1.custom-built 定做
The machine was custom-built by Steve Roberts.
这台机器是请史蒂夫·罗伯茨定做的 。
2.array of 一大批
I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.
我面对的是一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关 。
3.scale up 提高
Simply scaling up a size 10 garment often leads to disaster.
只是将 10 号衣服改大的话结果往往会很不理想 。
4.nutritional deficiencies 营养不良
By assessing your food intake, a registered dietitian can also spot nutritional deficiencies.
通过评估你的食物摄入量,注册营养师也可以发现营养不足的问题 。
5.pick up 捡起
We drove to the airport the next morning to pick up Susan
我们第二天早晨开车去机场接苏姗 。