1.most of 大多数
Most of the experiences herein concern cancer.
本文中大多数的经历都和癌症有关 。
2.take a picture 拍照
I decided that I'd go and, like, take a picture of him while he was in the shower.
我决定我要去,嗯,拍一张他的冲凉照 。
3.surprised by 惊讶
I am surprised by the fuss she's making. It's not as if my personality has changed.
她的大惊小怪令我很吃惊 。显然不是我的个性改变了 。
4.turn out 结果
Cosgrave's forecast turned out to be quite wrong.
科斯格雷夫的预测最后证明是大错特错 。
5.instead of 而不是
We did the logo in lower-case letters instead of capitals.
我们的徽标用了小写字母,没用大写 。