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  • President Biden said yesterday he is giving up the Democratic nomination and dropping out of the race for reelection.
  • 拜登总统昨天表示,他将放弃民主党提名,并退出竞选连任。
  • Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his choice to take over the top of the Democratic ticket. But it's unclear how the party will now proceed.
  • 拜登支持副总统卡马拉·哈里斯来接管民主党的最高职位。但目前尚不清楚该党现在将如何进行。
  • We're joined now by NPR senior White House correspondent Tamara Keith, who is in Rehoboth Beach, Del. , where Biden has been recovering from COVID.
  • 我们现在连线NPR白宫资深记者塔玛拉-基思,她正在德克萨斯州的雷霍布斯海滩。拜登一直在那里进行COVID康复治疗。
  • Also with us is NPR national political correspondent Mara Liasson. All right, Tam, let's start off with you. You're leading off here.
  • NPR国家政治记者玛拉·利亚森也在这里。好了,塔姆,我们从你开始吧。你先开始吧。
  • President Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the nominee, so what's Harris plan to do with that endorsement?
  • 拜登总统支持副总统卡马拉·哈里斯成为提名人,那么哈里斯计划如何利用这一支持呢?
  • Well, in a statement, Harris said that she is honored that President Biden endorsed her and that it is her intention to earn and win the nomination.
  • 嗯,哈里斯在一份声明中表示,她很荣幸拜登总统支持她,她打算赢得提名。
  • She added that she will do everything in her power to unite the Democratic Party and unite the nation to defeat Donald Trump.
  • 她补充说,她将尽自己的一切力量团结民主党,团结全国,击败唐纳德·特朗普。
  • And according to a person familiar with her day, Harris worked the phones for more than 10 hours on Sunday, calling Democratic Party leaders and talking about her plans.
  • 据一位熟悉她日程的人士透露,哈里斯周日打了10多个小时的电话,给民主党领导人打电话,谈论她的计划。
  • At this point, we don't know yet if anyone will be able to get enough support from Democratic convention delegates to make this a real race.
  • 在这一点上,我们还不知道是否有人能够从民主党大会代表那里获得足够的支持,使这场竞选成为一场真正的竞争。
  • So far, we have seen a ton of endorsements pour in for Harris, including members of Congress, entire state delegations and some of the big name Democrats who had previously been mentioned as possible candidates.
  • 到目前为止,我们已经看到了大量对哈里斯的支持,包括国会议员、整个州代表团以及一些此前被提及可能成为候选人的知名民主党人。
  • But in their statements praising Biden's decision, fellow Californian Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama notably didn't explicitly endorse Harris.
  • 但是,在赞扬拜登决定的声明中,同为加利福尼亚人的南希·佩洛西和前总统巴拉克·奥巴马显然没有明确支持哈里斯。
  • In a meeting with campaign staff yesterday after Biden's announcement, Jen O'Malley Dillon, who's led Biden's reelection effort, told staff that they still have a job.
  • 昨天,在拜登宣布竞选结果后,负责拜登连任工作的珍-奥马利-狄龙在与竞选团队成员会面时告诉大家,他们还有工作要做。
  • And they are quickly pivoting to be full steam ahead behind Vice President Biden. The branding and website have already changed.
  • 他们正在迅速转向全力支持副总统拜登。品牌和网站已经改变。
  • So much of their campaign was focused on beating Trump, trying to make it a referendum on him that, O'Malley Dillon said, they don't need to reinvent the wheel in litigating the case to the American public.
  • 奥马利-狄龙说,他们的竞选活动主要集中在击败特朗普,试图让特朗普成为全民公投的对象,因此他们不需要在向美国公众提起诉讼时另起炉灶。
  • Just one more note.
  • 还有一点需要注意。
  • Last night, the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue announced that the Harris presidential campaign had raised more than $46,000,000 from grassroots donors in the hours since Biden endorsed her That is a money bomb.
  • 昨晚,民主党筹款平台ActBlue宣布,自拜登支持哈里斯以来的几个小时内,哈里斯总统竞选团队已经从基层捐赠者那里筹集了超过4600万美元。这是一颗筹款炸弹。
  • Mara Liasson, then what is the sense among Democrats about Harris' chances?
  • 玛拉·利亚森,那么民主党人对哈里斯的竞选有什么看法?
  • Well, I think that they are cautiously optimistic, but we just don't have a lot of evidence here.
