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  • Jill Biden arrived in Namibia Wednesday for her first visit to Africa as first lady, the wife of U.S. President Joe Biden.
  • 吉尔·拜登星期三抵达纳米比亚,这是她作为第一夫人(即美国总统乔·拜登的妻子)首次访问非洲。
  • Biden's trip will bring attention to women's rights, children's issues and food insecurity.
  • 拜登此行将会引起人们对妇女权利、儿童问题和粮食不安全问题的关注。
  • Judd Devermont is senior director for African Affairs with the U.S. National Security Council.
  • 贾德·德弗蒙特是美国国家安全委员会非洲事务高级主任。
  • On Tuesday, he told reporters: "Dr. Biden's trip builds on last year's U.S.- Africa Leaders' summit and as another demonstration of President Biden's commitment that the United States is all-in on Africa..."
  • 周二,他告诉记者:“拜登博士此行是在去年美非领导人峰会的基础上进行的,也是拜登总统承诺美国全力支持非洲的又一次证明……”
  • With this visit, Jill Biden is also the first first lady to visit Namibia since the southwest African nation became independent in 1990.
  • 吉尔·拜登也是自1990年纳米比亚独立以来第一位访问这个非洲西南部国家的第一夫人。
  • National Security Council spokesperson Becky Farmer said Biden will bring attention to the food security crisis in the Horn of Africa.
  • 美国国家安全委员会发言人贝基·法默说,拜登将会引起人们对非洲之角粮食安全危机的关注。
  • The area is having the "worst drought that this region has experienced" in many years, she said.
  • 她说,该地区正在经历“该地区多年来最严重的干旱”。
  • Farmer added that over 20 million people are experiencing food insecurity in the area.
  • 法默补充说,该地区有超过2000万人面临粮食不安全的问题。
  • President Biden discussed the situation in December when he announced aid for the area at the African Leaders summit in Washington.
  • 拜登总统去年12月在华盛顿举行的非洲领导人峰会上宣布向该地区提供援助时讨论了这一局势。
  • He discussed it again Tuesday while talking about the effects of Russia's war in Ukraine on world food supplies.
  • 周二,他在谈到俄乌战争对世界粮食供应的影响时再次谈到了这一问题。
  • "Putin tried to starve the world," he said.
  • 他说:“普京试图让世界挨饿”。
  • President Biden accused the Russian leader of blocking ports on the Black Sea and preventing Ukraine from exporting grain to Africa.
  • 拜登总统指责俄罗斯领导人封锁黑海港口,阻止乌克兰向非洲出口粮食。
  • "And this week my wife, Jill Biden, is traveling to Africa to help bring attention to this critical issue," Biden said.
  • 拜登说:“本周,我的妻子吉尔·拜登将前往非洲,帮助引起人们对这个关键问题的关注。”
  • The Biden administration is making efforts to get Africa to support Ukraine instead of Russia.
  • 拜登政府正在努力让非洲支持乌克兰而不是俄罗斯。
  • Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently visited Senegal, Zambia and South Africa.
  • 美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦最近访问了塞内加尔、赞比亚和南非。
  • Russia's foreign minister has visited many African nations with ties to Russia like Mali, Sudan and Angola.
  • 俄罗斯外长访问了马里、苏丹和安哥拉等许多与俄罗斯有联系的非洲国家。
  • Presidential-spouse visits are different from the strategic policy moves of the presidency.
  • 总统配偶的访问不同于总统的战略政策举措。
  • Jill Biden herself points out that she is not an official of the U.S. government.
  • 吉尔·拜登本人指出,她不是美国政府的官员。
  • "As spouses, we serve the people of our countries, too. Don't we?" she said in December, at a gathering of spouses of African leaders.
  • 去年12月,她在一次非洲领导人配偶的聚会上说:“作为配偶,我们也为我们国家的人民服务。不是吗?”
  • U.S. first ladies are generally well received in Africa, said Katherine Jellison.
  • 凯瑟琳·杰里森说,美国第一夫人在非洲普遍受到欢迎。
  • Jellison is a professor of U.S. women's history at Ohio University.
  • 杰里森是俄亥俄大学研究美国女性历史的教授。
  • "There's just going to be warmer feelings toward a nonpolitician who's visiting than a politician," she said.
  • 她说:“人们对来访的非政界人士的感情会比对政客的感情更热烈。”
  • First lady Laura Bush was welcomed during her several visits to Africa.
  • 第一夫人劳拉·布什在访问非洲期间受到了欢迎。
  • She supported the programs of her husband George W. Bush's administration, which aimed to fight HIV/AIDS and malaria.
  • 她支持丈夫乔治·沃克·布什政府旨在抗击艾滋病和疟疾的计划。
  • She also attended the swearing in of the Africa's first female president, Liberia's Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, in 2006.
  • 2006年,她还出席了非洲首位女总统、利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫的宣誓就职仪式。
  • The first Black first lady Michelle Obama's travel to Africa was filled with deep meaning.
  • 美国第一位黑人第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马的非洲之行充满了深刻的意义。
  • She used her trips to push for girls' education.
  • 她利用她的访问之旅来推动女孩的教育。
  • Jill Biden visited Africa five times when her husband was vice president.
  • 吉尔·拜登在丈夫担任副总统期间曾五次访问非洲。
  • In 2011 she visited Africa's largest refugee camp at Dadaab in Kenya.
  • 2011年,她访问了位于肯尼亚达达布的非洲最大难民营。
  • During a speech there, she made a plea she may repeat on this trip.
  • 在那里的一次演讲中,她提出了一个请求,她可能会在这次访问中再次提出该请求。
  • "Mothers are bringing their children from Somalia, walking sometimes 15, 20, 25 days and they lose their children along the way, the children die," she said.
  • 她说:“母亲们把孩子从索马里带出来,有时要走15天、20天、25天,但她们在路上失去了孩子,孩子们死了。”
  • "So what I'm asking is for Americans just to help ... because the situation here is dire."
  • “因此,我请求美国人提供帮助……因为这里的情况很糟糕。”
  • I'm Dan Novak.
  • 丹·诺瓦克为您播报。


