近。
  • If Harris wins, Biden will be remembered as the rare president who put his party and country ahead of his ego.
  • 如果哈里斯获胜,拜登将作为一位罕见的总统而被铭记,他将自己的政党和国家置于个人自尊之前。
  • If she loses, then he is both the person who removed Trump from office and ushered him back in.
  • 如果她输了,那么他就是那个将特朗普赶下台,又把他迎回来的人。
  • That is NPR's Tamara Keith, waking up early again after another late night. Tam, thank you. You're welcome.
  • 这是美国国家公共电台的塔玛拉·基思,熬了一个深夜之后再次早起。塔姆,谢谢你。不客气。


President Biden did not want to end his bid for reelection, but he said the stakes were just too high to risk it.


I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America's future all merited a second term.


But nothing, nothing, can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition.


So I've decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation.


The president spoke of his decision to step aside and also asserted that he still has work to do in his final six months behind the Oval Office desk from which he addressed the nation.


Joining us now to talk more about this is NPR senior White House correspondent Tamara Keith. Up again early after a long night, Tam? Yeah. Good morning. Thanks for doing that.


So what was Biden trying to accomplish with this address?


Well, this was a monumental moment for Biden, marking the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of a very long career in public life.


And his family sat lining the walls of the Oval Office as he spoke, the first lady, his grandkids, his kids.


He spoke, as Steve said, from behind the Resolute desk, this place of very serious presidential addresses.

正如史蒂夫所说,他是在 “坚定之桌 ”后面发表讲话的,在这里,总统发表了非常严肃的讲话

And this was about explaining the very difficult decision he made to step aside and putting it in a noble light.


He was also making an appeal to the American people to think about what kind of country they want.


At the very end, Biden delivered this emotional expression of gratitude, saying that he had given his heart and soul to the nation over 50 years in public life and has been blessed with the love and support of the American people.


I hope you have some idea how grateful I am to all of you.


The great thing about America is, here, kings and dictators do not rule, the people do.


This wasn't the place for the overtly political language you would hear at a campaign rally.


So he never said former President Trump's name, but the subtext was quite clear.


It was clear, but, you know, this speech had the feeling of a farewell address, Tam, but he still has six months left in office.


What did he say he wants to do with the time he has left?


You know, it really felt like the oxygen drained out of his presidency when he announced he was dropping out of the race for reelection.


But practically speaking, this term was already in a lame duck phase.


His biggest achievements happened before Democrats lost control of the House in 2023.


So a lot of what he can do in these final months is implementation, distributing funds for infrastructure and climate projects, cementing regulations.


He said he is going to keep fighting for reproductive rights and civil rights.


He's going to keep working on the economy and trying to lower costs, and he'll speak out against extremism and political violence.


And, of course, he is still trying very hard to get a cease-fire for hostages deal in Gaza.


Tam, we don't have a lot of time to talk about this, but at the end of the day, how do you think his legacy will be defined?


Well, you know, there's been a lot of praise from Democrats about Biden's selflessness since his announcement on Sunday. But the real judgment comes in November.


By realizing he needed to step aside at this very late date, he foreclosed any possibility of a real primary.


Right now, Democrats are very excited about Vice President Harris as the likely nominee, but this race is still very close.


If Harris wins, Biden will be remembered as the rare president who put his party and country ahead of his ego.


If she loses, then he is both the person who removed Trump from office and ushered him back in.


That is NPR's Tamara Keith, waking up early again after another late night. Tam, thank you. You're welcome.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
announced [ə'naunst]



emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的



n. 基金;资金,现金(fund的复数) v. 提供资金

accomplish [ə'kɔmpliʃ]


vt. 完成

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

spoke [spəuk]


v. 说,说话,演说

legacy ['legəsi]


n. 祖先传下来之物,遗赠物
adj. [计算

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

correspondent [.kɔri'spɔndənt]


n. 通讯记者,通信者
adj. 与 ...

gratitude ['grætitju:d]


n. 感恩之心