  • 嗯,我认为他们持谨慎乐观的态度,但我们在这里没有很多证据。
  • Our latest NPR poll, NPR/ Marist/PBS poll, showed that she runs nationally against Trump about the same as Biden does.
  • 我们最新的NPR民意调查,NPR/Marist/PBS民意调查显示,她在全国范围内与特朗普的PK情况与拜登大致相同。
  • What we don't have are any public battleground polls to see how she does. But Democrats are cautiously optimistic.
  • 我们没有任何公开的战场民意调查来了解她的表现。但民主党人持谨慎乐观态度。
  • Even Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi who haven't yet endorsed her and are talking about some kind of an open process, that doesn't mean that they're against Kamala.
  • 即使像南希-佩洛西这样的民主党领袖尚未支持她,并在谈论某种开放的程序,但这并不意味着他们反对卡马拉。
  • They just want something that doesn't look like a coronation.
  • 他们只是想要一些看起来不像加冕礼的东西。
  • Mara, on Friday, the Biden campaign was insistent that they were staying in it until the race was over. So what changed? What's the timeline?
  • 马拉, 上周五 拜登竞选团队坚持说 他们会坚持到竞选结束。那发生了什么变化?时间表是什么?
  • Well, this was a real process. You know, this is a hard thing.
  • 这是真的有一个过程。 你知道的,这很难解释。
  • Don't forget... Yeah. This is a politician, Joe Biden, whose political identity, his origin story is of someone who's always counted out and always proves his critics wrong. He started out very defiant.
  • 别忘了... 这是一个政治家,乔-拜登 他的政治身份,他的出身故事 是一个总是被人算计, 总是证明他的批评者是错的人, 他一开始很不服输 .
  • He was going to stay in the race. He sounded like he was in denial about what the polls showed, but in the end, he was not deluded.
  • 他打算继续参加竞选。他听起来像是在否认民意调查显示的结果,但最终,他并没有被蒙蔽。
  • And his aides came to him, showed him internal polling that his standing in battleground states was collapsing.
  • 他的助手们来到他身边,向他展示了内部民意调查,显示他在关键州的支持率正在崩溃。
  • And he wanted to get out before the trickle of Democrats calling for him to get out turned into a tidal wave.
  • 他想在呼吁他下台的民主党人从涓涓细流变成滔天巨浪之前离开。
  • So, Tamara, how much do voters know about Kamala Harris?
  • 那么,塔玛拉,选民对卡玛拉·哈里斯了解多少呢?
  • Like all vice presidents, she has been, at many points, pretty invisible and struggled to carve out her own political identity.
  • 就像所有的副总统一样,她在很多时候都相当默默无闻,努力塑造自己的政治形象。
  • I was recently in North Carolina talking to voters who were like, where is she and what is she doing?
  • 我最近在北卡罗来纳州与选民交谈,他们就像,她在哪里,她在做什么?
  • But the reality is that she's been on dozens of foreign trips and became a leading voice for the administration on abortion.
  • 但现实情况是,她已经进行了数十次国外旅行,并成为政府在堕胎问题上的主要发言人。
  • But a lot of people don't really feel like they know her aside from being a first.
  • 但是很多人除了知道她是第一夫人之外,并不真正了解她。
  • And what they do know may be through the lens of Republican attacks on her handling of immigration and even her laughter.
  • 他们所知道的可能是通过共和党的攻击来了解的,这些攻击针对她对移民问题的处理,甚至是她的笑声。
  • The hits are already coming, some about policy and some that lean on well-worn tropes about Black women.
  • 攻击已经开始了,有些是关于政策的,有些则是依赖于关于黑人女性的陈词滥调。
  • There are Democratic outside groups, including EMILYs List - I spoke with them yesterday - planning to spend millions of dollars to make sure voters feel comfortable with Harris as president.
  • 有一些民主党外部团体,包括EMILY'sList——我昨天和他们谈过——计划花费数百万美元,以确保选民对哈里斯担任总统感到放心。
  • OK but here we go, because Democrats have less than a month before their convention in Chicago.
  • 好的,但我们开始吧,因为民主党人在芝加哥举行大会之前还有不到一个月的时间。
  • So, Tamara, can you walk us through exactly what is going to happen next? I mean, what's the process like? What will it involve?
  • 那么,塔玛拉,你能详细地告诉我们接下来会发生什么吗?我的意思是,这个过程是怎样的?它会涉及到什么?
  • We are headed for a highly condensed primary campaign where the only voters are the 4,700 or so delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.