Jill Biden arrived in Namibia Wednesday for her first visit to Africa as first lady, the wife of U.S. President Joe Biden.


Biden's trip will bring attention to women's rights, children's issues and food insecurity.


Judd Devermont is senior director for African Affairs with the U.S. National Security Council.


On Tuesday, he told reporters: "Dr. Biden's trip builds on last year's U.S.- Africa Leaders' summit and as another demonstration of President Biden's commitment that the United States is all-in on Africa..."


With this visit, Jill Biden is also the first first lady to visit Namibia since the southwest African nation became independent in 1990.


National Security Council spokesperson Becky Farmer said Biden will bring attention to the food security crisis in the Horn of Africa.


The area is having the "worst drought that this region has experienced" in many years, she said.


Farmer added that over 20 million people are experiencing food insecurity in the area.


President Biden discussed the situation in December when he announced aid for the area at the African Leaders summit in Washington.


He discussed it again Tuesday while talking about the effects of Russia's war in Ukraine on world food supplies.


"Putin tried to starve the world," he said.


President Biden accused the Russian leader of blocking ports on the Black Sea and preventing Ukraine from exporting grain to Africa.


"And this week my wife, Jill Biden, is traveling to Africa to help bring attention to this critical issue," Biden said.


The Biden administration is making efforts to get Africa to support Ukraine instead of Russia.


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently visited Senegal, Zambia and South Africa.


Russia's foreign minister has visited many African nations with ties to Russia like Mali, Sudan and Angola.


Presidential-spouse visits are different from the strategic policy moves of the presidency.


Jill Biden herself points out that she is not an official of the U.S. government.


"As spouses, we serve the people of our countries, too. Don't we?" she said in December, at a gathering of spouses of African leaders.


U.S. first ladies are generally well received in Africa, said Katherine Jellison.


Jellison is a professor of U.S. women's history at Ohio University.


"There's just going to be warmer feelings toward a nonpolitician who's visiting than a politician," she said.


First lady Laura Bush was welcomed during her several visits to Africa.


She supported the programs of her husband George W. Bush's administration, which aimed to fight HIV/AIDS and malaria.


She also attended the swearing in of the Africa's first female president, Liberia's Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, in 2006.


The first Black first lady Michelle Obama's travel to Africa was filled with deep meaning.


She used her trips to push for girls' education.


Jill Biden visited Africa five times when her husband was vice president.


In 2011 she visited Africa's largest refugee camp at Dadaab in Kenya.


During a speech there, she made a plea she may repeat on this trip.


"Mothers are bringing their children from Somalia, walking sometimes 15, 20, 25 days and they lose their children along the way, the children die," she said.


"So what I'm asking is for Americans just to help ... because the situation here is dire."


I'm Dan Novak.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
treasury ['treʒəri]


n. 国库,宝库 (大写)财政部,国债

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

demonstration [.demən'streiʃən]


n. 示范,实证,表达,集会

starve [stɑ:v]


vi. 挨饿,受饿,(将要)饿死
vt. 使挨

insecurity [,insi'kjuərəti]


n. 不安全;不牢靠;无把握;心神不定

politician [.pɔli'tiʃən]


n. 政治家,政客

drought [draut]


n. 干旱

strategic [strə'ti:dʒik]


adj. 战略的,重要的,基本的

administration [ə'streiʃən]


n. 行政,管理,行政部门

security [si'kju:riti]


n. 安全,防护措施,保证,抵押,债券,证券





