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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Changing sea levels are affecting freshwater in places like Chellanam, India.
  • 不断变化的海平面正在影响印度切拉南等地的淡水。
  • In Chellanam, saltwater is moving inland into small bodies of fresh water, like ponds and wells, which the village's 600 families use for drinking, bathing and daily jobs.
  • 在切拉南,咸水正在流入内陆的池塘和水井等小块淡水中,该村的600户家庭用这些淡水喝水、洗澡和日常工作。
  • Chellanam is near the city of Kochi on the Arabian Sea on India's southwestern coast.
  • 切拉南位于印度西南海岸阿拉伯海边的科奇市附近。
  • The water around Chellanam became too salty to drink 60 years ago.
  • 60年前,切拉南周围的水变得太咸,无法饮用。
  • It is now unusable even for cleaning clothes.
  • 如今甚至连洗衣服都不能用那里的水。
  • Anthony Kuttappassera's family has lived in the same house near the coast for over 100 years.
  • 安东尼·库塔帕塞拉一家在海岸附近的同一栋房子里住了100多年。
  • He grew up drinking water from a pond and a well outside of his home.
  • 他从小喝着他家外面池塘和水井里的水长大。
  • Now the pond is almost dry, just like all of the other ones in Chellanam.
  • 现在池塘几乎干涸了,就像切拉南的所有其他池塘一样。
  • Mustapas're is now 73 years.
  • 穆斯塔帕斯现在73岁了。
  • He said when the pond was usable, there was no problem.
  • 他说,当池塘可以使用时,没有任何问题。
  • They had everything they needed, but now they, "are using packed water for everything…We are surrounded by water, but we do not have any consumable water."
  • 它们有他们需要的一切,但现在,他们“正在使用包装水来做所有事情……虽然我们被水包围,但我们没有任何可使用的水。”
  • There are water pipes that bring fresh water, but they leak or break a lot.
  • 有输送淡水的水管,但它们经常漏水或破裂。
  • That means trucks must carry water to the village.
  • 这意味着卡车必须把水运到村子里。
  • Each truck load of water must be poured into containers and then carried by hand into the village.
  • 每一卡车的水都必须倒入容器中,然后用手运送到村子里。
  • The most recent water outage lasted about a month.
  • 最近一次停水持续了大约一个月。
  • Saltwater invasion of groundwater is a problem around the world.
  • 咸水入侵地下水是全球性的问题。
  • Wealthy countries can deal with the problem more easily, but developing nations, like India, have problems.
  • 富裕国家可以更容易地处理这个问题,但像印度这样的发展中国家却有困难。
  • Scientists say that ocean levels around the world are rising.
  • 科学家表示,世界各地的海平面正在上升。
  • They say changing ocean patterns, extreme storms, and too much water use, add to the salinity problem in the Kochi area.
  • 他们表示,不断变化的海洋模式、极端风暴和过度用水都加剧了科奇地区的盐碱化问题。
  • This combines with limited freshwater in Indian to create a bigger problem.
  • 再加上印度淡水资源有限,从而造成了一个更大的问题。
  • The United Nations children's agency, UNICEF, said less than half of India's population has clean drinking water.
  • 联合国儿童基金会表示,印度只有不到一半的人口有干净的饮用水。
  • S. Sreekesh is a professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
  • S. Sreekesh是贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁大学的教授。
  • He studied sea level rise in the Kochi area using measurements of tides, satellite data and other information.
  • 他利用潮汐测量、卫星数据和其他信息研究了科奇地区的海平面上升情况。
  • He said the sea level is rising at a rate of 1.8 millimeters a year.
  • 他说,海平面正以每年1.8毫米的速度上升。
  • Bijoy Nandan is the dean of marine sciences at Cochin University of Science and Technology.
  • 比霍伊·南丹是科奇科技大学海洋科学系主任。
  • He said that salinity has increased by over 30 percent since the first water studies of the area in 1971.
  • 他说,自1971年首次对该地区的水资源进行研究以来,含盐量已经增加了30%以上。
  • "People are suffering because the aquifers are getting salinized," he said.
  • 他说:“人们正在遭受痛苦,因为含水层正在盐碱化”。
  • Maryamma Pillai is 82 years old.
  • Maryamma Pillai现年82岁。
  • Sometimes she needs to buy water.
  • 有时她需要买水。
  • It costs her almost $0.50 for five liters.
  • 她花了将近0.5美元才能买到5升水。
  • She has no water at home, and it is hard for her to carry back from the government trucks.
  • 她家里没有水,从政府的卡车上搬水回来对她来说很困难。
  • Pillai said that every year gets worse as the summers become hotter.
  • Pillai说,随着夏天越来越热,情况一年比一年糟。
  • "This was not the case earlier when we used to know how to plan for (each) season with more water availability but now everything is unknown, unpredictable and unreliable," she said.
  • 她说:“这和以前不一样,以前我们知道如何规划每个季节的用水量,但现在一切都是未知、不可预测和不可靠的。”
  • Other people travel by boat to other neighborhoods to get water because they live too far from the main road.
  • 还有一些人坐船到其他社区取水,因为他们住的地方离主干道太远。
  • Karni Kumar used a wooden boat to go to Alappuzha, a neighboring city, to get fresh water.
  • 卡尔尼·库马尔乘坐木船前往邻近城市阿拉普扎取淡水。
  • But many other Chellanam villagers also go there causing high demand for water supplies, long waits and even conflicts with people in Alappuzha.
  • 但许多其他切拉南村民也去那里,造成对淡水的高需求,长时间的等待,甚至与阿拉普扎的人们发生冲突。
  • The Reverend John Kalathil is a leader of the St. George Church in South Chellanam.
  • 约翰·卡拉蒂尔牧师是南切拉南圣乔治教堂的领袖。
  • He said that residents have to pay $1.21 to $2.42, per day for their water.
  • 他说,居民每天必须支付1.21至2.42美元的水费。
  • This is around 15 percent of their daily income.
  • 这大约是他们日常收入的15%。
  • Most income-earners at his church are fisherman.
  • 在他的教堂里,大多数挣钱的人都是渔民。
  • They love the sea and have a deep connection with it.
  • 他们热爱大海,与大海有着深厚的感情。
  • "They call it ‘Kadalamma,' which means they look at (the) sea as their mother," Reverend Kalathil said, "But the situation is very terrible for them because of climate change, weather, change in sea and water sources."
  • 卡拉蒂尔牧师说:“他们称之为‘Kadalamma’,意思是他们视海洋为母亲,但由于气候变化、天气、海洋和水源的变化,他们面临的情况非常糟糕。”
  • I'm Faith Pirlo.
  • 费斯·皮尔洛为您播报。