  • 我们正面临着着一场高度压缩的初选,在这场初选中,唯一的选民是前往芝加哥参加民主党全国代表大会的大约4700名代表。
  • This is a group of elected Democrats, party activists and volunteers who will decide.
  • 这是一群当选的民主党人、党内活动人士和志愿者,他们将做出决定。
  • And if they haven't coalesced behind a candidate by the start of the convention, it could go through multiple rounds of voting until a candidate gets the majority.
  • 如果在大会开始时他们还没有团结在一位候选人背后,那么可能会经过多轮投票,直到一位候选人获得多数票。
  • And in the meantime, one expert on the process told me it will be like reality TV that you've never seen before, at least not since 1968, that convention.
  • 与此同时,一位研究这一过程的专家告诉我,这将像是你从未见过的真人秀,至少自1968年那次大会以来是这样。
  • Interestingly, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution about how nominees are chosen.
  • 有趣的是,美国宪法中并没有关于如何选择被提名者的内容。
  • This is a party process, which feels weird given that millions of people voted in the primary.
  • 这是一个党内程序,考虑到有数百万人在初选中投票,这感觉很奇怪。
  • But the rules are quite clear, even if Republicans and former President Trump are trying to make it sound nefarious. I do like reality TV. I am a big fan of that.
  • 但规则非常明确,即使共和党人和前总统特朗普试图让它听起来邪恶。我确实喜欢真人秀。我是它的忠实粉丝。
  • Mara, what about your thoughts on what this process will involve next?
  • 玛拉,对于接下来这个过程会涉及到什么,你有什么想法吗?
  • Well, the big question is if anyone stands up to run against her.
  • 那么,最大的问题是是否有人站出来与她竞争。
  • There's going to be tremendous pressure on Democrats who want to preserve their, quote, "viability in the system," as Bill Clinton said once, to not do that.
  • 会有巨大的压力施加在那些想要保留他们的,引用比尔·克林顿曾经说过的话,“在这个体制中的生存能力”的民主党人身上,让他们不要那样做。
  • The outpouring of endorsements show you that Democrats at least - and the lack of a serious challenger shows you that at least Democrats seem to be completing Step 1 of this process, which is party unity.
  • 大量支持者的涌现表明,至少民主党人--而缺乏一位真正的挑战者表明,至少民主党人似乎正在完成这一进程的第一步,即党内团结。
  • And that's really important. But the other big question is, can Kamala Harris rise to the occasion?
  • 这确实非常重要。但另一个重要的问题是,卡玛拉·哈里斯能否担当重任?
  • One top Democrat said to me that no politician in modern times has ever been asked to rise to the occasion like this. She was not a great candidate in 2020. She dropped out before any votes were cast.
  • 一位民主党高层人士曾对我说,现代历史上,从未有哪位政治家被要求像她这样挺身而出。她在2020年并不是一位出色的候选人。她在任何选票都未投出之前就退出了竞选。
  • But I think Democrats do feel this is their last best hope to defeat Trump or, barring that, to at least flip the House and stop a complete Trump takeover of the government. One more thing for both of you really quick.
  • 但我认为民主党人确实觉得这是他们击败特朗普的最后也是最好的希望,或者,至少要翻转众议院,阻止特朗普完全接管政府。很快,还要问你们两个一件事。
  • I mean, it's been a lot of upheaval in the Democratic Party.
  • 我的意思是,民主党内部经历了很多动荡。
  • You have any sense of how Democrats are feeling in this moment? Mara, let's start with you on that.
  • 你对民主党人此刻的感受有任何了解吗?玛拉,让我们从你开始。
  • Yeah, I think they're feeling a big sense of relief and a lot of trepidation about what's going to happen next. T
  • 是的,我认为他们感到如释重负,同时对接下来会发生什么感到非常不安。
  • am, what about you? Just look at those fundraising numbers.
  • 塔姆,你呢?看看那些筹款数字吧。
  • They are off the charts, which means there was a lot of pent up demand from Democrats to find something to get excited about, and they're going to get excited about this.
  • 他们已经超出了图表的范围,这意味着民主党人有很多被压抑的需求,想要找到一些令人兴奋的东西,而他们将会为此感到兴奋。
  • I heard from Democratic campaign volunteers who are ready to get to work for their new future nominee.
  • 我听到了民主党竞选志愿者的声音,他们已经准备好为他们的新未来提名人而努力工作。
  • That's NPR's Tamara Keith and NPR's Mara Liasson. Thanks to you both. Thank you. You're welcome.
  • 这是美国国家公共电台的塔玛拉·基思和美国国家公共电台的玛拉·利亚森。谢谢你们两位。谢谢。不客气。


