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来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Nina Huang is a California high school student who is thinking about where she wants to go for college.
  • 尼娜·黄是加州的一名高中生,她正在考虑去哪里上大学。
  • Until recently, she was considering Oberlin College in the state of Ohio.
  • 直到最近,她还在考虑俄亥俄州的奥伯林学院。
  • Huang, who plays flute and piano, hopes to one day also study medicine or law.
  • 会吹长笛和弹钢琴的黄希望有一天也能学习医学或法律。
  • Oberlin is known for having strong academic and music programs.
  • 奥伯林学院以其强大的学术和音乐课程而闻名。
  • But last month, she changed her mind.
  • 但上个月,她改变了主意。
  • “I don’t want to go to school in a state where there is an abortion ban,” she said.
  • 她说:“我不想在一个禁止堕胎的州上学”。
  • Ohio is one of the states that now has strong restrictions on abortion, a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy.
  • 俄亥俄州是目前对堕胎有严格限制的州之一,堕胎是一种结束妊娠的医疗程序。
  • On June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade case that protected abortion rights throughout the United States.
  • 6月24日,美国最高法院推翻了保护全美堕胎权的1973年罗伊诉韦德案。
  • The court’s decision permits individual states to go back to old rules or put new restrictions on abortion in place.
  • 最高法院的裁决允许各州恢复旧规则或对堕胎实施新的限制条例。
  • Huang had been thinking Oberlin’s good academic reputation and strong music classes might make it a good fit for her.
  • 黄一直认为奥伯林学院良好的学术声誉和强大的音乐课程可能会很适合她。
  • But not anymore.
  • 但现在不是了。
  • Huang is not the only high school student re-thinking their college choices.
  • 黄并不是唯一一个重新考虑大学选择的高中生。
  • Samira Murad is a high school student in New York City.
  • 萨米拉·穆拉德是纽约市的一名高中生。
  • She said she is worried about going to college in a state where she will not be free to be herself.
  • 她说,她担心在一个她不能自由做自己的州上大学。
  • She said, “I’m still finding out who I am … I don’t want to move somewhere I can’t be myself because of laws put in place.”
  • 她说:“我还在探寻我是谁……我不想搬到一个因为现行法律而使我不能做自己的地方。”
  • It is still too soon for data to show whether fewer people are applying to college in Ohio and other states that now have strict laws on abortion.
  • 如今还没有数据表明,在俄亥俄州等实行严格堕胎法律的州,申请大学的人数是否有所下降。
  • But some college counselors say they are already talking with students who are crossing their “dream school” off their lists.
  • 但一些大学顾问表示,他们已经在与那些把他们的“梦想学校”从他们的清单上划掉的学生进行交流。
  • Daniel Santos runs the Florida-based college counseling service Prepory.
  • 丹尼尔·桑托斯是总部设在佛罗里达州的大学咨询服务公司Prepory的负责人。
  • “Some of our students,” he said, “will not apply to colleges and universities in states which may infringe on their access to reproductive rights.”
  • “我们的一些学生,”他说,“不会申请那些可能会侵犯他们生育权的州的学院和大学。”
  • Kristin Willmott works with students at a company called Top Tier Admissions in Massachusetts.
  • 克里斯汀·威尔莫特在马萨诸塞州一家名为Top Tier Admissions的公司与学生一起共事。
  • She said some students are removing schools in Florida and Texas from their application lists because of abortion restrictions.
  • 她说,由于堕胎限制条例,一些学生将佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州的学校从申请清单中删除。
  • Florida and Texas are among the states with strong anti-abortion laws.
  • 佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州是反堕胎法较为严苛的州。
  • Although there is no data yet on how the Supreme Court decision may affect application numbers, there are past examples to consider.
