1. pour into (人)大量涌入(或涌出),蜂拥;
Crowds of people poured into the square from all directions.
人们从四面八方涌进广场 。
2. be filled with 布满;使遍及;
The room wa s filled with a motley collection of furniture and paintings.
屋子里摆满了五花八门的家具和绘画 。
3. run for 参加选举;竞选;
He has already stated his intention to run for election.
他已声明打算参加竞选 。
4. succeed in 达到目的;成功做成;办到;
He succeeded in carving out a career in the media.
他已在传媒界闯出了一片天地 。
n. 公众的注意,宣传,宣扬,宣传品,广告