1) What has Goldman Sachs taken?
a) a break
b) gold medals
c) the Olympic torch
d) the lead
2) What did economists from the bank put together?
a) differences
b) money
c) their heads
d) medals
3) In what position did the bank predict Great Britain would finish?
a) upright
b) third
c) last
d) a sound position
4) How many medals did the bank predict Great Britain would win?
a) 50
b) 1
c) 23
d) 59
5) How many gold medals did the bank predict India would win?
a) 1
b) 50
c) 23
d) 59
6) What kind of news was there for Brazil?
a) medal news
b) weather news
c) bad news
d) good news
7) How many more medals does a host nation usually get?
a) just a few
b) 20% more
c) 50% more
d) 17
8) What did the bank say the Olympics would benefit?
a) its profits
b) golf
c) Copacabana Beach
d) Brazil's economy
9) Who will Brazil welcome thousands of?
a) Brazilians
b) VIPs
c) visitors and athletes
d) soccer fans
10) What kind of style did the article say the Rio Olympics would be in?
a) classical style
b) Brazil-style
c) samba
d) perfect style