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  • An American TV show called Abbott Elementary is a comedy about teachers in a Philadelphia elementary school.
  • 美国电视剧《小学风云》是一部关于费城一所小学教师的喜剧。
  • The show has been praised for being funny, smart and heartwarming and for dealing with important education issues.
  • 该电视剧因搞笑、充满智慧、暖心以及处理重要的教育问题而广受赞誉。
  • Over two seasons of 35 episodes, the show has explored education issues like school budgets, charter schools and teacher mental health.
  • 在两季共35集的内容里,该剧探讨了学校预算、特许学校和教师心理健康等教育问题。
  • The show is on ABC, one of the biggest American television networks.
  • 该电视剧在美国最大的电视网之一ABC电视网播出。
  • The show is being aired at a time of teacher shortages and debates about how race issues and history should be taught.
  • 该电视剧播出之际,美国正出现教师短缺问题以及关于应该如何教授种族问题和历史的争论。
  • The creator and star of the show is Quinta Brunson.
  • 这部电视剧的主创和主演是昆塔·布伦森。
  • Brunson's mother was a public school teacher in Philadelphia.
  • 布伦森的母亲是费城一所公立学校的教师。
  • Brunson plays a young, second-grade teacher named Janine at Abbott Elementary.
  • 布伦森饰演的是雅培小学一位年轻的二年级老师,名叫珍妮。
  • The show follows several other teachers at Abbott, which is a badly supervised and majority-Black school that does not have enough money.
  • 该电视剧讲述了雅培小学几名教师的故事,雅培小学是一所管理不善、黑人占多数且没有足够资金的学校。
  • Although the teachers often run into trouble with students and the administration, they care about their jobs and try to help their students.
  • 虽然老师经常与学生和行政部门发生冲突,但他们关心自己的工作,并努力帮助他们的学生。
  • Brunson said in an interview with Education Week that two writers on the show are former teachers.
  • 布伦森在接受《教育周刊》采访时表示,该电视剧的两位编剧都曾是教师。
  • She said she wanted all the writers to have "a healthy relationship to education."
  • 她说,她希望所有的编剧都能“与教育建立健康的关系”。
  • She added that since the COVID-19 pandemic, education has been a subject on the minds of everyone.
  • 她补充说,自从新冠疫情以来,教育一直是每个人都关心的话题。
  • "Three years ago, no one was talking about teachers as much as they are now," Brunson said.
  • 布伦森说:“三年前,没有人像现在这样谈论老师”。
  • "And now, everywhere we look, we're talking about education…I hope that it leads us into a better place in this country with our treatment of education, specifically public education."
  • “如今,处处都在谈论教育……我希望这能让这个国家的教育待遇变得更好,尤其是公共教育。”
  • Sara Jones is a professor of elementary education at Illinois State University.
  • 萨拉·琼斯是伊利诺伊州立大学的基础教育教授。
  • Next spring, she will be teaching a class on Abbott Elementary.
  • 明年春天,她将会根据《小学风云》教学。
  • At each class, students will watch an episode of the show then discuss an issue related to urban education that appeared in that episode.
  • 在每节课上,学生们将观看一集电视剧,然后讨论该集电视剧中出现的与城市教育有关的问题。
  • The class will also read related research papers from education experts.
  • 该课程还将阅读教育专家的相关研究论文。
  • Jones is a former elementary school teacher and has researched urban education.
  • 琼斯曾是一名小学教师,研究过城市教育。
  • She said the show covers many issues that come up in her research like teacher shortages, teacher training and unfair use of public money.
  • 她说,该电视剧涵盖了她研究中出现的许多问题,如教师短缺、教师培训和不公平使用公共资金。
  • "I immediately fell in love with the characters and the storytelling and that connection to my own teaching experience," Jones told VOA.
  • 琼斯在接受美国之音采访时说:“我立即就爱上了该剧中的角色和故事情节,以及与我自己的教学经历的联系。”
  • The class is part of the university's honors program instead of the education school, so it will have students from different areas of study.
  • 该课程是该大学荣誉项目的一部分,而不是教育学院的一部分,因此将会有来自不同研究领域的学生来参加这门课程。
  • Jones added that the show is funny and interesting but deals with issues in a simple way that people who are not involved in education can understand.
  • 琼斯补充说,这个电视剧很有趣,采用了一种不参与教育的人也能理解的简单方式处理问题。
  • A repeated issue in the show's second season is the charter school movement.
  • 在该剧第二季中反复出现的一个问题是特许学校运动。
  • Charter schools receive public money but operate outside the public school system.
  • 特许学校接受公共资金,但在公立学校系统之外运营。
  • Charter schools also receive private money.
  • 特许学校也接受私人资助。
  • Businessmen like Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and former Microsoft chief Bill Gates have invested money in some charter schools.
  • 诸如脸书联合创始人马克·扎克伯格和微软前首席执行官比尔·盖茨之类的商人投资了一些特许学校。
  • In Abbott, a group called Legendary Charter schools threatens to turn every public school in Philadelphia into a charter school.
  • 在《小学风云》中,一个名为“传奇特许学校”的组织威胁称要把费城的每一所公立学校都变成特许学校。
  • Charter schools do not have the same operating requirements as local government-operated public schools.
  • 特许学校与当地政府运营的公立学校没有相同的运营要求。
  • Critics argue that charter schools receive local tax money that could go to traditional public schools.
  • 批评人士认为,特许学校获得的地方税收资金可能会流向传统的公立学校。
  • In one episode, the teachers discuss the threat of Legendary charter schools.
  • 在其中一集中,老师们讨论了“传奇特许学校”的威胁。
  • One of the older teachers, Barbara, says, charters "take our funding. Not to mention the private money from wealthy donors with ulterior motives."
  • 其中一位年纪较大的老师芭芭拉说,特许学校“拿走了我们的资金。更不用说别有用心的富有捐赠者的私人资金了。”
  • But the principal, Ava, who is often portrayed as foolish says, "Weird cash swirling around? Don't threaten me with a good time."
  • 但经常以愚蠢形象出现的校长艾娃说,“奇怪的现金流转?别诓我,这感觉明明爽翻天。”
  • Jones said the story explores urban school issues better than most shows on television, including the news media.
  • 琼斯说,这个故事比大多数电视节目(包括新闻媒体)更好地探讨了城市学校问题。
  • "I hope students will get from (this class) a deeper understanding of those issues and perhaps a shift in perspective about particularly urban schools."
  • “我希望学生们能通过这门课对这些问题有更深入的理解,或许还能转变对城市学校的看法。”
  • Brunson said she hopes people who watch the show will be more likely to support schools and teachers.
  • 布伦森说,她希望观看该电视剧的人更有可能支持学校和教师。
  • "It's a public service," Brunson said of teaching.
  • “这是一项公共服务,”布伦森在谈到教学时说。
  • "Who are we without teachers? Who are we without the people who teach us how to read?"
  • “没有老师,我们算什么?没有教我们读书的人,我们算什么?”
  • I'm Dan Novak.
  • 丹·诺瓦克为您播报。


