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来源:可可英语 编辑:Kelly   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • And so these ... we've got poppies here. So opium is obviously used for pain relief.
  • 这些......我们看到了罂粟。鸦片(由罂粟制成)显然是用来缓解疼痛的。
  • Next to the motherwort plant is this description from Nicholas Culpeper, a botanist and physician, who translated knowledge about plants from Latin into English, it reads, “It makes women joyful mothers of children and settles their wombs as they should be.”
  • 在益母草旁边的是植物学家兼内科医生尼古拉斯·库尔佩珀的描述,他将有关这些植物的知识从拉丁语翻译成了英语。益母草旁边写着:“益母草可使女性成为孩子的快乐母亲,并使女性的子宫保持应有的状态。”
  • And there’s an infamous plant connected to witchcraft. Belladonna.
  • 还有一种与巫术有关的臭名昭著的植物--莨菪(天仙子)。
  • During the Renaissance, women in Italy were rumored to have made a solution from the belladonna berry and put droplets of it into their eyes.
  • 在文艺复兴时期,有传言称,意大利女性用莨菪浆果榨出溶液,并将其滴入眼睛。
  • It was said to make their pupils dilate so that they would look more beautiful. So “bella donna” (“beautiful woman”).
  • 据说,莨菪汁液能使她们的瞳孔放大,使她们的长相更漂亮。故莨菪又得名“bella donna”(天仙子)。
  • In ophthalmology, a synthesized form of the same chemical can still be used to help dilate the pupils.
  • 在眼科,这种化学物质的合成物仍可以用来帮助扩大瞳孔。
  • But today plants are not really on the medical syllabus.
  • 但是现在,植物学习已经不包含在医学教学大纲上了。
  • Up until the 1970s chemistry students still came to the garden as part of their training, but then it stopped being a requirement.
  • 直到20世纪70年代,化学专业的学生仍会来到这个草药园进行培训,但此后来这里培训不再是一项要求。
  • Although visitors still learn about plants here today, the focus has shifted to something more general: our relationship to plants and nature in the modern medical age.
  • 虽然游客们今天仍会在这里了解植物,但关注点已经转移到更普遍的东西上了: 在现代医学时代,我们与植物和自然的关系。
  • A lot of people come to the garden, and they might say, “Oh, I’m on this medicine. I never knew that it came from a plant.”
  • 很多游客来到草药园可能会说:“哦,我在吃这种药。我从来不知道它来自于一种植物。”
  • There are some really amazing natural remedies that come from plants.
  • 有一些非常神奇的来自植物的天然药物。
  • We can have an aspirin tablet; we don't have to chew on willow bark to get that salicin that’s going to give us that pain relief that we need.
  • 我们可以服用一片阿司匹林; 我们不需要咀嚼柳树皮来获得我们需要的缓解疼痛的水杨苷。
  • So both have their benefits and their merits.
  • 两种药物都有其好处和优点。
  • And nature can be its own form of medicine.
  • 大自然可以是自己的药物。
  • I started working in my community garden in Brooklyn last year, and the couple of hours a week I spend with my hands in the dirt clears my mind.
  • 去年,我开始在布鲁克林的社区花园工作,每周花几个小时把手放在泥土上,放空自己的头脑。
  • What we grow isn't medicine but rather vegetables and fruits to feed our neighbors.
  • 我们种下的不是药物,而是蔬菜和水果,用来供我们的邻居食用。
  • Whenever I’m visiting a city, if I have the time, I’ll keep an eye out for a garden.
  • 每当我游览一个城市时,如果我有时间,我便会留意花园。
  • The bigger the city, the better the trip: gardens provide an oasis away from the urban din.
  • 城市规模越大,旅行体验越好:花园提供了远离城市喧嚣的绿洲。
  • When you’re deep in the center of one, the only noises you hear around you are the buzzing of bees and swishing of leaves.
  • 当你身处花园中心深处时,你听到的唯一声音就是蜜蜂的嗡嗡声和树叶的沙沙声。
  • But ultimately nature is healing not because it’s separate from us but because of our relation to it and how we’ve always used plants to modify, help or harm our body in some way.
  • 归根结底,大自然正在治愈我们,不是因为它与我们的分离关系,而是因为我们与它的连接关系,以及我们总是以某种方式利用植物来改变、帮助我们的身体,又或是伤害我们的身体。
  • You can learn about plants and then also think about the importance of being in nature and how just as being a green space, we always provide a medicinal space for people because it’s all about well-being.
  • 你可以了解植物知识,也可以思考置身大自然的重要性,想想花园如何作为一个绿色空间,而且因为植物与健康快乐有关,它又总是为人们提供一个医疗空间。
  • Science, Quickly is produced by Jeff DelViscio, Tulika Bose, Kelso Harper and Carin Leong. Our theme music was composed by Dominic Smith.
  • 《科学快播》由杰夫·德尔维西奥、图里卡·博斯、凯尔索·哈珀以及卡林·梁制作。我们的主题音乐由多米尼克·史密斯创作。
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to Science, Quickly wherever you get your podcasts.
  • 无论在哪里收听播客,都不要忘记订阅《科学快播》。
  • For more in-depth science news and features, go to
  • 若想深入了解科学新闻和专题报道,请访问。
  • And if you like the show, give us a rating or review!
  • 如果你喜欢这个节目,请给我们评分或评论!
  • For Science, Quickly, I’m Shayla Love. See you next time.
  • 感谢收听《科学快播》,我是谢拉·洛夫。下期节目见。


