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  • Democrats have been talking, in private conversations, in conference calls, sometimes on TV.
  • 民主党人一直在谈论,私下谈,电话会议中谈,有时也在电视上谈论。
  • This week, many see You can think of it as a tough family conversation.
  • 本周,很多人都看到了。你可以把它看作是一次艰难的家庭对话。
  • Four senior House Democrats said on a private call yesterday that they believe President Biden should step aside.
  • 四位众议院民主党资深议员昨天在一次私人电话会议中表示,他们认为拜登总统应该下台。
  • Others support the president, like the Democratic Senators and the governor who campaigned with him in Pennsylvania yesterday.
  • 其他人支持总统,比如昨天在宾夕法尼亚州与他一起竞选的民主党参议员和州长。
  • A disappointing debate triggered the discussion by raising larger questions about the president's fitness at age 81.
  • 一场令人失望的辩论引发了人们对总统 81 岁高龄是否健康的更大疑问,从而引发了讨论。
  • NPR senior White House correspondent Tamara Keith was on that trip to Pennsylvania.
  • NPR高级白宫记者塔玛拉·基思参加了宾夕法尼亚州的那次旅行。
  • Tam, good morning.
  • 塔,早上好。
  • Good morning.
  • 早上好。
  • OK, we said four senior House Democrats want Biden out, but I'll just note there are hundreds of Democrats in Congress.
  • 好的,我们说过有四位众议院资深民主党人希望拜登下台,但我要指出的是,国会中有数百名民主党人。
  • So where does the party stand?
  • 那么该党持何立场呢?
  • The fact is that House Democrats are divided.
  • 事实是众议院民主党人存在分歧。
  • These four members who called for Biden to step aside were on a call with leadership, their House committee chairs, and they haven't come out publicly yet. OK.
  • 这这四位要求拜登下台的议员与领导层、众议院委员会主席通了电话,他们还没有公开表态。好的。
  • And then there are other members firmly standing behind Biden.
  • 然后还有其他成员坚定地站在拜登身后。
  • I know a lot of representatives will be looking for clues from top leadership, including House Speaker Jeffries, majority leader Schumer in the Senate.
  • 我知道很多代表都会从最高领导层那里寻找线索,包括众议院议长杰弗里斯、参议院多数党领袖舒默。
  • And they haven't shown their cards.
  • 而且他们还没有表明自己的立场。
  • Biden, for his part, has been working the phones, calling members of Congress and will be doing more of that today.
  • 拜登这边,他一直在打电话,给国会议员打电话,今天还会继续这样做。
  • Well, what was the president like in public yesterday in Pennsylvania?
  • 总统昨天在宾夕法尼亚州的公开场合是什么样的?
  • Well, on Friday, he said only the Lord Almighty could convince him to drop out. Right.
  • 嗯,周五的时候,他说只有万能的主才能说服他退出。好的。
  • Yesterday at Mount Airy Church of God and Christ, the only message he heard was stay in - don't let them tell you you're too old.
  • 昨天在芒特艾里上帝基督教堂,他听到的唯一信息是留下来——不要让他们告诉你你太老了。
  • The head pastor, J.Louis Felton, led worshippers in a call and response.
  • 首席牧师,J.路易斯·费尔顿带领信徒进行了一场呼召和回应。
  • We did not come to beat up on you, to put you down, to criticize you, to magnify your flaws or mistakes.
  • 我们不是来打击你,贬低你,批评你,放大你的缺点或错误的。
  • We come to love you. We love you, president.
  • 我们是来爱你。我们爱你,总统。
  • Come on, say we love you, President Biden.
  • 来吧,说我们爱你,拜登总统。
  • When the services were over, Biden lingered and shook hands, gave hugs, took a lot of selfies, grabbing the phones himself to take the pictures.
