Muchof modern U.S. and allied warfare and defense, as well as a great deal of themodern way of life, are heavily dependent on U.S. assets in space. Because ofthis, the United States has determined that space -- like air, land, sea, andcyberspace -- is a domain requiring defense, or a “warfighting domain.”
Thatis why the United States has established its newest unified geographiccombatant command: The U.S. Space Command.
“Thedangers to our country constantly evolve, and so must we,” said U.S. PresidentDonald Trump:
“Ouradversaries are weaponizing Earth’s orbits with new technology targetingAmerican satellites that are critical to both battlefield operations and ourway of life at home. Our freedom to operate in space is also essential todetecting and destroying any missiles launched against the United States.”
TheSpace Command elevates existing assets residing within different branches ofthe U.S. military and organizes military personnel already working on spaceissues. It is separate from a planned Space Force that is awaitingCongressional approval and would be a sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces.The Space Command will join 10 other U.S. joint military commands that coordinatethe operation and control of U.S. military forces across all branches indefined areas of geographic and strategic importance.
TheSpace Command’s primary goals are to deter conflicts from extending into spaceand to protect and defend critical U.S. and allied space assets.
“Althoughspace is a warfighting domain, our goal is to actually deter a conflict fromextending into space,” said General John Raymond, Commander of the Space Force.“The best way I know how to do that is to be prepared to fight and win ifdeterrence were to fail.”
Thenew Space Command also aims to more effectively coordinate U.S. efforts inspace with those of allies. The United States will work with partners todeliver communications, intelligence, navigation, and early missile detectionand warning around the globe. Space Command will also oversee joint militaryexercises.
Partnerscurrently involved in collaborating with Space Command include Australia,Canada, and the United Kingdom, as well as France and Germany.
Butexpanding that list will be a top priority, said General Raymond.
“SPACECOMwill ensure that America’s dominance in space is never questioned and neverthreatened,” said President Trump, “because we know the best way to preventconflict is to prepare for victory.”
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