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  • Ice baths are a popular subject on American social media pages.
  • 冰浴是美国社交媒体网页上的热门话题。
  • Kim Kardashian, Harry Styles, Kristen Bell, Lizzo, and other stars have posted about their cold water experiences.
  • 金·卡戴珊、哈里·斯泰尔斯、克里斯汀·贝尔、利佐等明星都曾晒出自己的冷水浴体验。
  • Health claims surrounding ice baths include improved mood, increased energy, weight loss and reduced inflammation.
  • 与冰浴有关的健康主张包括改善情绪、增进体力、减肥和减少炎症。
  • But the science linked to some of those claims is not very strong.
  • 但其中一些说法的科学依据并不充分。
  • Here is what medical evidence, experts and fans say about cold water baths, an activity that dates back hundreds of years.
  • 以下是医学证据、专家和粉丝对冷水浴的看法,冷水浴是一项可以追溯到数百年前的活动。
  • Since June 2020, Dan O'Conor has jumped into Lake Michigan almost daily.
  • 自2020年6月以来,丹·奥康纳几乎每天都跳入密歇根湖进行冷水浴。
  • The 55-year-old man lives in the city of Chicago.
  • 这名55岁的男子住在芝加哥。
  • O'Conor used the term endorphins - "feel good" hormones released in reaction to pain, stress, exercise and other activities – to talk about his experience.
  • 奥康纳用内啡肽这个词来谈论他的经历。内啡肽是身体对疼痛、压力、锻炼和其他活动做出反应时释放的一种“感觉良好”的荷尔蒙。
  • "The endorphin rush ... is an incredible way to wake up and just kind of shock the body and get the engine going," he said on a recent morning when the air temperature was minus-5 Celsius.
  • 他在最近一个气温为零下5摄氏度的早晨说:“内啡肽激增……是一种极好的唤醒方式,可以震动身体,让发动机运转起来。”
  • With the lake temperature at 1 degree Celsius, O'Conor did a running jump into the icy gray water.
  • 在湖水温度只有1摄氏度的情况下,奥康纳跑着跳进了冰冷的灰色湖水中。
  • His first jump came early in the pandemic.
  • 他第一次跳入湖中是在新冠疫情早期。
  • O'Conor had too much alcohol and his wife was angry at him.
  • 奥康纳当时喝了太多酒,他的妻子很生他的气。
  • She told him to "go jump in the lake."
  • 她叫他“滚远点。”
  • The common saying is not usually received as a real command.
  • 这句俗语通常不会被当作真正的命令来接受。
  • But, O'Conor acted on it.
  • 但是,奥康纳按照命令行动了。
  • He says the water felt good that June day, so he kept jumping in every day following.
  • 他说,那是6月的一天,水感觉很舒服,所以他之后每天都跳进湖里。
  • As the water grew colder with seasonal change, the good effect was even greater, he said.
  • 他说,随着季节的变化,湖水变得越来越冷,好的效果更大。
  • "My mental health is a lot stronger, a lot brighter.
  • “我的心理素质更强了,更阳光了。
  • I found some zen down here coming down and jumping into the lake and shocking that body," O'Conor said.
  • 我发现一些禅宗信徒从这里下来,跳进湖里,身体一震,”奥康纳说。
  • Dr. Will Cronenwett of Northwestern University's Feinberg medical school tried cold-water immersion once while visiting Scandinavian friends.
  • 西北大学范伯格医学院的威尔·克罗南维特博士在拜访斯堪的纳维亚的朋友时曾尝试过一次冷水浸泡。
  • After a sauna, he jumped into the ice-cold water for a few minutes.
  • 洗完桑拿后,他跳进冰冷的水里泡了几分钟。
  • He said it was a powerful experience.
  • 他说,这是一次有强烈影响的经历。
  • But Cronenwett says studying cold water immersion with a kind of scientific study known as a randomized controlled trial is difficult.
  • 但克罗南维特说,用一种被称为随机对照试验的科学研究方法来研究冷水浸泡是困难的。
  • This is because it is hard to develop a placebo for cold water baths.
  • 这是因为很难开发出冷水浴的无效对照剂。
  • A placebo is something that has no effect.
  • placebo指的是没有效果的东西。
  • Placebos are important because scientific tests need to compare the possible effect of something with something else that does not have any physical effect.
  • 无效对照剂很重要,因为科学试验需要将某些东西的可能效果和其他没有任何物理效果的东西进行比较。
  • There are a few ideas about how cold water immersion affects the mind.
  • 有一些关于冷水浸泡如何影响大脑的观点。
  • Cronenwett says it makes the part of the nervous system that controls the resting state more active.
  • 克罗南维特说,它使神经系统中控制休息的部分更加活跃。
  • Such an effect may increase feelings of well-being.
  • 这样的效果可能会增加幸福感。
  • Cold water immersion also affects the part of the nervous system that controls the fight-or-flight stress reaction.
  • 冷水浸泡也会影响神经系统中控制“战或逃”应激反应的部分。
  • Cold water treatment on a usual basis may reduce that reaction.
  • 通常的冷水浴可能会减少这种反应。
  • So, Cronenwett said, it might help people feel better able to deal with other stresses in their lives, although that is not proven.
  • 因此,克罗南维特说,这可能会帮助人们更好地应对生活中的其他压力,尽管这一点还没有得到证实。
  • Czech researchers found that cold water immersion can increase blood levels of dopamine — another hormone — by 250 percent.
  • 捷克研究人员发现,冷水浸泡可以使血液中的另一种荷尔蒙——多巴胺的含量增加250%。
  • High amounts have been linked with paranoia and aggression, noted James Mercer of the Arctic University of Norway.
  • 挪威北极大学的詹姆斯·默瑟指出,过度冷水浴会导致妄想症和好斗情绪。
  • Mercer co-wrote a recent scientific paper that examined studies on the treatment.
  • 默瑟最近与人合著了一篇科学论文,对有关这种疗法的研究进行了审查。
  • Cold water immersion raises blood pressure and increases stress on the heart.
  • 冷水浸泡会升高血压,增加心脏的压力。
  • Studies have shown this is safe for healthy people and the effects are only temporary.
  • 研究表明,这对健康的人是安全的,其影响只是暂时的。
  • But sometimes these effects can cause the heart to beat unevenly and can cause death, Cronenwett said.
  • 但有时这些影响会导致心脏跳动不均匀,并可能会导致死亡,克罗南韦特说。
  • People with heart conditions or a family history of early heart disease should talk with a doctor before doing cold water immersion, he said.
  • 他说,患有心脏病或早期心脏病家族史的人在进行冷水浸泡之前应咨询医生。
  • Repeated cold-water immersions during colder seasons have been shown to improve how the body reacts to insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar levels, Mercer noted.
  • 默瑟指出,在寒冷的季节反复浸泡冷水可以改善身体对胰岛素的反应,胰岛素是一种控制血糖水平的激素。
  • This might help reduce the risk of getting diabetes.
  • 这可能有助于降低患糖尿病的风险。
  • It also might help people with the disease control it.
  • 这还可能会帮助患有这种疾病的人控制它。
  • More study is required to know for sure.
  • 需要更多的研究来确定。
  • Cold water immersion also activates brown fat.
  • 冷水浸泡也会激活棕色脂肪组织。
  • This tissue helps keep the body warm and helps it control blood sugar and insulin levels.
  • 这种组织有助于保持身体温暖,并有助于控制血糖和胰岛素水平。
  • It also helps the body burn calories.
  • 它还可以帮助身体燃烧卡路里。
  • I'm John Russell.
  • 约翰·拉塞尔为您播报。