  • 仪式结束后,拜登逗留了一会儿,与众人握手、拥抱,还拍了很多自拍照,他亲自拿着手机拍照。
  • And he kept doing that at every stop.
  • 并且他在每一站都继续那样做。
  • He dropped in on a campaign field office in Philadelphia, and he referenced the laser eye superhero meme version of himself.
  • 他顺道拜访了费城的一个竞选现场办公室,他提到了自己的激光眼超级英雄的梗图。
  • But I'll tell you what, Dark Brandon's coming back.
  • 但是我要告诉你,黑暗布兰登要回来了。
  • And guess what?
  • 然后你猜怎么着?
  • The next 120-something days or so, they're going to get a real good look at who Donald Trump is.
  • 在接下来的 120 多天里,他们将真正看清唐纳德-特朗普的真面目。
  • He spoke without notes there and later at a rally at a union hall in Harrisburg.
  • 他在那里无稿演说,后来又在哈里斯堡的一个工会大厅的集会上发表了讲话。
  • That event was outside in a courtyard.
  • 那个活动是在外面的一个院子里举行的。
  • It was over 90 degrees outside, and he shook hands for a good 45 minutes after delivering brief remarks.
  • 外面的温度超过了90华氏度,而他在发表简短讲话后握了足足45分钟的手。
  • At one point during that very long, hot marathon of chatting with supporters, Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" came on the sound system.
  • 在那场与支持者们漫长而热烈的马拉松式聊天中,有一次,格洛丽亚·盖纳的《我会活下去》在音响中响起。
  • And the whole point seemed to be to show his critics that he has the stamina to beat Trump.
  • 而整个要点似乎是向他的批评者表明,他有耐力击败特朗普。
  • OK, I was thinking about what the president said there in that clip that you played, saying that people are going to get a real good look of who Donald Trump is.
  • 好吧,我在想总统在你播放的那个片段中说的话,他说人们将真正看清唐纳德-特朗普是个什么样的人。
  • The hope for Democrats - their hope had been to make this election effectively a referendum on the challenger, a referendum on Trump and what a danger they feel he would be for the country.
  • 民主党的希望——他们的希望是让这次选举实际上成为对挑战者的全民公决,对特朗普的全民公决,以及他们认为他会给国家带来多大危险的全民公决。
  • Instead, the focus is on the president and his age.
  • 相反,焦点在于总统和他的年龄。
  • So where is this heading?
  • 那么,这是什么走向呢?
  • Well, Biden and his team are looking to get past this news cycle from hell and move on to their playbook, which was going after Trump.
  • 好吧,拜登和他的团队正寻求摆脱这个地狱般的新闻周期,并继续推进他们的计划,即追查特朗普。
  • In terms of Biden, you know, people often look like they are hanging on in politics until they're not.
  • 就拜登而言,你知道,人们在政治上常常看起来像是在苦苦支撑,直到他们撑不下去为止。
  • But Biden has long been someone who scoffs in the face of doubt.
  • 但拜登长期以来一直是一个面对质疑时会嗤之以鼻的人。
  • So in addition to those calls he's making to lawmakers, he'll be talking to foreign leaders at the NATO summit this week, trying to convince them that he can keep Trump out of office.
  • 因此,除了他打给议员们的那些电话之外,他本周还将在北约峰会上与外国领导人交谈,试图说服他们相信他能够阻止特朗普上台。
  • And then on Friday, he goes to Detroit, Mich., to campaign.
  • 然后在周五,他去了密歇根州的底特律,去竞选。
  • It is another must-win state.
  • 这是另一个必须拿下的州。
  • OK, we'll continue watching.
  • 好的,我们会继续观察。
  • Tamara, thanks so much.
  • 塔玛拉,非常感谢。
  • You're welcome.
  • 不客气。
  • That's NPR's Tamara Keith.
  • 这是美国国家公共电台的塔玛拉·基思。


