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NEWS Plus慢速英语:中国春节期间烟花燃放量减少 大熊猫双胞胎取名奥林匹亚和福娃

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  • Now the news continues.
  • 现在继续报道新闻。
  • Fewer fireworks were used across China in the Lunar New Year, as it was banned in many places over air pollution concerns.
  • 由于担心空气污染,许多地方禁止燃放烟花,因此中国春节期间燃放的烟花爆竹减少。
  • Two thirds of people polled in 35 major Chinese cities last year were in favor of fireworks bans at Spring Festival.
  • 一项在中国35个主要城市进行的调查显示,去年全国三分之二的居民表示支持春节期间的禁放令。
  • The research was done by the center for public opinion research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • 这项调查由上海交通大学民意与舆情调查研究中心实施。
  • Public concerns over air quality means people routinely check air quality and wear masks, and many own air purifiers at home.
  • 因为担心空气质量,民众会定期检查空气状况、戴口罩出门,并在家里添置空气净化器。
  • Data from the Ministry of Environmental Protection suggests that air quality only improved marginally last year in the area around Beijing.
  • 环保部公布的数据显示,去年只有北京周边地区的空气质量稍有改善。
  • In Shanghai, fireworks are banned completely downtown, and firework purchases require real name registration to track violators.
  • 在上海,市中心全面禁止燃放烟花,为了能追踪违规者,市民购买烟花爆竹时要进行实名登记。
  • A total of 140 cities in China have banned fireworks, while another 540 cities have restrictions in place.
  • 中国共有140个城市禁止燃放烟花,另有540个城市实行限放令。
  • Fewer fireworks have made sanitation workers' life easier.
  • 烟花爆竹燃放量减少也减轻了清洁工的工作负担。
  • They cleaned up 80 percent less firework waste in Shanghai this year.
  • 今年,上海清洁工清扫的烟花垃圾减少了80%。
  • In nearby Hangzhou, the host city of this year's G20 summit,
  • 邻近上海的杭州市是今年G20峰会的主办城市,
  • fireworks have been banned for the whole year, and police have offered rewards for reporting any sales, storage, transportation or setting off of fireworks.
  • 杭州市全年禁止燃放烟花爆竹,警方将对举报非法销售、储存、运输和燃放烟花爆竹行为的市民给予奖励。
  • But some people are concerned that the ban kills off a tradition, calling fireworks makers to develop more environmentally friendly alternatives.
  • 但是,也有人担心禁放令会破坏传统,并呼吁烟花制造商制造更多环保烟花做为替代选择。
  • You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.
  • 您正在收听NEWS Plus慢速英语,刘岩(音译)从北京为您报道新闻。
  • Giant panda researchers in southwest China's Sichuan Province have named a pair of panda cubs, after receiving more than 3,000 responses.
  • 中国西南部四川省的大熊猫研究人员收到了3000余个征名回复后,决定了一对大熊猫双胞胎的名字。
  • The winning names are "Olympia" and "Fuwa", and were posted by the president of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach.
  • 最终确定的名字为国际奥委会主席托马斯·巴赫取的“奥林匹亚”和“福娃”。
  • Both names came out on top after five pairs of names were put up for a final vote.
  • 这两个名字在五对名字进行的最终投票中排名首位。
  • "Fuwa" is the name of the mascots for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
  • “福娃”是2008年北京奥运会吉祥物的名称。
  • After the twins were born in June, the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Center launched the project to solicit names for the cubs between July and September.
  • 2015年6月,这对大熊猫双胞胎出生,成都大熊猫繁育研究基地随即启动这对大熊猫双胞胎的征名活动,活动时间为2015年7月至9月。
  • More than 3,000 responses, including 900 from outside the Chinese mainland, were submitted through Sina Weibo microblog, messaging app WeChat and e-mail.
  • 在征名期间,共收到大熊猫粉丝通过微博、微信、邮箱发来的投稿共计3000余封,其中境外900余封。
  • The twin sisters have attracted great attention worldwide because of their famous family.
  • 这对雌性双胞胎幼仔因为它们著名的家庭吸引了全世界的广泛关注。
  • Their mother "Kelin" is well known for a photo showing her watching a "panda porn" video.
  • 它们的妈妈是因一张观看“熊猫AV”的图片而名动全球的“科琳”。
  • The photo was chosen by the United States' Time Magazine as one of the "Most Surprising Photos of 2013".
  • 这张照片曾入选美国《时代》周刊“2013年最惊奇图片”。
  • The twins' grandfather "Cobi" was named by former president of the International Olympic Committee Juan Antonio Samaranch in 1992.
  • 它们的外祖父是“科比”,由前国际奥委会主席胡安·安东尼奥·萨马兰奇在1992年亲自命名。



Now the news continues.
Fewer fireworks were used across China in the Lunar New Year, as it was banned in many places over air pollution concerns.
Two thirds of people polled in 35 major Chinese cities last year were in favor of fireworks bans at Spring Festival. The research was done by the center for public opinion research at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
Public concerns over air quality means people routinely check air quality and wear masks, and many own air purifiers at home. Data from the Ministry of Environmental Protection suggests that air quality only improved marginally last year in the area around Beijing.
In Shanghai, fireworks are banned completely downtown, and firework purchases require real name registration to track violators.
A total of 140 cities in China have banned fireworks, while another 540 cities have restrictions in place.
Fewer fireworks have made sanitation workers' life easier. They cleaned up 80 percent less firework waste in Shanghai this year.
In nearby Hangzhou, the host city of this year's G20 summit, fireworks have been banned for the whole year, and police have offered rewards for reporting any sales, storage, transportation or setting off of fireworks.
But some people are concerned that the ban kills off a tradition, calling fireworks makers to develop more environmentally friendly alternatives.


成都大熊猫双胞胎取名 “奥林匹亚”和“福娃”.jpg


You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.
Giant panda researchers in southwest China's Sichuan Province have named a pair of panda cubs, after receiving more than 3,000 responses.
The winning names are "Olympia" and "Fuwa", and were posted by the president of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach. Both names came out on top after five pairs of names were put up for a final vote.
"Fuwa" is the name of the mascots for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
After the twins were born in June, the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Center launched the project to solicit names for the cubs between July and September. More than 3,000 responses, including 900 from outside the Chinese mainland, were submitted through Sina Weibo microblog, messaging app WeChat and e-mail.
The twin sisters have attracted great attention worldwide because of their famous family.
Their mother "Kelin" is well known for a photo showing her watching a "panda porn" video. The photo was chosen by the United States' Time Magazine as one of the "Most Surprising Photos of 2013". The twins' grandfather "Cobi" was named by former president of the International Olympic Committee Juan Antonio Samaranch in 1992.




重点单词   查看全部解释    
marginally ['mɑ:dʒinəli]


adv. 在边上,边际地 形容词marginal的副词形

protection [prə'tekʃən]


n. 保护,防卫

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

storage ['stɔridʒ]


n. 贮藏,存储,保管,保管费,仓库,[计]存储器

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

summit ['sʌmit]


n. 顶点;最高阶层
vi. 参加最高级会议,

setting ['setiŋ]


n. 安装,放置,周围,环境,(为诗等谱写的)乐曲

solicit [sə'lisit]


vt. 勾引,乞求,设法获得某事物 vi. (妓女)拉客

sanitation [.sæni'teiʃən]


n. 环境卫生(卫生设备,下水道设备)

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案





