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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Designers are increasingly using different kinds of materials to produce products that do not harm the environment.
  • 设计师越来越多地使用不同种类的材料来生产对环境无害的产品。
  • Reused plastic bottles, wood, plant fiber, and even seaweed are being used in place of traditional materials for household goods and clothing.
  • 可重复使用的塑料瓶、木材、植物纤维,甚至海藻都被用来代替家居用品和服装所使用的传统材料。
  • Nina Edwards Anker's sconces and chandeliers look like ancient pieces of paper placed around electronic lights known as LEDs.
  • 尼娜·爱德华兹·安克设计的烛台和枝形吊灯看起来就像是放在被称为LED灯的电子灯周围的古老纸片。
  • But a closer look shows that they are made of algae.
  • 但仔细观察后就会发现,它们是由海藻制成的。
  • Anker came up with the idea while working on a doctoral research project at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design.
  • 安克是在奥斯陆建筑与设计学院进行博士研究项目时产生这个想法的。
  • Anker chose not to hide the dried algae.
  • 安克选择不把干海藻藏起来。
  • "From the beginning, we wanted to keep the integrity of the material, and display its unique properties," Anker said.
  • 安克说:“从一开始,我们就希望保持材料的完整性,并展示其独特的特性。”
  • She is one of many designers thinking about traditional materials.
  • 她是众多考虑传统材料的设计师之一。
  • She wants to find ways to mix design ideas with production and supply methods that do not use up resources.
  • 她希望找到将设计理念与生产相结合的方法,并提供不消耗资源的方法。
  • Heimtextil is an international trade show, or fair, for new textiles in Frankfurt, Germany.
  • Heimtextil是德国法兰克福新纺织品国际贸易展览会。
  • This year's fair placed attention on making new products that came from reused materials.
  • 今年的展览会将注意力集中在利用再回收利用的材料制造的新产品上。
  • Olaf Schmidt is Heimtextil's vice president of textiles and textile technology.
  • 奥拉夫·施密特是Heimtextil负责纺织品和纺织品技术的副总裁。
  • "We'll see companies demonstrating how inorganic materials like nylon, plastic and metal can be reused – for example, carpet tiles that can be dismantled at the end of their life and used as a raw material for new tiles," he said.
  • 他说:“我们将会看到企业展示尼龙、塑料和金属等无机材料是如何被再利用的——例如,小方地毯可以在使用寿命结束时拆卸,然后用作新地毯的原材料”。
  • He added, "And there's seaweed, used to produce acoustic mats and panels that provide great insulation, are fire-resistant and regulate humidity well...At the end of their life, the panels can be shredded and reused."
  • 他还说,“海藻可以用来生产隔音垫和提供良好的隔热、防火和调节湿度的隔板……在它们的使用寿命结束时,这些隔板可以被粉碎并重复使用。”
  • Fashion industry expert Veronika Lipar described the field's most important change – a move to sustainability.
  • 时尚业专家韦罗妮卡·利帕尔描述了该领域最重要的变化——朝着可持续发展的方向发展。
  • She said, "The industry is trying to minimize its" effect "on the environment and no longer be the biggest polluter."
  • 她说:“该行业正试图将其对环境的影响降至最低,不再是最大的污染者。”
  • Patagonia, North Face and Timberland are among the companies now using natural materials to produce goods.
  • 巴塔哥尼亚、北面和添柏岚等公司如今都在使用天然材料生产商品。
  • Italian company Frumat has developed a plant-based leather made from the waste created by apple juice makers.
  • 意大利公司Frumat开发了一种植物皮革,这种皮革是由苹果汁生产商产生的废物制成的。
  • Two Mexican developers, Adrian Lopez Velarde and Marte Cazarez, have created a leather they call "Desserto" using nopal cactus leaves.
  • 两位墨西哥研发者,艾德里安·洛佩斯·韦拉德和玛特·卡萨雷斯,用胭脂掌的叶子制作了一种他们称之为“Desserto”的皮革。
  • Cactus plants are of interest to new material developers because they can live in hot climates and poor soil.
  • 仙人掌植物引起了新材料研发者的兴趣,因为它们可以在炎热的气候和贫瘠的土壤中生活。
  • Pinatex helps support farms in the Philippines by using waste from the pineapple harvest to create material that is sold to makers of shoes, clothing and other products.
  • Pinatex利用收割菠萝产生的废料制造鞋子、服装等产品的原料,从而为菲律宾的农场提供支持。
  • And Bolt Threads, a company based in California, created Mylo, a mycelium-based leather that is used by companies like Adidas, Lululemon and designer Stella McCartney.
  • 总部位于加利福尼亚州的Bolt Threads公司创造了Mylo,这是一种以菌丝为基础的皮革,阿迪达斯、露露乐蒙等公司和设计师斯特拉·麦卡特尼都使用这种皮革。
  • I'm John Russell.
  • 约翰·拉塞尔为您播报。


Designers are increasingly using different kinds of materials to produce products that do not harm the environment.


Reused plastic bottles, wood, plant fiber, and even seaweed are being used in place of traditional materials for household goods and clothing.


Nina Edwards Anker's sconces and chandeliers look like ancient pieces of paper placed around electronic lights known as LEDs.


But a closer look shows that they are made of algae.


Anker came up with the idea while working on a doctoral research project at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design.


Anker chose not to hide the dried algae.


"From the beginning, we wanted to keep the integrity of the material, and display its unique properties," Anker said.


She is one of many designers thinking about traditional materials.


She wants to find ways to mix design ideas with production and supply methods that do not use up resources.


Heimtextil is an international trade show, or fair, for new textiles in Frankfurt, Germany.


This year's fair placed attention on making new products that came from reused materials.


Olaf Schmidt is Heimtextil's vice president of textiles and textile technology.


"We'll see companies demonstrating how inorganic materials like nylon, plastic and metal can be reusedfor example, carpet tiles that can be dismantled at the end of their life and used as a raw material for new tiles," he said.


He added, "And there's seaweed, used to produce acoustic mats and panels that provide great insulation, are fire-resistant and regulate humidity well...At the end of their life, the panels can be shredded and reused."


Fashion industry expert Veronika Lipar described the field's most important changea move to sustainability.


She said, "The industry is trying to minimize its" effect "on the environment and no longer be the biggest polluter."


Patagonia, North Face and Timberland are among the companies now using natural materials to produce goods.


Italian company Frumat has developed a plant-based leather made from the waste created by apple juice makers.


Two Mexican developers, Adrian Lopez Velarde and Marte Cazarez, have created a leather they call "Desserto" using nopal cactus leaves.


Cactus plants are of interest to new material developers because they can live in hot climates and poor soil.


Pinatex helps support farms in the Philippines by using waste from the pineapple harvest to create material that is sold to makers of shoes, clothing and other products.


And Bolt Threads, a company based in California, created Mylo, a mycelium-based leather that is used by companies like Adidas, Lululemon and designer Stella McCartney.

总部位于加利福尼亚州的Bolt Threads公司创造了Mylo,这是一种以菌丝为基础的皮革,阿迪达斯、露露乐蒙等公司和设计师斯特拉·麦卡特尼都使用这种皮革。

I'm John Russell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
produce [prə'dju:s]


n. 产品,农作物
vt. 生产,提出,引起,

humidity [hju:'miditi]


n. 湿度,湿气

regulate ['regju.leit,'regjuleit]


vt. 管理,调整,控制

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

inorganic ['inɔ:'gænik]


adj. 无机的,无生物的,非自然生长的

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

textile ['tekstail]


n. 纺织品

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

integrity [in'tegriti]


n. 诚实,正直,完整,完善