Democrats have been talking, in private conversations, in conference calls, sometimes on TV.[qh]


This week, many see You can think of it as a tough family conversation.[qh]


Four senior House Democrats said on a private call yesterday that they believe President Biden should step aside.[qh]


Others support the president, like the Democratic Senators and the governor who campaigned with him in Pennsylvania yesterday.[qh]


A disappointing debate triggered the discussion by raising larger questions about the president's fitness at age 81.[qh]

一场令人失望的辩论引发了人们对总统 81 岁高龄是否健康的更大疑问,从而引发了讨论。[qh]

NPR senior White House correspondent Tamara Keith was on that trip to Pennsylvania.[qh]


Tam, good morning.[qh]


Good morning.[qh]


OK, we said four senior House Democrats want Biden out, but I'll just note there are hundreds of Democrats in Congress.[qh]


So where does the party stand?[qh]


The fact is that House Democrats are divided.[qh]


These four members who called for Biden to step aside were on a call with leadership, their House committee chairs, and they haven't come out publicly yet. OK.[qh]


And then there are other members firmly standing behind Biden.[qh]


I know a lot of representatives will be looking for clues from top leadership, including House Speaker Jeffries, majority leader Schumer in the Senate.[qh]


And they haven't shown their cards.[qh]


Biden, for his part, has been working the phones, calling members of Congress and will be doing more of that today.[qh]


Well, what was the president like in public yesterday in Pennsylvania?[qh]


Well, on Friday, he said only the Lord Almighty could convince him to drop out. Right.[qh]


Yesterday at Mount Airy Church of God and Christ, the only message he heard was stay in - don't let them tell you you're too old.[qh]


The head pastor, J.Louis Felton, led worshippers in a call and response.[qh]


We did not come to beat up on you, to put you down, to criticize you, to magnify your flaws or mistakes.[qh]


We come to love you. We love you, president.[qh]


Come on, say we love you, President Biden.[qh]


When the services were over, Biden lingered and shook hands, gave hugs, took a lot of selfies, grabbing the phones himself to take the pictures.[qh]


And he kept doing that at every stop.[qh]


He dropped in on a campaign field office in Philadelphia, and he referenced the laser eye superhero meme version of himself.[qh]


But I'll tell you what, Dark Brandon's coming back.[qh]


And guess what?[qh]


The next 120-something days or so, they're going to get a real good look at who Donald Trump is.[qh]

在接下来的 120 多天里,他们将真正看清唐纳德-特朗普的真面目。[qh]

He spoke without notes there and later at a rally at a union hall in Harrisburg.[qh]


That event was outside in a courtyard.[qh]


It was over 90 degrees outside, and he shook hands for a good 45 minutes after delivering brief remarks.[qh]


At one point during that very long, hot marathon of chatting with supporters, Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive" came on the sound system.[qh]


And the whole point seemed to be to show his critics that he has the stamina to beat Trump.[qh]


OK, I was thinking about what the president said there in that clip that you played, saying that people are going to get a real good look of who Donald Trump is.[qh]


The hope for Democrats - their hope had been to make this election effectively a referendum on the challenger, a referendum on Trump and what a danger they feel he would be for the country.[qh]


Instead, the focus is on the president and his age.[qh]


So where is this heading?[qh]


Well, Biden and his team are looking to get past this news cycle from hell and move on to their playbook, which was going after Trump.[qh]


In terms of Biden, you know, people often look like they are hanging on in politics until they're not.[qh]


But Biden has long been someone who scoffs in the face of doubt.[qh]


So in addition to those calls he's making to lawmakers, he'll be talking to foreign leaders at the NATO summit this week, trying to convince them that he can keep Trump out of office.[qh]


And then on Friday, he goes to Detroit, Mich., to campaign.[qh]


It is another must-win state.[qh]


OK, we'll continue watching.[qh]


Tamara, thanks so much.[qh]


You're welcome.[qh]


That's NPR's Tamara Keith.[qh]


重点单词   查看全部解释    
fitness ['fitnis]


n. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康

stamina ['stæminə]


n. 精力,活力,耐力 n. [植]雄蕊 名词stame

laser ['leizə]


n. 激光,镭射

magnify ['mægnifai]


v. 放大,夸大
v. 赞美,颂扬

effectively [i'fektivli]


adv. 事实上,有效地

senior ['si:njə]


adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的,地位较高的

democratic [.demə'krætik]


adj. 民主的,大众的,平等的

courtyard ['kɔ:tjɑ:d]


n. 庭院,院子

response [ri'spɔns]


n. 回答,响应,反应,答复
n. [宗

addition [ə'diʃən]


n. 增加,附加物,加法