And so these ... we've got poppies here. So opium is obviously used for pain relief.

Next to the motherwort plant is this description from Nicholas Culpeper, a botanist and physician, who translated knowledge about plants from Latin into English, it reads, “It makes women joyful mothers of children and settles their wombs as they should be.”
And theres an infamous plant connected to witchcraft. Belladonna.
During the Renaissance, women in Italy were rumored to have made a solution from the belladonna berry and put droplets of it into their eyes.
It was said to make their pupils dilate so that they would look more beautiful. Sobella donna” (“beautiful woman”).
据说,莨菪汁液能使她们的瞳孔放大,使她们的长相更漂亮。故莨菪又得名“bella donna”(天仙子)。
In ophthalmology, a synthesized form of the same chemical can still be used to help dilate the pupils.
But today plants are not really on the medical syllabus.
Up until the 1970s chemistry students still came to the garden as part of their training, but then it stopped being a requirement.
Although visitors still learn about plants here today, the focus has shifted to something more general: our relationship to plants and nature in the modern medical age.
虽然游客们今天仍会在这里了解植物,但关注点已经转移到更普遍的东西上了: 在现代医学时代,我们与植物和自然的关系。
A lot of people come to the garden, and they might say, “Oh, Im on this medicine. I never knew that it came from a plant.”
There are some really amazing natural remedies that come from plants.
We can have an aspirin tablet; we don't have to chew on willow bark to get that salicin thats going to give us that pain relief that we need.
我们可以服用一片阿司匹林; 我们不需要咀嚼柳树皮来获得我们需要的缓解疼痛的水杨苷。
So both have their benefits and their merits.
And nature can be its own form of medicine.
I started working in my community garden in Brooklyn last year, and the couple of hours a week I spend with my hands in the dirt clears my mind.
What we grow isn't medicine but rather vegetables and fruits to feed our neighbors.
Whenever Im visiting a city, if I have the time, Ill keep an eye out for a garden.
The bigger the city, the better the trip: gardens provide an oasis away from the urban din.
When youre deep in the center of one, the only noises you hear around you are the buzzing of bees and swishing of leaves.
But ultimately nature is healing not because its separate from us but because of our relation to it and how weve always used plants to modify, help or harm our body in some way.
You can learn about plants and then also think about the importance of being in nature and how just as being a green space, we always provide a medicinal space for people because its all about well-being.
Science, Quickly is produced by Jeff DelViscio, Tulika Bose, Kelso Harper and Carin Leong. Our theme music was composed by Dominic Smith.
Dont forget to subscribe to Science, Quickly wherever you get your podcasts.
For more in-depth science news and features, go to
And if you like the show, give us a rating or review!
For Science, Quickly, Im Shayla Love. See you next time.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
renaissance [rə'neisəns]


n. 文艺复兴,再生

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

opium ['əupjəm]


n. 鸦片,麻醉剂

modify ['mɔdifai]


v. 修改,修饰,更改

din [din]


n. 喧嚣 v. 絮聒不休地说,暄闹 abbr. 德国工

syllabus ['siləbəs]


n. 摘要,大纲

physician [fi'ziʃən]


n. 内科医生

urban ['ə:bən]


adj. 城市的,都市的

chew [tʃu:]


vt. 咀嚼,嚼碎,损坏
vi. 咀嚼

ultimately ['ʌltimitli]


adv. 最后,最终





