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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Intelligence officials from the United States and Western countries believe that an explosion brought down the plane presumed to carry Wagner group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin and others.
  • 美国和西方国家的情报官员认为,爆炸导致据推测载有瓦格纳集团领导人叶夫根尼·普里戈任等人的飞机坠毁。
  • One of the officials told the Associated Press that the explosion was in line with Russian President Vladimir Putin's "long history of trying to silence his critics."
  • 其中一名官员告诉美联社,这次爆炸符合俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京“长期以来试图压制批评他的人”的做法。
  • The official was not permitted to comment publicly and did not want to be named.
  • 这位官员不被允许公开发表评论,也不愿透露姓名。
  • Russian officials have not officially confirmed the identity of those who died on the private plane.
  • 俄罗斯官员尚未正式确认这架私人飞机上遇难者的身份。
  • However, President Putin expressed sympathy on Thursday to the families of those who were reportedly on the plane.
  • 然而,周四,普京总统向据报道在飞机上的遇难者的家属表示同情。
  • He also spoke of Prigozhin, saying, "He made some serious mistakes in life, but he also achieved necessary results."
  • 他还提到了普里戈任,他说,“他在一生中犯了一些严重的错误,但他也取得了必要的成果。”
  • Earlier on Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden said he did not know what happened, but he said, "I'm not surprised."
  • 星期三早些时候,美国总统乔·拜登说,他不知道发生了什么,但他说:“我并不感到惊讶。”
  • He added, "There's not much that happens in Russia that Putin is not behind."
  • 他补充说,“在俄罗斯发生的事情没有一件不是普京在背后操纵的。”
  • Prigozhin founded the Wagner group.
  • 普里戈任创立了瓦格纳集团。
  • It is an organization of fighters based in St. Petersburg who offer their services for money and are not officially linked to the Russian military.
  • 这是一个总部设在圣彼得堡的武装组织,他们为金钱而提供服务,与俄罗斯军方没有正式联系。
  • The fighters were known to support military leaders in Africa and the Middle East.
  • 据悉,这些武装分子支持非洲和中东的军事领导人。
  • They had also been supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine.
  • 他们还一直支持俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京在乌克兰的战争。
  • But Prigozhin criticized Putin and his military leaders and launched what was called a mutiny earlier this year.
  • 但普里戈任批评了普京和他的军事领导人,并在今年早些时候发动了所谓的兵变。
  • On June 23 and 24, he and his soldiers moved against Russia's leaders, shooting down aircraft and started a convoy of military vehicles targeting Moscow.
  • 6月23日和24日,他和他的士兵向俄罗斯领导人发起进攻,击落了几架飞机,并启动了一支以攻击莫斯科为目标的军事车队。
  • The anti-Putin move ended when the two men reached a deal that permitted Prigozhin to go to Belarus.
  • 当两人达成协议,普京允许普里戈任前往白俄罗斯时,反普京的行动结束了。
  • Reports, however, said he was able to move safely and freely between Russia, Belarus and parts of Africa.
  • 然而,有报道称,他能够安全、自由地在俄罗斯、白俄罗斯和非洲部分地区之间移动。
  • He appeared at a meeting between Russia and African nations in St. Petersburg in July.
  • 今年7月,他出席了俄罗斯和非洲国家在圣彼得堡举行的一次会议。
  • Many wondered why Prigozhin seemed safe after moving against Putin.
  • 许多人想知道,为什么普里戈任在采取反对普京的行动后似乎是安全的。
  • Other opponents of the Russian president had been sickened, killed or imprisoned in the past.
  • 过去,这位俄罗斯总统的其他反对者也曾生病、被杀或被监禁。
  • On Wednesday, rescue workers found 10 bodies, which included members of the Wagner group and the airplane crew.
  • 周三,救援人员发现了10具尸体,其中包括瓦格纳集团的成员和机组人员。
  • Russian media reports said Prigozhin was on the plane, citing unnamed people.
  • 俄罗斯媒体援引未透露姓名的人士的话说,普里戈任在飞机上。
  • The lights on the group's main building in St. Petersburg were lit in the shape of a cross overnight.
  • 该组织位于圣彼得堡的主楼在夜间亮起“十字架”。
  • By Thursday, supporters made a small memorial with red and white flowers and Wagner Group flags.
  • 到周四,支持者用红白相间的鲜花和瓦格纳集团的旗帜制作了一个小型纪念碑。
  • There was no official statement from Russia's leaders on the crash or its cause.
  • 俄罗斯领导人没有就这起坠机事件及其原因发表官方声明。
  • However, Rosaviatsia, Russia's aviation agency, published a list of those on board and it included Prigozhin.
  • 然而,俄罗斯航空机构Rosaviatsia公布了一份机上人员名单,其中包括普里戈任。
  • A reporter from the Reuters news agency went to the place of the crash on Thursday and spoke to people who said they heard a loud sound before seeing the airplane fall to the ground.
  • 路透社记者周四前往坠机地点,采访了一些人,这些人说,在看到飞机坠落地面之前,他们听到了一声巨响。
  • One person, Anatoly, said he heard "a metallic bang" and not the kind of noise from a thunderstorm.
  • 其中一位名叫阿纳托利的人说,他听到了“一声金属巨响”,而不是雷声。
  • Part of the plane's tail and other wreckage were seen on the ground.
  • 在地面上可以看到飞机尾部的一部分和其他残骸。
  • Flight information services showed the plane flying normally until it disappeared from radar.
  • 航班信息服务显示,这架飞机在从雷达上消失之前飞行正常。
  • Prigozhin supporters called him "a hero" on messaging services.
  • 普里戈任的支持者在消息服务上称他为“英雄”。
  • They said the flight had either been shot down by a missile or destroyed by a bomb on board.
  • 他们说,这架飞机要么是被导弹击落的,要么是被机上的炸弹摧毁的。
  • Those claims have not been verified, and Russian officials say they are investigating the crash.
  • 这些说法尚未得到证实,俄罗斯官员表示,他们正在调查这起坠机事件。
  • I'm Jill Robbins.
  • 吉尔·罗宾斯为您播报。