  • 尽管目前还没有数据表明最高法院的裁决可能会如何影响大学的申请数量,但过去的例子值得参考。
  • Jayson Weingarten works for Ivy Coach in New York.
  • 杰森·温加滕在纽约的Ivy Coach工作。
  • He helps students think about colleges.
  • 他帮助学生考虑大学的事情。
  • He said that, in 2016, some students told him they no longer wanted to apply to top colleges in North Carolina after the state put a controversial law in place that year.
  • 他说,2016年,在北卡罗来纳州实施了一项有争议的法律后,一些学生告诉他,他们不再想申请北卡罗来纳州的顶尖大学。
  • The law restricted which bathrooms transgender people could use.
  • 这项法律限制了跨性别者可以使用的卫生间。
  • But many still chose to attend both Duke University and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC).
  • 但许多人仍然选择了杜克大学和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校。
  • In fact, the number of students who applied to UNC in 2017 went up by 14 percent compared to the year before.
  • 事实上,2017年申请北卡罗来纳大学的学生人数比前一年增加了14%。
  • The state of Texas put a restrictive abortion law in place nearly one year ago.
  • 近一年前,得克萨斯州实施了一项限制性堕胎法。
  • Shahreen Abedin is a spokesperson for the University of Texas' medical school.
  • 沙林·阿贝丁是得克萨斯大学医学院的发言人。
  • Abedin said that the school has not seen a drop in applications since the law went into effect on September 1, 2021.
  • 阿贝丁说,自该法律于2021年9月1日生效以来,该校的申请人数没有下降。
  • Alexis Prisco is one student who is rethinking her plans.
  • 亚历克西斯·普里斯科是一名正在重新考虑自己计划的学生。
  • Prisco is a 17-year-old high school student from Maryland.
  • 普里斯科是一名来自马里兰州的17岁高中生。
  • She wanted to apply to Washington University, a top school in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • 她想申请华盛顿大学,这是一所位于密苏里州圣路易斯市的顶尖学校。
  • Both of her parents went there.
  • 她的父母都去过那里。
  • But now that Missouri is a state with strong abortion restrictions, she is worried.
  • 但现在密苏里州有严格的堕胎限制条例,她很担心。
  • She said her mother warned her about applying to colleges in states that had strong anti-abortion laws set to take effect after the Supreme Court decision.
  • 她说,她的母亲警告她不要申请那些有严苛的反堕胎法的州的大学,这些反堕胎法会在最高法院的裁决后生效。
  • Washington University did not answer questions sent by the Reuters news agency for this story.
  • 华盛顿大学没有回答路透社就此报道提出的问题。
  • Oberlin also did not provide a comment.
  • 奥伯林学院也没有发表评论。
  • Washington University pointed reporters to a recent story on the school’s website reacting to the decision.
  • 华盛顿大学向记者提到了该校网站上最近对这一裁决做出反应的一篇报道。
  • The university leader and the leader of the school of medicine wrote: “This is a painful moment for many in our society.”
  • 该大学领导和医学院领导写道:“对于我们社会中的许多人来说,这是一个痛苦的时刻。”
  • The university leaders said they understand many people are feeling “frustrated, disappointed and even scared of what this decision may mean.”
  • 该校领导表示,他们理解许多人“对这一裁决可能意味着什么感到沮丧、失望,甚至害怕”。
  • Sabrina Thaler is a student in Maryland.
  • 萨布丽娜·泰勒是马里兰州的一名学生。
  • The 16-year-old said she has been thinking about an important abortion-related question since May, when an early version of the Supreme Court’s decision was leaked.
  • 这位16岁的女孩说,自从5月份最高法院裁决的早期版本被泄露以来,她一直在思考一个与堕胎有关的重要问题。
  • She said she asked this question in a recent class discussion: "What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is banned and I get raped and then I don’t have the option to have an abortion?"
  • 她说,她在最近的一次课堂讨论中问了这个问题:“如果我去一所禁止堕胎的州上大学,我被强奸了,然后我没有堕胎的选择,怎么办?”
  • I’m Dan Friedell.
  • 丹·弗里德尔为您播报。