President Biden said yesterday he is giving up the Democratic nomination and dropping out of the race for reelection.


Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his choice to take over the top of the Democratic ticket. But it's unclear how the party will now proceed.


We're joined now by NPR senior White House correspondent Tamara Keith, who is in Rehoboth Beach, Del. , where Biden has been recovering from COVID.


Also with us is NPR national political correspondent Mara Liasson. All right, Tam, let's start off with you. You're leading off here.


President Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the nominee, so what's Harris plan to do with that endorsement?


Well, in a statement, Harris said that she is honored that President Biden endorsed her and that it is her intention to earn and win the nomination.


She added that she will do everything in her power to unite the Democratic Party and unite the nation to defeat Donald Trump.


And according to a person familiar with her day, Harris worked the phones for more than 10 hours on Sunday, calling Democratic Party leaders and talking about her plans.


At this point, we don't know yet if anyone will be able to get enough support from Democratic convention delegates to make this a real race.


So far, we have seen a ton of endorsements pour in for Harris, including members of Congress, entire state delegations and some of the big name Democrats who had previously been mentioned as possible candidates.


But in their statements praising Biden's decision, fellow Californian Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama notably didn't explicitly endorse Harris.


In a meeting with campaign staff yesterday after Biden's announcement, Jen O'Malley Dillon, who's led Biden's reelection effort, told staff that they still have a job.


And they are quickly pivoting to be full steam ahead behind Vice President Biden. The branding and website have already changed.


So much of their campaign was focused on beating Trump, trying to make it a referendum on him that, O'Malley Dillon said, they don't need to reinvent the wheel in litigating the case to the American public.


Just one more note.


Last night, the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue announced that the Harris presidential campaign had raised more than $46,000,000 from grassroots donors in the hours since Biden endorsed her That is a money bomb.


Mara Liasson, then what is the sense among Democrats about Harris' chances?


Well, I think that they are cautiously optimistic, but we just don't have a lot of evidence here.


Our latest NPR poll, NPR/ Marist/PBS poll, showed that she runs nationally against Trump about the same as Biden does.


What we don't have are any public battleground polls to see how she does. But Democrats are cautiously optimistic.


Even Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi who haven't yet endorsed her and are talking about some kind of an open process, that doesn't mean that they're against Kamala.


They just want something that doesn't look like a coronation.


Mara, on Friday, the Biden campaign was insistent that they were staying in it until the race was over. So what changed? What's the timeline?

马拉, 上周五 拜登竞选团队坚持说 他们会坚持到竞选结束。那发生了什么变化?时间表是什么?

Well, this was a real process. You know, this is a hard thing.

这是真的有一个过程。 你知道的,这很难解释。

Don't forget... Yeah. This is a politician, Joe Biden, whose political identity, his origin story is of someone who's always counted out and always proves his critics wrong. He started out very defiant.

