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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The recent 7.8 earthquake magnitude earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria caused major physical destruction and loss of life in both countries.
  • 最近袭击土耳其和叙利亚的7.8级地震给这两个国家造成了严重的物质损害和生命损失。
  • Health experts now warn that the disaster will also cause major mental health damage as well.
  • 健康专家如今警告称,这场灾难还将会严重影响心理健康。
  • Officials say tens of thousands of people died and over 1.5 million were left homeless in cold winter conditions.
  • 有关官员表示,在寒冷的冬季,数万人死亡,150多万人无家可归。
  • Many have lost family members, jobs and their hopes for the future.
  • 许多人失去了家人、工作和对未来的希望。
  • Tugce Seren Gul's aunt and grandmother were killed in Antakya in Turkey's southeast.
  • Tugce Seren Gul的姑姑和祖母在土耳其东南部的安塔基亚遇难。
  • Every night, she waits until 4:17 am in the morning, the exact time that the disaster hit, to try to go to sleep.
  • 每天晚上,她都要等到凌晨4点17分,也就是灾难发生的时间,才能入睡。
  • "I keep thinking another disaster will strike at that time and just wait for it to pass," said the 28-year-old Gul.
  • 28岁的古尔说:“我一直在想,等到再有灾难降临时就等着它过去吧。”
  • She escaped by running out of her family house with her mother moments before the walls collapsed.
  • 在墙壁倒塌之前,她和母亲一起从家里跑了出来。
  • Gul said the horror has weighed heavily on the mental health of survivors who "lost everything" in the city of Antakya.
  • 古尔说,这场恐怖的灾难严重影响了安塔基亚市“失去一切”的幸存者的心理健康。
  • She wants to one day seek professional mental health help to deal with the trauma.
  • 她希望有一天能寻求专业的心理医生来帮助处理创伤。
  • But for now, she is establishing a new life for herself and her family.
  • 但目前,她正在为自己和家人建立新的生活。
  • Experts fear children will be hardest hit.
  • 专家担心儿童将会受到最严重的打击。
  • The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) said many of the more than 5.4 million children who live across the area affected by the earthquake were at risk of developing anxiety, depression and other disorders.
  • 联合国儿童基金会表示,生活在受地震影响的地区的540多万儿童中,有许多人面临患焦虑、抑郁和其他疾病的风险。
  • "We know how important learning and routine is for children and their recovery," UNICEF Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Afshan Khan said after a visit to Turkey.
  • 联合国儿童基金会欧洲和中亚区域主任阿夫山·汗在访问土耳其后说:“我们知道学习和日常生活对儿童及其康复有多么重要。”
  • "They need to be able to resume their education, and they urgently need" psychological "support to help deal with the trauma they have experienced."
  • “他们需要恢复他们的教育,他们迫切需要“心理”支撑来帮助他们处理他们所经历的创伤。
  • Mehmet Sari is a government social support worker.
  • 穆罕默德·萨里是一名政府社会支持工作者。
  • He said he and others in his team have seen signs of trauma in children.
  • 他说,他和他的团队中的其他人已经在儿童身上看到了受到创伤的迹象。
  • They need long-term support to recover from trauma, he said.
  • 他说,他们需要长期的支持才能从创伤中恢复。
  • Turkey's Ministry of Family and Social Services said it has sent more than 3,700 social workers to support those affected by the earthquake.
  • 土耳其家庭和社会服务部表示,其已派出3700多名社会工作者去帮助受地震影响的人们。
  • Psychologist and professor at MEF University, Ayse Bilge Selcuk, said the Turkish people have already been under pressure.
  • 心理学家兼MEF大学教授Ayse Bilge Selcuk表示,土耳其人民已经处于压力之中。
  • She said rising poverty and the COVID-19 pandemic have hurt the country.
  • 她说,日益加剧的贫困和新冠疫情对该国造成了伤害。
  • "The stress is chronic," Selcuk said, meaning that the tension continues over time.
  • “这是长期存在的压力,”塞尔库克说,意思是这种紧张会随着时间的推移而持续下去。
  • "For this nation to get back on its feet, we need to find that strength within us and that starts with our psychology," she added.
  • 她补充道:“为了让这个国家重新站起来,我们需要找到我们内心的力量,这从我们的心理开始”。
  • President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to rebuild homes within a year.
  • 总统雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安承诺在一年内重建家园。
  • But it will still be many months before thousands can leave temporary shelters.
  • 但数千人离开临时避难所仍需数月时间。
  • People look numb, likely a defense process to deal with stress, said Selcuk.
  • 塞尔库克说,人们看起来很麻木,这可能是应对压力的防御过程。
  • Anxiety, helplessness and depression are likely to be common and young people could feel anger.
  • 焦虑、无助和抑郁可能很常见,年轻人可能会感到愤怒。
  • Rebuilding efforts should include mental health, Selcuk said.
  • 塞尔库克说,重建工作应该包括心理健康。
  • She urged the government to provide money for training psychologists to be sent to the earthquake areas to stay there.
  • 她敦促政府提供资金,培训心理学家,把他们派往地震灾区。
  • "We shouldn't withdraw our attention three months later," she said.
  • 她说:“我们应该不会在三个月后撤回我们的注意力”。
  • I'm Mario Ritter, Jr.
  • 小马里奥·里特为您播报。


