1.Where can a teacher now keep her Christmas tree?
a) in the school yard
b) in her classroom
c) in her garden
d) at home
2.What kind or ornaments was the tree adorned with?
a) expensive ones
b) angels
c) Hello Kitty ones
d) handmade ones
3.What kind of Christmas decoration did the principal call the tree?
a) unacceptable
b) ugly
c) beautiful
d) inappropriate
4.Which news agency did the principal talk to?
a) BBC
b) ABC
c) CNN
d) CBC
5.What approach does the school have towards holiday observances?
a) a balanced one
b) a considered
c) two
d) major ones
6.For how long has the tree been in the classroom?
a) years
b) months
c) weeks
d) days
7.What kind of symbols are not on the tree?
a) Christmas ones
b) maths ones
c) beautiful ones
d) religious ones
8.What kind of point in society did the teacher talk about?
a) point blank
b) a point of view
c) a turning point
d) a focal point
9.What did the teacher say is sucked out of everything?
a) education
b) passion
c) money
d) joy
10.What did the teacher say we've become intolerant to?
a) tolerance
b) everything
c) society
d) Christmas