1) How much carbon dioxide did scientists pump into the ground?
a) 2,000 tons
b) 220 tons
c) 200 tons
d) 212 tons
2) What is the stone that the CO2 changed into similar to?
a) coal
b) quartz
c) diamond
d) limestone
3) What surprised the team about the conversion of CO2 to stone?
a) the speed
b) the smell
c) the cost
d) the birds
4) How long did it take 95% of the CO2 to turn to stone?
a) over two years
b) around two years
c) less than two years
d) two years and a day
5) What word did the lead scientist use to express his surprise?
a) yes
b) wow
c) gosh
d) awesome
6) What kind of scale do the scientists hope the experiment will go to?
a) a larger, industrial scale
b) lime scale
c) a digital scale
d) a volcanic scale
7) What does the abbreviation CCS mean?
a) captive carbon steam
b) CO2 carbon site
c) carbon capture storage
d) coal-carbon system
8) What happened to CO2 in previous attempts at pump it underground?
a) it leaked
b) it exploded
c) it became toxic
d) nothing
9) How did Dr Matter feel about his team's experiments?
a) enthusiastic
b) disappointed
c) hopeful
d) positive
10) What kind of storage did Dr Matter call his procedure?
a) ulterior preeminent storage
b) timely pre-emptive storage
c) ultra-prominent storage
d) ultimate permanent storage