别忘了... 这是一个政治家,乔-拜登 他的政治身份,他的出身故事 是一个总是被人算计, 总是证明他的批评者是错的人, 他一开始很不服输 .

He was going to stay in the race. He sounded like he was in denial about what the polls showed, but in the end, he was not deluded.


And his aides came to him, showed him internal polling that his standing in battleground states was collapsing.


And he wanted to get out before the trickle of Democrats calling for him to get out turned into a tidal wave.


So, Tamara, how much do voters know about Kamala Harris?


Like all vice presidents, she has been, at many points, pretty invisible and struggled to carve out her own political identity.


I was recently in North Carolina talking to voters who were like, where is she and what is she doing?


But the reality is that she's been on dozens of foreign trips and became a leading voice for the administration on abortion.


But a lot of people don't really feel like they know her aside from being a first.


And what they do know may be through the lens of Republican attacks on her handling of immigration and even her laughter.


The hits are already coming, some about policy and some that lean on well-worn tropes about Black women.


There are Democratic outside groups, including EMILYs List - I spoke with them yesterday - planning to spend millions of dollars to make sure voters feel comfortable with Harris as president.


OK but here we go, because Democrats have less than a month before their convention in Chicago.


So, Tamara, can you walk us through exactly what is going to happen next? I mean, what's the process like? What will it involve?


We are headed for a highly condensed primary campaign where the only voters are the 4,700 or so delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.


This is a group of elected Democrats, party activists and volunteers who will decide.


And if they haven't coalesced behind a candidate by the start of the convention, it could go through multiple rounds of voting until a candidate gets the majority.


And in the meantime, one expert on the process told me it will be like reality TV that you've never seen before, at least not since 1968, that convention.


Interestingly, there is nothing in the U.S. Constitution about how nominees are chosen.


This is a party process, which feels weird given that millions of people voted in the primary.


But the rules are quite clear, even if Republicans and former President Trump are trying to make it sound nefarious. I do like reality TV. I am a big fan of that.


Mara, what about your thoughts on what this process will involve next?


Well, the big question is if anyone stands up to run against her.


There's going to be tremendous pressure on Democrats who want to preserve their, quote, "viability in the system," as Bill Clinton said once, to not do that.


The outpouring of endorsements show you that Democrats at least - and the lack of a serious challenger shows you that at least Democrats seem to be completing Step 1 of this process, which is party unity.


And that's really important. But the other big question is, can Kamala Harris rise to the occasion?


One top Democrat said to me that no politician in modern times has ever been asked to rise to the occasion like this. She was not a great candidate in 2020. She dropped out before any votes were cast.


But I think Democrats do feel this is their last best hope to defeat Trump or, barring that, to at least flip the House and stop a complete Trump takeover of the government. One more thing for both of you really quick.


I mean, it's been a lot of upheaval in the Democratic Party.


You have any sense of how Democrats are feeling in this moment? Mara, let's start with you on that.


Yeah, I think they're feeling a big sense of relief and a lot of trepidation about what's going to happen next. T


am, what about you? Just look at those fundraising numbers.


They are off the charts, which means there was a lot of pent up demand from Democrats to find something to get excited about, and they're going to get excited about this.


I heard from Democratic campaign volunteers who are ready to get to work for their new future nominee.


That's NPR's Tamara Keith and NPR's Mara Liasson. Thanks to you both. Thank you. You're welcome.


重点单词   查看全部解释    


n. 挑战者

constitution [.kɔnsti'tju:ʃən]


n. 组织,宪法,体格

cast [kɑ:st]


v. 投,掷,抛,铸造,丢弃,指定演员,加起来,投射(目

quote [kwəut]


n. 引用
v. 引述,举证,报价

explicitly [ik'splisitli]


adv. 明白地,明确地

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

denial [di'naiəl]


n. 否认,拒绝

correspondent [.kɔri'spɔndənt]


n. 通讯记者,通信者
adj. 与 ...

candidate ['kændidit]


n. 候选人,求职者