The recent 7.8 earthquake magnitude earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria caused major physical destruction and loss of life in both countries.


Health experts now warn that the disaster will also cause major mental health damage as well.


Officials say tens of thousands of people died and over 1.5 million were left homeless in cold winter conditions.


Many have lost family members, jobs and their hopes for the future.


Tugce Seren Gul's aunt and grandmother were killed in Antakya in Turkey's southeast.

Tugce Seren Gul的姑姑和祖母在土耳其东南部的安塔基亚遇难。

Every night, she waits until 4:17 am in the morning, the exact time that the disaster hit, to try to go to sleep.


"I keep thinking another disaster will strike at that time and just wait for it to pass," said the 28-year-old Gul.


She escaped by running out of her family house with her mother moments before the walls collapsed.


Gul said the horror has weighed heavily on the mental health of survivors who "lost everything" in the city of Antakya.


She wants to one day seek professional mental health help to deal with the trauma.


But for now, she is establishing a new life for herself and her family.


Experts fear children will be hardest hit.


The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) said many of the more than 5.4 million children who live across the area affected by the earthquake were at risk of developing anxiety, depression and other disorders.


"We know how important learning and routine is for children and their recovery," UNICEF Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia Afshan Khan said after a visit to Turkey.


"They need to be able to resume their education, and they urgently need" psychological "support to help deal with the trauma they have experienced."


Mehmet Sari is a government social support worker.


He said he and others in his team have seen signs of trauma in children.


They need long-term support to recover from trauma, he said.


Turkey's Ministry of Family and Social Services said it has sent more than 3,700 social workers to support those affected by the earthquake.


Psychologist and professor at MEF University, Ayse Bilge Selcuk, said the Turkish people have already been under pressure.

心理学家兼MEF大学教授Ayse Bilge Selcuk表示,土耳其人民已经处于压力之中。

She said rising poverty and the COVID-19 pandemic have hurt the country.


"The stress is chronic," Selcuk said, meaning that the tension continues over time.


"For this nation to get back on its feet, we need to find that strength within us and that starts with our psychology," she added.


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to rebuild homes within a year.


But it will still be many months before thousands can leave temporary shelters.


People look numb, likely a defense process to deal with stress, said Selcuk.


Anxiety, helplessness and depression are likely to be common and young people could feel anger.


Rebuilding efforts should include mental health, Selcuk said.


She urged the government to provide money for training psychologists to be sent to the earthquake areas to stay there.


"We shouldn't withdraw our attention three months later," she said.


I'm Mario Ritter, Jr.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
chronic ['krɔnik]


adj. 长期的,慢性的,惯常的

psychological [.saikə'lɔdʒikəl]


adj. 心理(学)的

tension ['tenʃən]


n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压

destruction [di'strʌkʃən]


n. 破坏,毁灭,破坏者

magnitude ['mægnitju:d]


n. 大小,重要,光度,(地震)级数,(星星)等级

disaster [di'zɑ:stə]


n. 灾难

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

earthquake ['ə:θkweik]


n. 地震

poverty ['pɔvəti]


n. 贫困,贫乏

resume [ri'zju:m]


v. 再继续,重新开始
n. 简历,履历; 摘