Changing sea levels are affecting freshwater in places like Chellanam, India.


In Chellanam, saltwater is moving inland into small bodies of fresh water, like ponds and wells, which the village's 600 families use for drinking, bathing and daily jobs.


Chellanam is near the city of Kochi on the Arabian Sea on India's southwestern coast.


The water around Chellanam became too salty to drink 60 years ago.


It is now unusable even for cleaning clothes.


Anthony Kuttappassera's family has lived in the same house near the coast for over 100 years.


He grew up drinking water from a pond and a well outside of his home.


Now the pond is almost dry, just like all of the other ones in Chellanam.


Mustapas're is now 73 years.


He said when the pond was usable, there was no problem.


They had everything they needed, but now they, "are using packed water for everythingWe are surrounded by water, but we do not have any consumable water."


There are water pipes that bring fresh water, but they leak or break a lot.


That means trucks must carry water to the village.


Each truck load of water must be poured into containers and then carried by hand into the village.


The most recent water outage lasted about a month.


Saltwater invasion of groundwater is a problem around the world.


Wealthy countries can deal with the problem more easily, but developing nations, like India, have problems.


Scientists say that ocean levels around the world are rising.


They say changing ocean patterns, extreme storms, and too much water use, add to the salinity problem in the Kochi area.


This combines with limited freshwater in Indian to create a bigger problem.


The United Nations children's agency, UNICEF, said less than half of India's population has clean drinking water.


S. Sreekesh is a professor at Jawaharlal Nehru University.

S. Sreekesh是贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁大学的教授。

He studied sea level rise in the Kochi area using measurements of tides, satellite data and other information.


He said the sea level is rising at a rate of 1.8 millimeters a year.


Bijoy Nandan is the dean of marine sciences at Cochin University of Science and Technology.


He said that salinity has increased by over 30 percent since the first water studies of the area in 1971.


"People are suffering because the aquifers are getting salinized," he said.


Maryamma Pillai is 82 years old.

Maryamma Pillai现年82岁。

Sometimes she needs to buy water.


It costs her almost $0.50 for five liters.


She has no water at home, and it is hard for her to carry back from the government trucks.


Pillai said that every year gets worse as the summers become hotter.


"This was not the case earlier when we used to know how to plan for (each) season with more water availability but now everything is unknown, unpredictable and unreliable," she said.


Other people travel by boat to other neighborhoods to get water because they live too far from the main road.


Karni Kumar used a wooden boat to go to Alappuzha, a neighboring city, to get fresh water.


But many other Chellanam villagers also go there causing high demand for water supplies, long waits and even conflicts with people in Alappuzha.


The Reverend John Kalathil is a leader of the St. George Church in South Chellanam.


He said that residents have to pay $1.21 to $2.42, per day for their water.


This is around 15 percent of their daily income.


Most income-earners at his church are fisherman.


They love the sea and have a deep connection with it.


"They call itKadalamma,' which means they look at (the) sea as their mother," Reverend Kalathil said, "But the situation is very terrible for them because of climate change, weather, change in sea and water sources."


I'm Faith Pirlo.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
pond [pɔnd]


n. 池塘
v. 筑成池塘

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

inland ['inlənd]


adj. 内陆的,国内的
adv. 内陆地

extreme [ik'stri:m]


adj. 极度的,极端的
n. 极端,极限

leak [li:k]


n. 漏洞
v. 漏,渗

unreliable ['ʌnri'laiəbl]


adj. 不可靠的

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

unpredictable ['ʌnpri'diktəbl]


adj. 不可预知的

unknown ['ʌn'nəun]


adj. 未知的,不出名的

salty ['sɔ:lti]


adj. 咸的