Ice baths are a popular subject on American social media pages.


Kim Kardashian, Harry Styles, Kristen Bell, Lizzo, and other stars have posted about their cold water experiences.


Health claims surrounding ice baths include improved mood, increased energy, weight loss and reduced inflammation.


But the science linked to some of those claims is not very strong.


Here is what medical evidence, experts and fans say about cold water baths, an activity that dates back hundreds of years.


Since June 2020, Dan O'Conor has jumped into Lake Michigan almost daily.


The 55-year-old man lives in the city of Chicago.


O'Conor used the term endorphins - "feel good" hormones released in reaction to pain, stress, exercise and other activitiesto talk about his experience.


"The endorphin rush ... is an incredible way to wake up and just kind of shock the body and get the engine going," he said on a recent morning when the air temperature was minus-5 Celsius.


With the lake temperature at 1 degree Celsius, O'Conor did a running jump into the icy gray water.


His first jump came early in the pandemic.


O'Conor had too much alcohol and his wife was angry at him.


She told him to "go jump in the lake."


The common saying is not usually received as a real command.


But, O'Conor acted on it.


He says the water felt good that June day, so he kept jumping in every day following.


As the water grew colder with seasonal change, the good effect was even greater, he said.


"My mental health is a lot stronger, a lot brighter.


I found some zen down here coming down and jumping into the lake and shocking that body," O'Conor said.


Dr. Will Cronenwett of Northwestern University's Feinberg medical school tried cold-water immersion once while visiting Scandinavian friends.


After a sauna, he jumped into the ice-cold water for a few minutes.


He said it was a powerful experience.


But Cronenwett says studying cold water immersion with a kind of scientific study known as a randomized controlled trial is difficult.


This is because it is hard to develop a placebo for cold water baths.


A placebo is something that has no effect.


Placebos are important because scientific tests need to compare the possible effect of something with something else that does not have any physical effect.


There are a few ideas about how cold water immersion affects the mind.


Cronenwett says it makes the part of the nervous system that controls the resting state more active.


Such an effect may increase feelings of well-being.


Cold water immersion also affects the part of the nervous system that controls the fight-or-flight stress reaction.


Cold water treatment on a usual basis may reduce that reaction.


So, Cronenwett said, it might help people feel better able to deal with other stresses in their lives, although that is not proven.


Czech researchers found that cold water immersion can increase blood levels of dopamineanother hormoneby 250 percent.


High amounts have been linked with paranoia and aggression, noted James Mercer of the Arctic University of Norway.


Mercer co-wrote a recent scientific paper that examined studies on the treatment.


Cold water immersion raises blood pressure and increases stress on the heart.


Studies have shown this is safe for healthy people and the effects are only temporary.


But sometimes these effects can cause the heart to beat unevenly and can cause death, Cronenwett said.


People with heart conditions or a family history of early heart disease should talk with a doctor before doing cold water immersion, he said.


Repeated cold-water immersions during colder seasons have been shown to improve how the body reacts to insulin, a hormone that controls blood sugar levels, Mercer noted.


This might help reduce the risk of getting diabetes.


It also might help people with the disease control it.


More study is required to know for sure.


Cold water immersion also activates brown fat.


This tissue helps keep the body warm and helps it control blood sugar and insulin levels.


It also helps the body burn calories.


I'm John Russell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
inflammation [.inflə'meiʃən]


n. 发炎,红肿,炎症

aggression [ə'greʃən]


n. 进攻,侵犯,侵害,侵略

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

controlled [kən'trəuld]


adj. 受约束的;克制的;受控制的 v. 控制;指挥;

incredible [in'kredəbl]


adj. 难以置信的,惊人的

evidence ['evidəns]


n. 根据,证据
v. 证实,证明

insulin ['insjulin]


n. 胰岛素

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重