Intelligence officials from the United States and Western countries believe that an explosion brought down the plane presumed to carry Wagner group leader Yevgeny Prigozhin and others.


One of the officials told the Associated Press that the explosion was in line with Russian President Vladimir Putin's "long history of trying to silence his critics."


The official was not permitted to comment publicly and did not want to be named.


Russian officials have not officially confirmed the identity of those who died on the private plane.


However, President Putin expressed sympathy on Thursday to the families of those who were reportedly on the plane.


He also spoke of Prigozhin, saying, "He made some serious mistakes in life, but he also achieved necessary results."


Earlier on Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden said he did not know what happened, but he said, "I'm not surprised."


He added, "There's not much that happens in Russia that Putin is not behind."


Prigozhin founded the Wagner group.


It is an organization of fighters based in St. Petersburg who offer their services for money and are not officially linked to the Russian military.


The fighters were known to support military leaders in Africa and the Middle East.


They had also been supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine.


But Prigozhin criticized Putin and his military leaders and launched what was called a mutiny earlier this year.


On June 23 and 24, he and his soldiers moved against Russia's leaders, shooting down aircraft and started a convoy of military vehicles targeting Moscow.


The anti-Putin move ended when the two men reached a deal that permitted Prigozhin to go to Belarus.


Reports, however, said he was able to move safely and freely between Russia, Belarus and parts of Africa.


He appeared at a meeting between Russia and African nations in St. Petersburg in July.


Many wondered why Prigozhin seemed safe after moving against Putin.


Other opponents of the Russian president had been sickened, killed or imprisoned in the past.


On Wednesday, rescue workers found 10 bodies, which included members of the Wagner group and the airplane crew.


Russian media reports said Prigozhin was on the plane, citing unnamed people.


The lights on the group's main building in St. Petersburg were lit in the shape of a cross overnight.


By Thursday, supporters made a small memorial with red and white flowers and Wagner Group flags.


There was no official statement from Russia's leaders on the crash or its cause.


However, Rosaviatsia, Russia's aviation agency, published a list of those on board and it included Prigozhin.


A reporter from the Reuters news agency went to the place of the crash on Thursday and spoke to people who said they heard a loud sound before seeing the airplane fall to the ground.


One person, Anatoly, said he heard "a metallic bang" and not the kind of noise from a thunderstorm.


Part of the plane's tail and other wreckage were seen on the ground.


Flight information services showed the plane flying normally until it disappeared from radar.


Prigozhin supporters called him "a hero" on messaging services.


They said the flight had either been shot down by a missile or destroyed by a bomb on board.


Those claims have not been verified, and Russian officials say they are investigating the crash.


I'm Jill Robbins.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
rescue ['reskju:]


vt. 营救,援救
n. 营救,救援

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

missile ['misail]


n. 导弹,投射物

crew [kru:]


n. 全体船员,全体乘务员,(一组)工作人员

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

verified ['verifaid]


adj. 已查清的,已证实的



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

identity [ai'dentiti]


n. 身份,一致,特征

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默