An American TV show called Abbott Elementary is a comedy about teachers in a Philadelphia elementary school.


The show has been praised for being funny, smart and heartwarming and for dealing with important education issues.


Over two seasons of 35 episodes, the show has explored education issues like school budgets, charter schools and teacher mental health.


The show is on ABC, one of the biggest American television networks.


The show is being aired at a time of teacher shortages and debates about how race issues and history should be taught.


The creator and star of the show is Quinta Brunson.


Brunson's mother was a public school teacher in Philadelphia.


Brunson plays a young, second-grade teacher named Janine at Abbott Elementary.


The show follows several other teachers at Abbott, which is a badly supervised and majority-Black school that does not have enough money.


Although the teachers often run into trouble with students and the administration, they care about their jobs and try to help their students.


Brunson said in an interview with Education Week that two writers on the show are former teachers.


She said she wanted all the writers to have "a healthy relationship to education."


She added that since the COVID-19 pandemic, education has been a subject on the minds of everyone.


"Three years ago, no one was talking about teachers as much as they are now," Brunson said.


"And now, everywhere we look, we're talking about educationI hope that it leads us into a better place in this country with our treatment of education, specifically public education."


Sara Jones is a professor of elementary education at Illinois State University.


Next spring, she will be teaching a class on Abbott Elementary.


At each class, students will watch an episode of the show then discuss an issue related to urban education that appeared in that episode.


The class will also read related research papers from education experts.


Jones is a former elementary school teacher and has researched urban education.


She said the show covers many issues that come up in her research like teacher shortages, teacher training and unfair use of public money.


"I immediately fell in love with the characters and the storytelling and that connection to my own teaching experience," Jones told VOA.


The class is part of the university's honors program instead of the education school, so it will have students from different areas of study.


Jones added that the show is funny and interesting but deals with issues in a simple way that people who are not involved in education can understand.


A repeated issue in the show's second season is the charter school movement.


Charter schools receive public money but operate outside the public school system.


Charter schools also receive private money.


Businessmen like Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg and former Microsoft chief Bill Gates have invested money in some charter schools.


In Abbott, a group called Legendary Charter schools threatens to turn every public school in Philadelphia into a charter school.


Charter schools do not have the same operating requirements as local government-operated public schools.


Critics argue that charter schools receive local tax money that could go to traditional public schools.


In one episode, the teachers discuss the threat of Legendary charter schools.


One of the older teachers, Barbara, says, charters "take our funding. Not to mention the private money from wealthy donors with ulterior motives."


But the principal, Ava, who is often portrayed as foolish says, "Weird cash swirling around? Don't threaten me with a good time."


Jones said the story explores urban school issues better than most shows on television, including the news media.


"I hope students will get from (this class) a deeper understanding of those issues and perhaps a shift in perspective about particularly urban schools."


Brunson said she hopes people who watch the show will be more likely to support schools and teachers.


"It's a public service," Brunson said of teaching.


"Who are we without teachers? Who are we without the people who teach us how to read?"


I'm Dan Novak.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
mental ['mentl]


adj. 精神的,脑力的,精神错乱的
n. 精

pandemic [pæn'demik]


adj. 全国流行的 n. (全国或全世界范围流行的)疾

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮

operate ['ɔpəreit]


v. 操作,运转,经营,动手术

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

urban ['ə:bən]


adj. 城市的,都市的



n. 漩涡;涡流 adj. 打旋的 v. 打旋;眩晕;使

episode ['episəud]


n. 插曲,一段情节,片段,轶事

elementary [.elə'mentəri]


adj. 基本的,初级的,元素的