Nina Huang is a California high school student who is thinking about where she wants to go for college.


Until recently, she was considering Oberlin College in the state of Ohio.


Huang, who plays flute and piano, hopes to one day also study medicine or law.


Oberlin is known for having strong academic and music programs.


But last month, she changed her mind.


I dont want to go to school in a state where there is an abortion ban,” she said.


Ohio is one of the states that now has strong restrictions on abortion, a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy.


On June 24, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade case that protected abortion rights throughout the United States.


The courts decision permits individual states to go back to old rules or put new restrictions on abortion in place.


Huang had been thinking Oberlins good academic reputation and strong music classes might make it a good fit for her.


But not anymore.


Huang is not the only high school student re-thinking their college choices.


Samira Murad is a high school student in New York City.


She said she is worried about going to college in a state where she will not be free to be herself.


She said, “Im still finding out who I amI dont want to move somewhere I cant be myself because of laws put in place.”


It is still too soon for data to show whether fewer people are applying to college in Ohio and other states that now have strict laws on abortion.


But some college counselors say they are already talking with students who are crossing theirdream schooloff their lists.


Daniel Santos runs the Florida-based college counseling service Prepory.


Some of our students,” he said, “will not apply to colleges and universities in states which may infringe on their access to reproductive rights.”


Kristin Willmott works with students at a company called Top Tier Admissions in Massachusetts.

克里斯汀·威尔莫特在马萨诸塞州一家名为Top Tier Admissions的公司与学生一起共事。

She said some students are removing schools in Florida and Texas from their application lists because of abortion restrictions.


Florida and Texas are among the states with strong anti-abortion laws.


Although there is no data yet on how the Supreme Court decision may affect application numbers, there are past examples to consider.


Jayson Weingarten works for Ivy Coach in New York.

杰森·温加滕在纽约的Ivy Coach工作。

He helps students think about colleges.


He said that, in 2016, some students told him they no longer wanted to apply to top colleges in North Carolina after the state put a controversial law in place that year.


The law restricted which bathrooms transgender people could use.


But many still chose to attend both Duke University and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UNC).


In fact, the number of students who applied to UNC in 2017 went up by 14 percent compared to the year before.


The state of Texas put a restrictive abortion law in place nearly one year ago.


Shahreen Abedin is a spokesperson for the University of Texas' medical school.


Abedin said that the school has not seen a drop in applications since the law went into effect on September 1, 2021.


Alexis Prisco is one student who is rethinking her plans.


Prisco is a 17-year-old high school student from Maryland.


She wanted to apply to Washington University, a top school in St. Louis, Missouri.


Both of her parents went there.


But now that Missouri is a state with strong abortion restrictions, she is worried.


She said her mother warned her about applying to colleges in states that had strong anti-abortion laws set to take effect after the Supreme Court decision.


Washington University did not answer questions sent by the Reuters news agency for this story.


Oberlin also did not provide a comment.


Washington University pointed reporters to a recent story on the schools website reacting to the decision.


The university leader and the leader of the school of medicine wrote: “This is a painful moment for many in our society.”


The university leaders said they understand many people are feelingfrustrated, disappointed and even scared of what this decision may mean.”


Sabrina Thaler is a student in Maryland.


The 16-year-old said she has been thinking about an important abortion-related question since May, when an early version of the Supreme Courts decision was leaked.


She said she asked this question in a recent class discussion: "What if I go to a college in a state where abortion is banned and I get raped and then I dont have the option to have an abortion?"


Im Dan Friedell.



重点单词   查看全部解释    
pregnancy ['pregnənsi]


n. 怀孕

academic [.ækə'demik]


adj. 学术的,学院的,理论的

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

disappointed [.disə'pɔintid]


adj. 失望的

overturn [.əuvə'tə:n]


v. 推翻,颠覆
n. 倾覆,打翻,革命

strict [strikt]


adj. 严格的,精确的,完全的

controversial [.kɔntrə'və:ʃəl]


adj. 引起争论的,有争议的

affect [ə'fekt]


vt. 影响,作用,感动

comment ['kɔment]


n. 注释,评论; 闲话
v. 注释,评论

flute [flu:t]


n. 长笛 vi. 吹长笛,发出笛声 vt. 制或刻垂直





