1.pick up steam 渐渐加速;增加实力
His election campaign is beginning to pick up steam.
2.hard-liner 不妥协者;主张采取强硬路线者
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has named Sharon, the number one hard-liner in the government, the Foreign Minister.
以色列总理内塔尼亚胡任命以色列政府中头号强硬派人物沙龙为外交部长 。
3.on the defensive 处于防御状态
The team was thrown on the defensive as their opponents rallied.
该队在对手重整旗鼓后, 被迫采取守势 。
4.out of step 不合拍;步调不一致
Against that backdrop, your company's rigid no-flextime policy seems out of step with the times.
在这种大背景下,贵公司严苛的无弹性工作时间政策有些落伍于时代了 。
5.oppose to 反对
We advocate mutual respect and equality, and oppose to the big, strong and rich bullying the small, weak and poor.
我们坚持互相尊重、平等相待,反对以大欺小、以强凌弱、以富压贫 。